德州撲克(英語Texas hold 'em)是最流行的公共牌撲克遊戲,也是大多數美國賭場內最廣受歡迎的撲克變種。[1] [2] 無限注形式德州撲克,是世界撲克大賽(World Series of Poker)(WSOP)和世界撲克巡迴賽(World Poker Tour)的主要比賽項目。雖然理論上多達22名(如不銷牌則23名)牌手可同時參與,德州撲克通常是2至10人遊戲。德州撲克是最具位置性的撲克變種之一,因為所有輪數的下注次序維持不變。德州撲克在美國以外也十分流行,但在某些地方可能不及七張梭哈(seven-card stud)、奧馬哈撲克(Omaha hold 'em)和其他遊戲。
目录 |
[编辑] 規例
以下敍述假定讀者熟悉一般撲克玩法和撲克牌型。有關題目的基本介紹見撲克、撲克牌型、 撲克機會率和撲克術語。
[编辑] 目標
[编辑] 下注形式
德州撲克通常規定大小兩個盲注(blinds)(也可兼用底注(ante),特別在是撲克賽較後階段)。坐在發牌人位置的牌手,前面有按鈕(button)作顯示; 發牌人按紐每局以順時針方向移動一個位置,發牌人和盲注位置隨之變動。發牌人左方的牌手須下「小盲注」,金額等於大盲注的一半。小盲注牌手左方的牌手須下「大盲注」,金額等於最低下注額。在撲克比賽中,盲注/底注的金額會逐漸提高。有時大小盲注有不同比例,例如大小盲注分別為15元和10元也十分正常。上述的「雙盲注制」是較為新興的,在1980年代之前,單盲注制最為普遍。
Most casinos that offer hold 'em also allow the player to the left of the big blind to post an optional live straddle, usually double the amount of the big blind, which then acts as the big blind. No-limit games may also allow multiple re-straddles, in any amount that would be a legal raise.
[编辑] 發牌
Play begins with each player being dealt two cards face down. These cards are the player's hole or pocket cards. These are the only cards each player will receive individually, and they will only (possibly) be revealed at the showdown, making Texas hold 'em a closed poker game.
The hand begins with a "pre-flop" betting round, beginning with the player to the left of the big blind (or the player to the left of the dealer, if no blinds are used) and continuing clockwise. A round of betting continues until every player has either folded, put in all of their chips, or matched the amount put in by all other active players. See betting for a detailed account. Note that the blinds are considered "live" in the pre-flop betting round.
After the pre-flop betting round, assuming there remain at least two players taking part in the hand, the dealer deals a flop, three face-up community cards. The flop is followed by a second betting round. This and all subsequent betting rounds begin with the player to the dealer's left and continue clockwise.
After the flop betting round ends a single community card (called the turn or fourth street) is dealt, followed by a third betting round. A final single community card (called the river or fifth street) is then dealt, followed by a fourth betting round and the showdown, if necessary.
[编辑] 鬥牌
If a player bets and all other players fold, then the remaining player is awarded the pot and is not required to show his hole cards. If two or more players remain after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. On the showdown, each player plays the best five-card hand he can make from the seven cards comprising his two hole cards and the board (the five community cards). A player may use both of his own two hole cards, only one, or none at all, to form his final five-card hand. If the five community cards form the player's best hand, then the player is said to be playing the board and can only hope to split the pot, since the other player can also use the same five cards to construct the same hand.
If the best hand is shared by more than one player, then the pot is split equally among them, with any extra chips going to the first players after the button in clockwise order. It is common for players to have closely-valued, but not identically ranked hands. Nevertheless, one must be careful in determining the best hand; if the hand involves fewer than five cards, (such as two pair or three of a kind), then kickers are used to settle ties (see the second example below). Note that the card's numerical rank is of sole importance; suit values are irrelevant in Hold'em.
The best possible hand given the five community cards is referred to as the nuts. For example, on a board such as 2-3-7-8-Q, with no more than two cards of any one suit, the nuts is three queens.
