[编辑] 需求
瓶裝水在全球的銷售估計每年大約在五百億至一千億美元之間,而且以每年約百分之七至百分之十的速度增長。到了西元2004年,總銷售量約有一千五百四十億公升。[Gleick 2004]
在發展中國家中,需求動力來自於許多地區缺乏可飲用的地下水,許多城市區域缺乏可靠安全的自來水,地水下和井水的化學及有機污染,以及相對於煮準或其他處理被污染水的方法相較下的方便。廣告也在發展中國家貢獻了不少銷售量。儘管瓶裝水或許提供了不安全飲用水的另一選擇,它也只提供了那些能負擔的人,但許多這世上最貧窮的人們是無法負擔買瓶裝水的費用的。(美國世界水發展報告 2006)
至2004年,美國瓶裝水工業的產量已超過了每年六十八億加侖的水量,和前年相比成長了百分之八點六。(Beverage Marketing Corporation, 2005)
[编辑] 規範
[编辑] 外部連結
- BottledWaterWeb
- IMX Bottled Water Services
- Mineral Waters of the World
- International Bottled Water Association
- Bottled Twaddle: Is bottled water tapped out?, from Scientific American
- Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype? - extensive study of bottled water quality from NRDC
- Bottled Water vs Tap Water - Tap or Bottled: which is better? This site contains facts about tap and bottled water and compares them.
- E the Environmental Magazine piece on bottled water (Oct 2003).
- Researcher Dispels Myth of Dioxins and Plastic Water Bottles: Dr. Rolf Halden says "There are no dioxins in plastics." but "If you heat up plastics, you could increase the leaching of phthalates" and "It is very important to drink adequate amounts of water ... Unless you are drinking really bad water, you are more likely to suffer from the adverse effects of dehydration than from the minuscule amounts of chemical contaminants present in your water supply."
- Emily Arnold, Earth Policy Institute 2006 Press release, Bottled Water: Pouring Resources Down the Drain'
- Bottled Water of the World - Bottled water news