Yazyki Narodov SSSR
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The Languages of the Peoples of the USSR (Russian: Языки народов СССР) is a scholar work in 5 volumes published in Moscow in 1967 by Nauka to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, describing the languages of the Soviet Union in individual chapters.
- 1. Indo-European languages (ИндоевропейÑкие Ñзыки)
- 2. Turkic languages (ТюркÑкие Ñзыки)
- 3. Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic languages (Финно-угорÑкие и ÑамодийÑкие Ñзыки)
- 4. Ibero-Caucasian languages (ИберийÑко-кавказÑкие Ñзыки)
- 5. Mongolic, Tungus-Manchu and Paleosiberian languages (МонгольÑкие, тунгуÑо-маньчжурÑкие и палеоазиатÑкие Ñзыки)