[编辑] 例子
[编辑] 鬥牌例子
Here's a sample showdown:
Board 4♣ K♠ 4♥ 8♠ 7♠ |
A♣ 4♦ |
A♠ 9♠ |
K♥ K♦ |
5♦ 6♦ |
Each player plays the best 5-card hand they can make with the seven cards available. They have
Bob | 4♣ 4♥ 4♦ A♣ K♠ | Three fours, with an ace-king kicker |
Carol | A♠ K♠ 9♠ 8♠ 7♠ | Ace-high flush |
Ted | K♠ K♥ K♦ 4♣ 4♥ | Full house, kings over fours |
Alice | 8♠ 7♠ 6♦ 5♦ 4♥ | 8-high straight |
In this case, Ted's full house is the best hand, with Carol in 2nd, Alice in 3rd and Bob last.
[编辑] Sample hand
Here's a sample deal involving our four players. The players' individual hands will not be revealed until the showdown, to give a better sense of what happens during play:
Compulsory bets: Alice is the dealer. Bob, to Alice's left, posts a small blind of $1, and Carol posts a big blind of $2.
Pre-flop: Alice deals two hole cards face down to each player, beginning with Bob and ending with herself. Ted must act first because he is the first player after the big blind. He cannot check, since the $2 big blind plays as a bet, so he folds. Alice calls the $2. Bob adds an additional $1 to his $1 small blind to call the $2 total. Carol's blind is "live" (see blind), so she has the option to raise here, but she checks instead, ending the first betting round. The pot now contains $6, $2 from each of three players.
Flop: Alice now deals the flop of three face-up community cards, 9♣ K♣ 3♥. On this round, as on all subsequent rounds, the player on the dealer's left begins the betting. In this case it is Bob who checks. Carol opens for $2, Ted has already folded and Alice raises another $2 (puts in $4, $2 to match Carol and $2 to raise), making the total bet now facing Bob $4. He calls (puts in $4, $2 to match Carol's initial bet and $2 to match Alice's raise). Carol calls as well, putting in her $2. The pot now contains $18, $6 from the last round and $12 from three players this round.
Turn: Alice now deals the turn card face up. It is the 5♠. Bob checks, Carol checks, and Alice checks; the turn has been checked around. The pot still contains $18.
River: Alice deals the final river card, the 9♦, making the final board 9♣ K♣ 3♥ 5♠ 9♦. Bob bets $4, Carol calls, and Alice folds (Alice's holding was A♣ 7♣; she was hoping the river card would be a club to make her hand a flush).
Showdown: Bob shows his hand of Q♠ 9♥, so the best five-card hand he can make is 9♣ 9♦ 9♥ K♣ Q♠, for three nines, with a king-queen kicker. Carol shows her cards of K♠ J♥, making her final hand K♣ K♠ 9♣ 9♦ J♥ for two pair, kings and nines, with a jack kicker. Bob wins the showdown and the $26 pot.
[编辑] Kickers and ranks
The following is another situation which illustrates the importance of breaking ties with kickers and card ranks, as well as the use of the five-card rule. After the turn, the board and players' hole cards are as follows (though none of the players know each other's hole cards):
Board (after the turn) 8♠ Q♣ 8♥ 4♣ |
K♥ Q♠ |
Q♥ 10♦ |
J♣ 2♣ |
10♣ 9♣ |
At the moment, Bob is in the lead with a hand of Q♠ Q♣ 8♠ 8♥ K♥, making two pair, queens and eights, with a king kicker. This beats Carol's hand of Q♥ Q♣ 8♠ 8♥ 10♦ by virtue of his king kicker. Both Alice and Ted are hoping the final card is a club, which will make them both a flush, but in that case, Ted would have the higher flush and win the showdown. For example, if the final card was the 7♣, Ted's flush would be Q-J-7-4-2, while Alice's would be Q-10-9-7-4. Alice could still win, though, if the final card were any of the three remaining jacks, as that would give her a queen-high straight. On this deal, however, the final card was the A♠, which did not help either of them. Bob and Carol still each have two pair, but notice what happened: both of them are now entitled to play the final ace as their fifth card, making their hands both two pair, queens and eights, with an ace kicker. Bob's king no longer plays, because the ace on the board plays as the fifth card in both hands, and a hand is only composed of five cards. They therefore split the pot.
