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Europæisk malle med en længde på 124 cm.
Videnskabelig klassifikation | |||||||||||
Maller (Siluriformes) er en meget forskelligartet gruppe af fisk. De findes i alle typer af ferskvandområder, med arter på alle kontinenter undtagen antarktis. Nogle arter fra familierne Ariidae og Plotosidae findes også i saltvand. Deres størrelse varierer fra den største ferskvandsfisk, den europæiske malle til de mindste.
Maller har ligesom andre Ostariophysi det weberske apparat til at høre højfrekvente lyde med.
Nogle maller kan kravle længere afstande over fugtigt land.
I øjeblikket (ca.2003) er der 35 mallefamilier, men antallet ændrer sig hele tiden på grund af igangværende taksonomisk arbejde.
Maller har ingen skæl. Alle maller, undtagen medlemmer af Malapteruridae (elektrisk malle), har en stærk, hul giftpig på deres rygfinne og brystfinner.
Maller er vigtige spisefisk over hele verden.
- Orden Maller (Siluriformes)
- Familie Siluridae
- Familie Clariidae
- Familie Malapteruridae
- Den afrikanske elektriske malle (Malapterurus electricus)
- Familie Plotosidae
- Familie Callichthyidae
- Corydoradinae
- Corydoras
- Kobberpansermalle, Metalpansermalle Corydoras aeneus
- Leopardpansermalle Corydoras julii
- Corydoras
- Corydoradinae
Ikke indplaceret:
- Pangasianodon gigas (kæmpemalle)
[redigér] Eksterne henvisninger
- Malle-billeder fundet via Google
- Kæmpe maller (bladr lidt ned): Catfish records
- Markku Savela: Life, Siluriformes
- Planet Catfish
- Thoughts on a Catfish Citat: "...However, they can "walk" on land to move from one water body to was discovered that everything except the catfish were being killed - they simply climbed out of the poisoned pools and walked to the next one...Then, it was discovered that alligators love Clarias - the alligators of the Everglades have never been better fed!...However, when Clarias feel underfed, they try to head for the next pond, by thumping and pushing on the aquarium cover..."
- Description Walking Catfish - Clarias batrachus Citat: "...Sections of roads such as U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail) can actually become hazardously slick with the crushed bodies of walking catfish....Given the source of the South Florida population it is ironic that one of the most clearly demonstrated negative effects of walking catfish in the region is their propensity to invade commercial aquaculture facilities, often consuming vast numbers of the stocks of fishes therein..."
- Channel Catfish: (Ictalurus punctatus) Citat: "...will eat almost anything, dead or alive...Effective baits dogs [begge betydninger?]..."
- Topic: Catfish ate carp Citat: "... The fish is a US flathead. The tail in it's mouth is attached to a 3lb carp...Here's another of a flathead that found a smaller blue catfish tasty..."
- Fishing Catfish Citat: "...They’ll eat everything from grapes to Ivory soap...In general, if it smells bad – or at least strong – chances are it will catch channel cats..."
- NCBI Taxonomy entry
- BBCNews, 27 July, 2002, Experts close in on 'Mere Monster' Citat: "...A giant fish which has attacked swans at a bird sanctuary has been spotted by wildlife experts....could be a Wels Catfish..."
- Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums -> Giant Catfish, Post Your Pictures
- Hvis billedet er ægte så: Gigantisk malle
- Stor malle
- How to Catch River Catfish in Hot Weather
- Phil King's Little Catman Guide Service
- Catfish Fishing Tips and Catfishing Information, side 2
- Catfish make a comeback Citat: "...Catfish are known as "swimming tongues" because their whole body is covered with olfactory sensors..."