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Could this by called Zacatecas city or similar? It should be moved to the most common name used by its inhabitants to differentiate it from the state. The name just looks a bit silly to me, that's all :) --Sam
[edit] Zacatecas
Can anyone edit the info on Zacatecas (state), since January 2005 it has 58 municipalities, the new one is called: "Santa María de la Paz". I took the info from:
- Thanks for the information; I shall do the necessary (although you could have done it, too). I assume both the municipality and the cabecera are called "Santa María de la Paz"? –Hajor 21:21, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Translation Needed
Can someone help me with this passage quoted from History?
El === la separación del === como nación joven, México de Aguascalientes tuvo que decidir a si o no poner el viejo estilo en ejecución español del gobierno. Los liberales en Zacatecas, sin embargo, opusieron esta idea y rebelaron contra el gobierno nacional cuando tomó control. El 11 de mayo de 1835, Francisco García las fuerzas del general derrotó a la 'milicia de s, en batalla de Guadalupe Antonio López de santa Ana. Después de su victoria brutal, las fuerzas de Papá Noel Ana ransacked la ciudad de Zacatecas y las minas de plata de los ricos en Fresnillo. Él entonces concedieron a sus soldados dos días de la violación y el pillaje en quienes mataron a 2000 no-combatientes. Pronto después de esta batalla, presidente Papá Noel Ana comenzó a llamarse “el Napoleon del oeste”. Además de las cantidades grandes de plata tomadas, de Papá Noel Zacatecas castigado Ana separándolo Aguascalientes y declarando un territorio independiente. La pérdida de este territorio dio lugar a un soplo severo a la economía y al alcohol de Zacatecas debido a su terreno agrícola rico.
--Whhalbert 00:12, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
The qoute seems to have been vandalized. For example it has changed Santa Annas name to "Papá Noe". I however know the history of Zacatecas pretty well and can make up most of it:
[edit] The separation of the state of Aguascalientes
As a young nation, Mexico had to decide on wheter or not to put in use the old spanish style execution of government. The liberals in Zacatecas however, opposed this idea and they rebeled against the nacional government when it took control. On 11 May 1835, Francisco García...He then conceded his soldiers to two days of pillage and rape on which they killed 2000 civilians. Soon after this battle, the president Santa Anna, started calling himself "the Napoleon of the West". Adding to the great quantities of silver taken, Santa Anna punished Zacatecas by seperating Aguascalientes and declaring it an independent territory. The loss of this territory came at a bad time and it gave a severe blow to the economy and to the alcohol of Zacatecas due to its rich agriculture land.