[编辑] Starting hand terminology and notation
There are (52 × 51) ÷ 2 = 1,326 distinct possible combinations of two hole cards from a standard 52-card deck. Because no suit is more powerful than another, many of these can be equated for the analysis of starting-hand strategy. Viewed this way there are only 169 different hole-card combinations. Thirteen of those hands would be pairs, from 2 through ace. There are 78 ways to have two cards of dissimilar rank (12 possible hands containing an ace, 11 possible hands containing a king and no ace, 10 possible hands containing a queen and no ace or king, etc.). Hole cards can both be used in a flush if they are suited, but pairs are never suited, so there would be 13 possible pairs, 78 possible suited non-pairs, and 78 possible unsuited non-pairs, for a total of 169 possible hands.[3]
As an example, although J♥ J♣ and J♦ J♠ are distinct combinations of hole cards, they are indistinguishable as starting hands. Any starting hand comprising two jacks is called pocket jacks and is denoted JJ. Similarly, any starting hand comprising two aces is called pocket aces and is denoted AA, and any starting hand comprised of two sevens is called pocket sevens and is denoted 77. Each of these starting hands is called a pocket pair or a wired pair.
The starting hands which are not pocket pairs fall into two classes—the suited hands and the unsuited hands. An example of a suited hand is 8♠ 7♠. Any starting hand comprised of an 8 and a 7 of the same suit is called 8-7 suited and is denoted 87s, where "s" is an abbreviation for "suited". An example of an unsuited hand is Q♣ 9♦. Any starting hand comprised of a queen and a nine of different suits is called queen-nine offsuit and is denoted Q9 (or sometimes Q9o, where "o" is an abbreviation for "offsuit"). Remember, an "s" always denotes a suited starting hand, while the absence of an "s" always denotes an offsuit starting hand.
In almost all poker writing, the rank of 10 is abbreviated with the letter "T", so that all the ranks can be written with a single character, unless cards are featured pictorially when "10" is often used. Also, the letter X is often used to denote a card whose rank is irrelevant to the discussion at hand; for example, "AXs" would mean an ace along with another card of the same suit whose rank is unspecified.
Consecutive cards of the same suit are called suited connectors. Many starting hands have colloquial names. See also List of slang names for poker hands.
[编辑] Strategy
- See Poker strategy for a more detailed discussion of general poker strategy
Most poker authors recommend a tight-aggressive approach to playing Texas hold 'em. This strategy involves playing relatively few hands (tight), but betting and raising often with those that one does play (aggressive).[4] Although this strategy is often recommended, some professional players successfully employ other strategies as well.[4] In his book Super/System, Doyle Brunson described his style of play as slightly looser than the usual pro. Ultimately, Brunson stressed aggression as being the basis of his success spanning over fifty years. While most poker authors focus on playing primarily premium starting hands, some authors claim that the importance of starting hands is overstated.[5]
Almost all authors agree that position is an important element of Texas hold 'em strategy, particularly in no-limit hold'em. Players who act later have more information than players who act earlier. As a result, players typically play fewer hands from early positions than later positions.
