Yossi Green
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Yossi Green is a composer of Jewish music. His works includes some of the greatest hits and classics in Jewish music history. He started his work in the music business in 1973, at the age of 17, composing for Yigal Calek of London Pirchei. He was born in Williamsburg, New York. His nickname is why-gee (YG).
Green lives in Sea Gate, N.Y. (a place best known for all the Jewish music stars that reside there), with his wife Bridgit and children.
He composed Tanya, Aderaba, Daagah Minayin, Didoh Bei, Rotzoh Hakodosh Baruch Hu, and many other songs that have become all-time Jewish Music classics. He also composes songs that use contemporary sounds, like techno. He's specially talented in choosing meaningful lyrics from Torah, Midrash and sometimes even from biographies of famous Rabbis, like the Ramban.
Some of the singers that he has composed for include Avraham Fried, Dedi, Mordechai Ben David. He has composed close to 500 songs stretching over 120 CD's.