英語美洲 (Anglo-America)一詞用作描述以英語為主要語言,或者與英格蘭或英倫三島在歷史、語言或文化上有密切關係的美洲地區,也可以指英語世界的美洲部份。
具體而言,英語美洲包括北美洲的美國和加拿大,中美洲的伯利茲、巴拿馬,加勒比海的牙買加,南美洲的圭亞那以及幾個靠近南美洲的加勒比海國家。Anglophone America一詞也可以用於較闊的定義。
- to describe relations between the United Kingdom (or England specifically) on one hand and the Americas, in particular the United States, on the other. For example, "Anglo-American relations were tense before the War of 1812."
As a noun, Anglo-American can refer to an English speaking Caucasian person of America, sometimes shortened to Anglo. This usage occurs most frequently in the discussion of the history of English-speaking people of the United States and the limited number of Spanish-speaking people residing in the western U.S. during the Mexican American War. This usage generally ignores the distinctions between people of English, German, Irish, and other northern European descent, comprising the majority of English-speaking whites in the United States.