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溫蒂·莫艾洛依(Wendy McElroy)是加拿大的個人無政府主義者和個人女性主義者。她的著作包括了對於懲罰性骚扰的法律條文的嚴厲批評[1]、尤其與大學校園性騷擾政策有關的各種議題,她認為那些政策和法律條文是相當模糊兩可的。她也替色情產業的正當性辯護,反對政府禁止這些活動。並且批評其他女性主義流派的反色情運動[2]。
莫艾洛依也是目前在世的知名無政府資本主義者之一。她在ifeminists.com和Fox News的網站[3]都有著定期的專欄。
[编辑] 著作
- National Identification Systems: Essays in Opposition, by Carl Watner, Wendy McElroy, January 1, 2004 ISBN 0-7864-1595-9
- Debates of Liberty: An Overview of Individualist Anarchism, 1881-1908, February 1, 2003 ISBN 0-7391-0473-X
- Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the Twenty-First Century, May 1, 2002 ISBN 1-56663-435-0
- Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women, June 2001
- Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of Their Opposition by Carl Watner, Wendy McElroy, January 1, 2001
- Individualist Feminism of the Nineteenth Century: Collected Writings and Biographical Profiles, January 1, 2001
- Queen Silver : The Godless Girl (Women's Studies (Amherst, N.Y.) by Wendy McElroy, Queen Selections Silver, December 1, 1999
- Freedom, Feminism, and the State by Wendy McElroy, Lewis Perry, February 1, 1999
- The Reasonable Woman: A Guide to Intellectual Survival, April 1, 1998
- XXX: A Women's Right to Pornography by Wendy McElroy, Prelude Pr, 1995, ISBN 0-312-13626-9
- Liberty, 1881-1908: A Comprehensive Index, January 1982