Image talk:TiananmenSquareFalseFire.gif
[编辑] 关于版权的回答 In Reply to Copyright issue raised
中央电视台没有声明对录像的所有权或版权-中央电视台声明录像是CNN拍的. CNN国际部则指出CNN国际部没有任何胶片.因为在事情的最初,CNN记者被拘捕并被没收器材.
CCTV didn't claim any ownershiprights/copyrights on the video - CCTV's claim was that the Video was taken by CNN. The International Department of CNN stated that CNN did not film anything because at the very beginning of the incident, CNN reporters were arrested and their equipment confiscated.
新唐人电视台的电影 "伪火"用此录像分析了2001天安门自焚事件, 获第51届哥伦布国际电影电视节荣誉奖. 此录像在若干影视节上映,从未有版权问题.
The movie "False Fire: China's Tragic New Standard in State Deception" which analyzes the 2001 Tiananmen Square "self-immolation" incident, won a Certificate of Honorable Mention at the 51st Columbus International Film & Video Festival. The video has been staged at several Video festivals and events and the issue of copyrights have never been raised.
- 中央电视台没有声明对录像的所有权或版权-中央电视台声明录像是CNN拍的. CNN国际部则指出CNN国际部没有任何胶片.因为在事情的最初,CNN记者被拘捕并被没收器材. (CCTV didn't claim any ownershiprights/copyrights on the video - CCTV's claim was that the Video was taken by CNN. The International Department of CNN stated that CNN did not film anything because at the very beginning of the incident, CNN reporters were arrested and their equipment confiscated.)
- 即使中央电视台声明对录像的所有权, 根据美国1976年版权法,17 U.S.C. § 107, 有以下四个因素:
- 使用的目的和特点,包括是否用于商业性质或用于非盈利的教育目的;(本图片不属于商业使用)
- 著作的特点: (来源于电视新闻节目,并多次向公众播放)
- 使用部分相对于整个著作的数量和显著性: (仅仅是几秒钟.假如我们用了大部分或全部录像,那么可能不构成合理使用.)
- 使用对著作潜在市场价值的影响效果:(考虑以上2和3条,并无影响因为原著作也不是商业用途.)
所以根据美国法律,对此图片的使用构成合理使用. (更多的样本可参见 [ Stanford Copyright & Fair Use])
2. Even if the CCTV had claimed ownership rights on the video,
According to US law Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107, there are 4 factors:
1). the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (This image is not for commercial) 2). the nature of the copyrighted work; (The source is from Television news program, which has already been broadcasted to the public multiple times.) 3). the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; (the image is only several seconds of original work. If we use the whole video or sustantial portion of it, then it may not consititude fair use.) 4). the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. (Considering 2, and 3 above, there's not much effect upon the market value of original work since the original work is not for commercial purpose.)
So based on US law the use of image constitudes the fair use. (more sample cases can be found at