目录 |
[编辑] 国际数学竞赛
- IMO (国际数学奥林匹克(International Mathematical Olympiad)) -- 全球范围
- IMC (国际大学生数学竞赛(International Mathematics Competition for University Students)) [1]
- PMWC (小学数学国际比赛) -- 全球范围
[编辑] 区域数学竞赛
- SEAMO (东南亚数学奥林匹克(SEAMEO Mathematics Olympiad)) -- 东南亚
- APMO (亚太数学奥林匹克(Asian-Pacific Mathematics Olympiad)) -- 太平洋周边地区
- OIM (伊比利亚数学奥林匹克(Olimpíadas Iberoamericanas de Matemática)) -- 西班牙,葡萄牙和拉丁美洲
- 中美洲及加勒比海数学奥林匹克(Olimpiada Matematica de Centroamérica y del Caribe) -- 中美洲及加勒比海
- 南方共同市场数学奥林匹克 Olimpiada Matematica de Paises del Cono Sur -- 南美8国
- 波罗的海数学奥林匹克(Balkan Mathematical Olympiad) -- 15.5岁以上波罗的海地区学生
- 少年波罗的海数学奥林匹克(Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad) -- 15.5岁以下波罗的海地区学生
- 帕特南数学竞赛(William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition) -- 美国和加拿大
(http://www.maa.org/awards/putnam.html )
- 波罗的之路(Baltic Way) -- 波罗的海国家.
- 青少年數學國際城市邀請賽 IWYMIC (Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-city Competition) -- 东亚地区青少年中学生(http://www.nknu.edu.tw/%7Emath/kiwymic/index.htm )
- 亚洲城际少年数学奥林匹克 AITMO (Asian Inter-city Teenagers Mathematics Olympiad) -- 东亚地区青少年中学生 (http://www.pemic2005.org/)
[编辑] 国立数学竞赛
[编辑] 阿根廷
- OMA (Olimpíada Matemática Argentina)
[编辑] 澳大利亚
- AMC (澳大利亚数学竞赛)
- 澳大利亚学校数学评估 Australasian Schools Mathematics Assessment
[编辑] 奥地利
- ÖMO (Österreichische Mathematik-Olympiade) (http://www.oemo.at )
[编辑] 比利时
- OMB (Olympiade Mathématique Belge)
- VWO (Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade)
[编辑] 巴西
- OBM (Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática)
- Olimpíada Paulista
[编辑] 加拿大
- Euclid (12年级)
- Hypatia (11年级)
- Galois (10年级)
- Fryer (9年级)
- Fermat (11th grade students)
- Cayley (10th grade students)
- Pascal (9th grade students)
- Gauss (7th and 8th grade students)
National competitions hosted by The Mathematics Contest Centre:
Multiple Choice:
- Pythagoras Contest (6th grade students)
- Fibonacci Contest (5th grade students)
- Byron-Germain Contest (4th grade students)
Other competitions hosted by The Canadian Mathematical Society:
- COMC (Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge)
- CMO (Canadian Mathematics Olympiad)
MATHChallengers (formerly MathCounts BC) is called MathChallengers since 2005. It is hosted by APEGBC.
[编辑] 中国
- CMO (China Mathematics Olympiad)中國數學奧林匹克(又稱全國中學生數學冬令營)
- CWMO (China Western Mathematics Olympiad)中國西部數學奧林匹克
- SECMO (South-eastern China Mathematics Olympiad) 中國東南地區數學奧林匹克
- CGMO (Chinese Girls' Mathematics Olympiad) 中国女子数学奥林匹克
- CNMO (China National Mathematics Olympiad)分为全国初中数学联赛和全国高中数学联赛
[编辑] 塞浦路斯
- Κυπριακή Μαθηματική Ολυμπιάδα (Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad) - Mathematics competitions for students in every grade.
