- 某程度上沒有別的中文連結... 如果您有一些沒那麼廣告性強的中文連結,歡迎將之納入。
- 還有,留言後請簽名。沒戶口也可以留個名兒。
- 派翠可夫 (我的討論處) 06:02 2005年4月24日 (UTC)
[编辑] 韓國象棋???
為什麼主條目消歧義會扯上韓國象棋?兩者會令人混淆嗎?-- 09:01 2006年4月3日 (UTC)
[编辑] Regarding repeated check
There appears to be a mistake in the article. It states that when one fails to checkmate, he cannot check again in the next move. I read elsewhere that you are only not allowed to cause the same position to appear four times by checking. The article appears to be incorrect, as there are Shogi exercises where one learns to repeatedly check one's opponent's king for a number of times and checkmate his opponent's king at the end. -- April 12, 2006, Michael.