1回归年 = 365.242199174日 = 365天5小时48分46秒
目录 |
[编辑] 細微的區別
由於行星和月球 重力的攝動,地球在軌道上的運動不是很規則的(因此太陽在群星間的視運動也有些不規則)。因此連續兩次通過黃道上選定點的時間會因為點不同而有所差異,而且地球在軌道上的速度會改變(因為軌道是橢圓形而不是圓形)。此外,晝夜平分點在軌道上的位置也會因為歲差而改變,結果是(下面再解釋)一個回歸年的長度會與在黃道上所選擇的太陽必須回歸的點有關聯(在測量時,會與分點的移動一起改變)。
其他的複雜變化:我們可以選擇如何"固定一天的長度" 來測量時間 – 公制的86400秒、定義的原子時、以月亮和行星運動定義的力學時、平太陽日、或地球相對於太陽的自轉。如果使用時鐘來測量平太陽日的時間,可以得到較長的穩定性(相對於使用日晷測定得到穩定期較短的時鐘日)。在一年的期間內,因為太陽日的長度每天都會變化,如同均時差所顯示的,所以必須使用平太陽日。
有如在Error in Statement of Tropical Year的例子,使用"平回歸年"取代上面所提到的"分點年",嚴格來說是一種錯誤。"回歸年"只能用天文上專業的術語"平回歸年",紐康的樣式 – 365.24219天(公制),來取代。分點年的365.2424平太陽日也很重要,因為他是大部分太陽曆的基礎,但是他不是現代天文學中的"回歸年"。
[编辑] 現代的平均值
- 365.242 190 419 SI days
- 365.242 189 670 天〈公制〉。
- 差值〈天〉 = −0.000 000 061 62×天數 〈自2000年起以儒略年顯示的天數〉
[编辑] 不同的長度
- 春分點:365.24237404 + 0.00000010338×a days
- 夏至點:365.24162603 + 0.00000000650×a days
- 秋分點:365.24201767 − 0.00000023150×a days
- 冬至點:365.24274049 − 0.00000012446×a days
The differences between the various types of year are relatively minor for the present configuration of Earth's orbit. On Mars, however, the differences between the different types of years are an order of magnitude greater: vernal equinox year = 668.5907 Martian days (sols), summer solstice year = 668.5880 sols, autumn equinox year = 668.5940 sols, winter solstice year = 668.5958 sols, with the tropical year being 668.5921 sols [1]. This is due to Mars' considerably greater orbital eccentricity.
Earth's orbit goes through cycles of increasing and decreasing eccentricity over a timescale of about 100,000 years (Milankovitch cycles); and its eccentricity can reach as high as about 0.06. In the distant future, therefore, Earth will also have much more divergent values of the various equinox and solstice years.
[编辑] 曆年
This distinction is relevant for calendar studies. The established Hebrew calendar created a mathematical resolution for the differences that arise between the the solar and lunar years so that all Jewish holidays occur at the same season each year. The main Christian moving feast has been Easter. Several different ways of computing the date of Easter were used in early Christian times, but eventually the unified rule was accepted that Easter would be celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon on or after the day of the vernal equinox, which was established to fall on 21 March. The church therefore made it an objective to keep the day of the vernal (spring) equinox on or near 21 March, and the calendar year has to be synchronized with the tropical year as measured by the mean interval between vernal equinoxes. From about AD 1000 the mean tropical year (measured in SI days) has become increasingly shorter than this mean interval between vernal equinoxes (measured in actual days), though the interval between successive vernal equinoxes measured in SI days has become increasingly longer.
Now our current Gregorian calendar has an average year of:
- 365 + 97/400 = 365.2425 days.
Although it is close to the vernal equinox year (in line with the intention of the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582), it is slightly too long, and not an optimal approximation when considering the continued fractions listed below. Note that the approximation of 365 + 8/33 used in the Iranian calendar is even better, and 365 + 8/33 was considered in Rome and England as an alternative for the Catholic Gregorian calendar reform of 1582.
Moreover, modern calculations show that the vernal equinox year has remained between 365.2423 and 365.2424 calendar days (i.e. mean solar days as measured in Universal Time) for the last four millennia and should remain 365.2424 days (to the nearest ten-thousandth of a calendar day) for some millennia to come. This is due to the fortuitous mutual cancellation of most of the factors affecting the length of this particular measure of the tropical year during the current era.
[编辑] 曆法的規則和春分點
曆的規則訂定者 |
古老的埃及 | 365 | = 365. 000 000 000 |
凱撒 | 365 + ¼ | = 365. 250 000 000 |
教皇格里哥利13世 | 365 + ¼ - 3/400 | = 365. 242 500 000 |
Khayyam | 365 + 8/33 | = 365. 24 24 24 24 |
在曆元2000.0的平回歸年 | = 365. 242 190 419 |
von Mädler | 365 + ¼ - 1/128 | = 365. 242 187 500 |
西元2001—2048年的春分點 地球時 (與世界時的差值超過1分鐘) |
2001 | 20 | 13:32 | 2002 | 20 | 19:17 | 2003 | 21 | 01:01 | 2004 | 20 | 06:50 | |||
2005 | 20 | 12:35 | 2006 | 20 | 18:27 | 2007 | 21 | 00:09 | 2008 | 20 | 05:50 | |||
2009 | 20 | 11:45 | 2010 | 20 | 17:34 | 2011 | 20 | 23:22 | 2012 | 20 | 05:16 | |||
2013 | 20 | 11:03 | 2014 | 20 | 16:58 | 2015 | 20 | 22:47 | 2016 | 20 | 04:32 | |||
2017 | 20 | 10:30 | 2018 | 20 | 16:17 | 2019 | 20 | 22:00 | 2020 | 20 | 03:51 | |||
2021 | 20 | 09:39 | 2022 | 20 | 15:35 | 2023 | 20 | 21:26 | 2024 | 20 | 03:08 | |||
2025 | 20 | 09:03 | 2026 | 20 | 14:47 | 2027 | 20 | 20:26 | 2028 | 20 | 02:19 | |||
2029 | 20 | 08:03 | 2030 | 20 | 13:54 | 2031 | 20 | 19:42 | 2032 | 20 | 01:23 | |||
2033 | 20 | 07:24 | 2034 | 20 | 13:19 | 2035 | 20 | 19:04 | 2036 | 20 | 01:04 | |||
2037 | 20 | 06:52 | 2038 | 20 | 12:42 | 2039 | 20 | 18:34 | 2040 | 20 | 00:13 | |||
2041 | 20 | 06:08 | 2042 | 20 | 11:55 | 2043 | 20 | 17:29 | 2044 | 19 | 23:22 | |||
2045 | 20 | 05:09 | 2046 | 20 | 11:00 | 2047 | 20 | 16:54 | 2048 | 19 | 22:36 | |||
來源: Jean Meeus |