[edit] Summary
Two apple trees, frozen by a snow storm that occured on the night of February 16, 2006. Self-made photo, licensed under CC-By-2.5. Credit: Jake N.
[edit] Licensing
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This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License In short: you are free to distribute and modify the file as long as you attribute its author(s) or licensor(s). |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for April 2, 2006. It was captioned as followed:
English: Two apple trees, coated in ice following an ice storm, with the sun shining bright in the afternoon sky.
Deutsch: Zwei Apfelbäume, eisbedeckt nach einem eisigen Sturm, in der hellen Nachmittags-Sonne
Français : Deux pommiers recouverts de glace après une tempête.
Español: Dos manzanos cubiertos de hielo tras una tormenta, con el sol sobre el cielo de la tarde.
Česky: Dvě jabloně, pokryté ledem po zimní bouři, se třpytí v odpoledním slunci.
Deutsch: Zwei Apfelbäume, eisbedeckt nach einem eisigen Sturm, in der hellen Nachmittags-Sonne
English: Two apple trees, coated in ice following an ice storm, with the sun shining bright in the afternoon sky.
Español: Dos manzanos cubiertos de hielo tras una tormenta, con el sol sobre el cielo de la tarde.
Français : Deux pommiers recouverts de glace après une tempête.
Magyar : Két almafa ágai ragyognak a rárakódott jégtől a délutáni napsütésben, egy vihart követően.
Polski: Oblodzone jabłonie w popołudniowym słońcu
Русский: Две покрытые льдом яблони, сияние солнца.
Српски / Srpski: Два дрвета јабуке, прекривена ледом након снежне олује, и позадини Сунце сија на поподневном небу.
ไทย: ต้นแอปเปิล (Malus sp.) สองต้นซึ่งปกคลุมด้วยน้ำแข็งที่เกิดจากพายุน้ำแข็ง เบื้องหน้าดวงอาทิตย์ที่ส่องแสงเจิดจ้าในยามบ่าย
简体中文: 冻雨后挂着冰的两棵苹果树。
繁體中文: 冷雨後掛著冰的兩棵蘋果樹。