[编辑] Cash games
The no-limit and fixed-limit versions of hold 'em are strategically very different. Doyle Brunson states, "In fact, the games are so different that there are not many players who rank with the best in both types of hold 'em. Many no-limit players have difficulty gearing down for limit, while limit players often lack the courage and 'feel' necessary to excel at no-limit."[6] Because the size of bets are restricted in limit games, the ability to bluff is somewhat curtailed. Since one is not (usually) risking all of one's chips in limit poker, players are sometimes advised to take more chances.[6]
Lower stakes limit games also exhibit different properties than higher stakes games. Small stakes games often involve more players in each hand and can vary from extremely passive (little raising and betting) to extremely aggressive (many raises). The difference of small stakes games have resulted in several books dedicated to only those games.[7]
[编辑] Tournaments
Texas hold 'em is often commonly associated with poker tournaments largely because it is played as the main event in many of the famous tournaments, including the World Series of Poker's Main Event. A vast majority of poker tournaments play No-limit Texas hold'em.[8] Traditionally, a poker tournament is played with chips that represent a player's stake in the tournament. Standard play allows all entrants to "buy-in" a fixed amount and all players begin with an equal value of chips. Play proceeds until one player has accumulated all the chips in play. The money pool from the players "buy-ins" are redistributed to the players in relation to the place they finished in the tournament. Usually only a small percentage of the players receive any money, with the majority receiving nothing. As a result the strategy in poker tournaments can be very different from a cash game.
Proper strategy in tournaments can vary widely depending in the amount of chips one has, the stage of the tournament, the amount of chips others have, and the playing styles of one's opponents.[4] Although some authors still recommend a tight playing style, some poker authors recommend looser play (playing more hands) in tournaments than one would otherwise play in cash games.[9]
[编辑] History
There is no precise information on where or when Texas hold 'em poker was first played. According to legend, the earliest game played was in Robstown, Texas, in the early 1900s and it first came to Dallas, Texas in 1925.[10] Texas hold 'em was introduced to Las Vegas by a group of Texan gamblers and card players, including Crandell Addington, Doyle Brunson, and Amarillo Slim.[11] The game was later introduced to Europe by bookmakers Terry Rogers and Liam "The Gentleman" Flood.[12]
In 1967, Texas hold 'em was first played at the Golden Nugget Casino in Downtown Las Vegas. For several years this was the only casino in Las Vegas to offer the game. At that time, the Golden Nugget's poker room was "truly a 'sawdust joint,' with... oiled sawdust covering the floors."[13] Because of its location and decor, this poker room did not receive many rich drop in clients. As a result, professional players sought a more prominent location. In 1969, the Las Vegas professionals were invited to play Texas hold 'em at the entrance of the Dunes Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. This prominent location, and the relative inexperience of poker players with Texas hold 'em, resulted in a very remunerative game for professional players.[13]
After a disappointing attempt to establish a "Gambling Fraternity Convention", Tom Moore added the first ever poker tournament to the Second Annual Gambling Fraternity Convention held in 1969. This tournament featured several games including Texas hold 'em. In 1970 Benny and Jack Binion acquired the rights to this convention, renamed it the World Series of Poker, and moved it to their casino Binion's Horseshoe Casino, in Las Vegas. After its first year, a journalist, Tom Thackrey, suggested that the main event of this tournament should be no-limit Texas hold 'em. The Binions agreed and ever since no-limit Texas hold 'em has been played as the main event.[13]
[编辑] The hold 'em explosion
In the first decade of the 21st century, Texas hold 'em experienced a surge in popularity worldwide.[1] Many observers attribute this growth to the synergy of four factors: the invention of online poker, Texas hold 'em in film and on television, television commercials advertising the online cardrooms, and the 2003 World Series of Poker championship victory by online qualifier Chris Moneymaker. Mason Malmuth, a poker publisher, predicts that although the boom has reached its peak in the United States, interest in Europe is continuing to rise.[14]
[编辑] Television and film
Prior to becoming widely televised, the movie Rounders (1998), starring Matt Damon and Edward Norton, gave moviegoers a romantic view of poker as a way of life. Texas hold 'em was the main game played during the movie and the no-limit variety was described, following Doyle Brunson, as the "Cadillac of Poker". A clip of the classic showdown between Johnny Chan and Erik Seidel from the 1988 World Series of Poker was also incorporated into the film.[15]
Hold 'em first caught the public eye as a spectator sport in the United Kingdom with the Late Night Poker TV show in 1999. The popularity of the show led to lipstick cameras also being used for American poker programs.[16]
