Recent efforts1,15 have produced vaccines for both Ebola and Marburg that are 100% effective in protecting a group of monkeys from the disease. Recent tests were conducted at USAMRIID in collaboration with Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. A dutch company Crucell has also announced a successful tests of their commercial vaccine in monkeys. No human testing has yet been announced for any of these filovirus vaccines. Earlier vaccine efforts, like the one at NAIAD14 in 2003 that was entering human trials have so far not reported any successes. --Zephirum 13:26 2005年7月14日 (UTC)
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先前內容已有許多不符今日研究結果,將以英文版打底,重新行文--Droxiang 19:54 2006年12月18日 (UTC)