- Επαρχιακοί Διαγωνισμοί Β΄ και Γ΄ τάξεων Λυκείων (Provincial Competitions for 2nd and 3rd grades of Lycea)
- Παγκύπριος Διαγωνισμος Λυκείου "Ζήνων" ("Zeno" Competition of Lyceum)
- Παγκύπριος Διαγωνισμος Α΄ Λυκείου "Πετράκης Γιάλλουρος" ("Petrakis Yallouros" Competition for 1st grade of Lyceum) - For students under 15.5 years old
- Παγκύπριος Διαγωνισμος Γ΄ Λυκείου "Ευαγόρας Παλληκαρίδης" ("Evagoras Pallikarides" Competition for 3rd grade of high school) - For students under 15.5 years old
[编辑] 丹麦
- Georg Mohr (Contest for Danish high school students, see http://www.georgmohr.dk for more details [note: in Danish])
[编辑] 德国
- DeMO (Deutsche Mathematik-Olympiade, http://www.mathematik-olympiaden.de)
- BWM (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik, http://www.bundeswettbewerb-mathematik.de), AIMO (Auswahlwettbewerb zur Internationalen Mathematik-Olympiade / Team selection tests for the IMO, http://www.bundeswettbewerb-mathematik.de/imo/main.htm)
- LWMB (Landeswettbewerb Mathematik Bayern, http://lwmb.de), LWM (Landeswettbewerb Mathematik Baden-Württemberg, http://landeswettbewerb-mathematik.de)
[编辑] 中国香港
- HKMO (香港數學競賽,Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad, links with past papers: http://www.math.ied.edu.hk/main/activity/actlink.htm)
- HKMHASC (香港青少年數學精英選拔賽,The Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest, for form 1 to 3 students, select students to the IWYMIC, Homepage in Chinese(flash): http://tyt.hkcampus.net/hkmhasc/)
- IMO HK Prelim (International Mathematical Olympiad Hong Kong Preliminary Selection Contest, http://gifted.hkedcity.net/Gifted/IMO )
- Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition 培正數學邀請賽(http://www.puichingcentre.edu.hk/pcimc/)
[编辑] 匈牙利
- Kalmár László Országos Matematika Verseny (3rd to 8th grade students)
- Kömal (a year-long contest, each month you have to submit solutions to some problems, 9th-12th grade, Homepage in English: http://www.komal.hu/info/bemutatkozas.e.shtml )
- ADMV (Arany Dániel Matematika Verseny, 9th and 10th grade students)
- OKTV (Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny, 11th and 12th grade)
- Kürschák József (first year university students or below)
[编辑] 希腊
- Θαλής (Thalis) - first round
- Ευκλείδης (Efklidis) - second round
- Αρχιμήδης (Archimidis) - third round
[编辑] 中国澳门
- Macao Mathematical Olympiad (Chinese homepage: http://www.sftw.umac.mo/~fstitl/olympiad/index.html )
[编辑] 墨西哥
- MMO (Mexican Mathematical Olympiad, http://www.imo2005.org/omm.htm )
[编辑] 荷兰
- NWO (Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade)
[编辑] 挪威
- Niels Henrik Abels matematikk-konkurranse (Norwegian Mathematical Olympiad, website available both in Norwegian and English at http://www.math.uio.no/abelkonkurransen/ )
[编辑] 菲律宾
- Philippine Mathematics Olympiad
[编辑] 葡萄牙
- Portuguese Mathematics Olympiad - Olimpíadas Portuguesas da Matemática (in Portuguese)
- Olimpíada Paulistas (with Brazil)
[编辑] 斯洛伐克
- MO Matematická olymipáda http://matematika.webpark.sk
- STROM Korešpondenčné matematické semináre http://www.strom.sk
- KMS Korešpondenčný matematický seminár http://kms.sk/
[编辑] 瑞典
- Skolornas matematiktävling (see http://www.math.uu.se/~dag/skolornas.html or http://www.math.chalmers.se/~sam/problemet/bok.html for older problems)
- Högstadiets matematiktävling (http://www.matematiktavling.org/hmt/, open for students in grades 7 through 9)
[编辑] 台灣
- Regional competition (http://umath.nuk.edu.tw/~senpengeu/HighSchool for some problems) 各地區數學競賽.
- National competition (http://umath.nuk.edu.tw/~senpengeu/HighSchool for some problems) 全國數學競賽.
- IMO selection and training camp. IMO 國手選訓營及培訓營.
[编辑] 英国
- Junior Maths Challenge
- Intermediate Maths Challenge
- Senior Maths Challenge (formerly National Maths Contest)
- British Mathematical Olympiad (http://www.bmoc.maths.org/)
[编辑] 美国
[编辑] 国家小学数学竞赛
- Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
- OnlineMathLeague.com
[编辑] 国家中学数学竞赛
- OnlineMathLeague.com
- MathCounts
- Math League
- Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
- United States of America Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)
- American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC->8), formerly the American Junior High School Mathematics Examination (AJHSME)
[编辑] 国家高中数学竞赛
- American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC->12), formerly the American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME)
- American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC->10)
- American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME)
- United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO)
- United States of America Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)
- American Regions Mathematics League (ARML)
- Mandelbrot Competition
- Math League
- Mu Alpha Theta
- Fall Startup Event
- Team Scramble
- Ciphering Time Trials
- Four-by-Four Competition
- Collaborative Problem-Solving Contest
[编辑] 国家大学数学竞赛
- William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
- AMATYC Mathematics Contest
[编辑] 区域竞赛
[编辑] 参看
- Soviet Student Olympiads
- List of English Competitions