Starting in 2003, hold 'em exploded in popularity as a spectator sport in the United States and Canada. This was due to several factors, including the introduction of lipstick cameras that allowed the television audience to see the players' hidden cards. ESPN's coverage of the 2003 World Series of Poker featured the unexpected victory of Internet player Chris Moneymaker, an amateur player who gained admission to the tournament by winning a series of online tournaments. Moneymaker's victory initiated a sudden surge of interest in the WSOP, based on the egalitarian idea that anyone – even a rank novice – can become a world champion.[17]
In 2003, there were 839 entrants in the WSOP Main Event.[18] In 2004, that number tripled.[19] The crowning of the 2004 WSOP champion, Greg "Fossilman" Raymer, a patent attorney from Connecticut whose trademark holographic sunglasses have become legendary, further fueled the popularity of the event among amateur (and particularly internet) players.[20] In the 2005 Main Event, an unprecedented 5,619 entrants vied for a first prize of $7,500,000. The winner, Joe Hachem of Australia, was a semi-professional player.[21] This growth continued in 2006, with 8,773 entrants and a first place prize of $12,000,000 (won by Jamie Gold).[22]
Two additional hold 'em series debuted in 2003, the World Poker Tour and Celebrity Poker Showdown. As of 2006, all three of these shows are still currently in production and garner a large and loyal viewership.
[编辑] Literature
In 1983, Al Alvarez published a book detailing an early World Series of Poker event.[23] The first book of its kind, it describes the world of professional poker players and the world series of poker. It has been credited with begining the genre of poker literature and with bringing Texas hold 'em (and poker generally), for the first time, to a wider audience.[24]
Twenty years later, James McManus published a semi-autobiographical book, Positively Fifth Street, which simultaneously describes the trial surrounding the murder of Ted Binion and McManus' own entry into the 2000 World Series of Poker.[25] McManus, a poker amateur, finished 5th in the No-Limit Texas Hold 'em main event, winning over $200,000. [26] In the book, McManus discusses events surrounding the World Series, the trial of Sandy Murphy and Rick Tabish, poker strategy, and some history of poker and the world series.
Michael Craig's 2005 book The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King details a series of high stakes Texas hold 'em one-on-one games between Texas banker Andy Beal and a rotating group of poker professionals. As of 2006, these games were the highest stakes ever played, reaching $100,000–$200,000 fixed limit.[27]
[编辑] Online poker
The ability to play cheaply and anonymously online has been credited as a cause of the increase in popularity of Texas hold 'em.[17] Online poker sites both allow people to try out games, and also provide an avenue for entry into large tournaments (like the World Series of Poker) via smaller tournaments known as satellites. Both the 2003 and 2004 winners of the World Series qualified by playing in these tournaments.[28][29]
Although online poker grew from its inception in 1998 until 2003, Moneymaker's win and the appearance of televisions advertisements in 2003 contributed to a tripling of industry revenues in 2004.[30][31]
[编辑] Similar games
There are several other poker variants which resemble Texas hold 'em. Hold 'em is a member of a class of poker games known as community card games, which all bear some similarity to each other. Royal hold 'em has the same structure as Texas hold 'em, but the deck contains only Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks, and Tens.[32] Pineapple[33] and Omaha hold 'em[34] both vary the number of cards an individual receives before the flop, but are dealt identically afterward. (Omaha may also be played high-low.) Alternatively, in Double-board hold'em all players receive the same number of private cards, but there are two sets of community cards. The winner is selected for each individual board and each receives half of the pot.[35]
Manila is a hold'em variant popular in Australia. In Manila, players receive two private cards from a reduced deck (containing no cards lower than 7). A five card board is dealt, unlike Texas hold 'em, one card at a time; there is a betting round after each card. Manila has several variations of its own, similar to the variants listed above.[36]
[编辑] See also
- Poker
- Poker hand
- Texas hold 'em hands
- Poker probability
- Poker probability (Texas hold 'em)
- Poker jargon
- Poker strategy
- Texas Hold'em Bonus Poker
[编辑] Notes
- ^ 1.0 1.1 Clark·Brian (2006September) - The Dying Days of Las Vegas 1-5 Stud - Two Plus Two Internet Magazine Two Plus Two Publishing - 於2006October 4zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Clark·Brian (2006September) - The Dying Days of Las Vegas 1-5 Stud - Two Plus Two Internet Magazine Two Plus Two Publishing - 於2006October 4zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Alspach·Brian (2005) - Counting starting poker hands (pdf) - 於2006May 19zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Harrington, Dan and Bill Robertie (2004). Harrington on Hold'em: Expert Strategy For No-Limit Tournaments; Volume I: Strategic Play,Two Plus Two Publications. ISBN 1-880685-33-7.
