目录 |
[编辑] 管理信息系统分类
- Enterprise Asset Management System, EAM
- MRO 公司的 EAM 产品,公司网站 www.mro.com
- Datastream 公司的 EAM 产品,公司网站 www.datastream.net
- Personal information manager, PIM
- 电子商务
- 数据库管理系统
- 客户关系管理 (Customer relationship management,CRM)
- 分销管理系统 (Sales force management system)
- 企业资源计划 (Enterprise resource planning,ERP)
- 商业绩效管理 (Business Performance Management,BPM)
- 商业过程管理 (Business Process Management,BPM)
- 项目管理软件 (Project management software)
- Integration management
- 中间件 (Middleware)
- Groupware and collaborative systems
- 企业流程再造(Business Process Regineering/Redesign, BPR)
- 计算机辅助设计 (Computer aided design,CAD)
- 计算机辅助制造 (Computer aided manufacturing,CAM)
- 知识管理 (Knowledge management,KMS)
- 决策支持系统 (Decision support system,DSS)
- 电子数据处理 (Electronic data processing,EDP)
- 地理信息系统 (Geographic information system,GIS)
- 医院信息系统 (Hospital Information Systems, HIS)
- 物料需求计划 (Material Requirements Planning,MRP)
- 制造资源计划 (Manufacturing resource planning]](MRP-II)
- 战略企业管理 (Strategic enterprise management)
- 供应链管理 (Supply chain management)
- 虚拟管理 (Virtual management)
- U-commerce
- VisualMIS(可视化管理信息系统)
- Enterprise Asset Management System
- EAM product from MRO company, www.mro.com
- EAM product from DataStream company, www.datastream.net
- E-commerce
- Business to Business Electronic Commerce (B2B)
- Business to business exchange (B2X)
- Business to employee (B2E)
- Business to government (B2G)
- Business to Consumer Electronic Commerce (B2C)
- Online auction business model (C2C)
- e-Bay
- peer-to-peer systems (P2P)
- Open architecture community system (OACS)
- bricks and clicks business model
- E-Services
- Web commerce
- disintermediation
- The dot com boom
- End-to-end
- Electronic money
- micropayment
- blind credential
- PayPal
- Disruptive technology
- persuasion technology
- 电子数据交换 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- 電腦保安 (computer security)
- Transport Layer Security (SSL)
- 電子證書 (Digital certificate)
- Certificate-based encryption
- Self-certifying key
- Web content management
- content management system
- Consumer Project on Technology
- Business to Business Electronic Commerce (B2B)
- e-marketing
- personalized marketing
- permission marketing
- customer relationship management(CRM)systems
- Sales force management system
- web banner
- Website promotion
- spamming
- multimedia
- customer privacy
- consumer privacy
[编辑] Finding related topics
- list of management topics
- list of computing topics
- list of marketing topics
- list of Internet topics
- list of economics topics
- list of finance topics
- list of accounting topics
- list of human resource management topics
- list of business law topics
- list of production topics
- list of international trade topics
- list of business ethics, political economy, and philosophy of business topics
- list of business theorists
- list of economists
- list of corporate leaders
- list of companies