Image:Li Cheng Buddhist Temple in Moutain All.jpg
Artist: Li Cheng, 11th century China.
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for July 14, 2005. It was captioned as followed:
English: Chinese ancient painter Li Cheng's "Buddhist Temple in Moutain"
Français : Le Temple bouddhique à la montagne du peintre chinois ancien Li Cheng
Brezhoneg : "Templ Boudhaek er menezioù" gant al livour sinaat kozh Li Cheng
Česky: "Buddhistický chrám na hoře" od staročínského malíře Li Čchenga
Cymraeg: "Teml Bwdaidd yn y Mynydd" gan y peintiwr hynafol Tsienëeg, Li Cheng
English: Chinese ancient painter Li Cheng's "Buddhist Temple in Moutain"
Suomi: Vanhan kiinalaisen taiteilijan Li Chengin "Buddhalainen temppeli vuorella"
Français : Le Temple bouddhique à la montagne du peintre chinois ancien Li Cheng
ગુજરાતી: પ્રાચીન ચીન ના ચિત્રકાર લી ચેંગ નું ચિત્ર પર્વત પર બૌદ્ધ મંદીર
日本語: 『晴巒蕭寺図』 李成画
Latina: “Templum Montanum Buddhisticum,” a pictore Sinensi Li Cheng, saec. X.
Polski: "Buddyjska świątynia w górach" autorstwa starożytnego, chińskiego malarza Li Chenga.
Português: "Templo Budista numa Montanha", do anciente pintor chinês Li Cheng
Русский: «Горный буддистский храм» (китайский живописец Ли Чэн, X век)
Slovenščina: "Budistični tempelj v gorah" starokitajskega slikarja Li Cheng-a.
Svenska: "Buddisttempel i bergen" av den gamle kinesiske målaren Li Cheng
ไทย: ภาพวาด อารามกลางขุนเขา โดย หลี่เฉิง จิตรกรชาวจีน
Bân-lâm-gú: Tiong-kok ōe-ka Lí-sêng ê ōe