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Zeuxilogy is an alternative, perception-based theoretical system for defining musical rhythmic surfaces, developed by Andrei Pogorilowski. Unlike classical rhythm theory which is based on durational relationships between different time-spans, the zeuxilogic theory is grounded on time-related perception phenomena such as entrainment, Gestalt structuring, creptitus threshold, holistic vs. analytical processing of neighboring pulsations, specific rates of attention shift, natural resonance at the level of the human central nervous system, perception vs. estimation of isochronicity etc. That leads to the possibility of describing different time-spans – or inter-onset-intervals (IOIs) – without relating their durations by means of mathematical ratios. Instead, any time-span is directly related to one or more corresponding perceptual phenomena.
Zeuxilogy also includes perception-related definitions for: the thesis-arsis (accent-nonaccent) dichotomy, subjective vs. non-subjective chunking of discrete time structures and it features a specific notation called "the zeuxilogic (or perceptual) notation".