- ↑ Miller, Ed, David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth (2004). Small Stakes Hold'em,Two Plus Two Publications. ISBN 1-880685-32-9.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Brunson, Doyle (1978). Super/System: A course in power poker,B&G Publishing Company., emphasis in original
- ↑ Miller, Sklansky, and Malmuth op cit. and Jones, Lee (1994). Winning Low-Limit Hold-em,Conjelco. ISBN 1-886070-15-6.
- ↑ Gregorich, Mark (April 27, 2005). "The Future of Tournaments". Card Player Magazine 18c (8c): 26, 110.
- ↑ Sexton, Mike (February 5, 2005). "Tournament Tips". Card Player Magazine 18c (3c): 18.
- ↑ Awwad·Adel (2005December 13) - The History of Texas Holdem EzineArticles - 於2006September 28zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Brunson, Doyle (2005). Doyle Brunson's Super System II,Cardoza.
- ↑ McCloskey·Mick (June 22, 2005) - Poker in Ireland a Little History - 於2006May 19zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Addington,Crandell (2005). "The History of No-Limit Texas Hold'em", Doyle Brunson Super/System 2, 75–84,New York: Cardoza Publishing. ISBN 1-58042-136-9.
- ↑ Malmuth·Mason (2006October) - Publisher's Note Two Plus Two Internet Magazine - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Rounders (1998) IMDb - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Late Night Poker: About the Show Chanel 4 - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ^ 17.0 17.1 Krieger, Lou (July 30 2004). "How Big Can the World Series of Poker Become?". Card Player Magazine 17 (16): 36–38.
- ↑ $10,000 World Championship Event Hendon Mob - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ $10,000 World Championship Event Hendon Mob - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Greg Raymer Poker Stars - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ $10,000 No Limit Texas Hold'em – World Championship Event Hendon Mob - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ $10,000 No Limit Texas Hold'em – World Championship Event Hendon Mob - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Alvarez,Al (1983). The Biggest Game in Town,Houghton Mifflin.
- ↑ Christenson·Nick - Biggest Game in Town Reviewed - Ready Bet Go! - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ McManus,James (2003). Positively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs and Binion's World Series,Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- ↑ James McManus:Hendon Mob Poker Database - The Hendon Mob Poker Database - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Craig,Michael (2005). The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King: Inside the Richest Poker Game of All Time,Warner Books.
- ↑ Kaplan·Michael (2006) - People Profile - Greg Raymer Cigar Aficionado - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Moneymaker·Chris - Chris Moneymaker Poker Biography ChrisMoneymaker.com - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Cook·Steve (January 12, 2005) - Punters warm to online poker The Register - 於2007-01-05zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Poker History: Online Poker PokerTips - 於2006October 27zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Royal Hold'em - Poker Rules Variant - Pokertips.org - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Pineapple - Poker Rules Variant - Pokertips.org - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Arneson·Erik - Omaha Hold 'Em Poker Rules About.com - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Double Flop Holdem Rules - Pokernews.com - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Honest Casinos - Manila Poker - Pokerpistols.com - 於2007-01-08zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。