蜂窝站是一个安装天线和电子通讯设备的站点,用于移动电话使用的蜂窝网络。信号站由天线塔 (or antennas mounted on an elevated structure, such as a building),无线电收发机,数字信号处理器, 控制电路s,用于定时的GPS接收机,备份电源和机房组成。
蜂窝站通过T1 (专线或微波)和T3s (专线,微波或光纤)连接到移动电话交换局(MTSO)的基站控制器(BSC)。基站控制器连接到接入公共交换电话网(PSTN)的电话交换机上。
"蜂窝站"的同义词包括基站, 蜂窝塔(尽管很多蜂窝站天线布装在塔上), 移动电话杆(mobile phone mast) (英国英语)。
A controversial issue is whether there is a correlation between radio transmission and the risk of cancer. Safety regulations exist to protect the public from extensive exposure to radio waves emitted by cell sites.