Superregenerativ modtager
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Den superregenerative modtager var især populær i radiofoniens barndom (1920'erne-1950'erne). Den har forbavsende god selektivitet og forstærkning.
Den kan være svær at benytte, da den let går i selvsving (den "hyler"). Selvsving undgås ved benytte quenching. Kun én transistor/elektronrør anvendes normalt i radioforsatsen og den har lavt strømforbrug.
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[redigér] Eksterne henvisninger
- Bedste - af Charles Kitchin: Regenerative radio receiver Citat: "...The radio described here is a two band short wave receiver which is both very sensitive and very portable. It receives AM, single sideband (SSB), and CW (code) signals over a frequency range of approximately 3.5 to 12MHz..."
- Regenerative Shortwave Receiver (pdf)
- QST September 2000, pp, 61-64. By Charles Kitchin, N1TEV: A Simple Regen Radio for Beginners. Notes
- Original artikel hos Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS): A short wave regenerative receiver project. By Charles Kitchin, N1TEV 3/16/99
- "En superregenerativ modtager Følsomhed 0,5uV", Dansk OZ oktober 1995, s.562-565. Der er også lidt historisk om den superregenerative modtager.
- Vhf Communications
- André Jamet, F9HX. A 10 GHz super-regenerative receiver. Vhf Communications 1/1997 Citat: "...In 1996 when you are hearing people talking about super-regenerative reception, you think they are old hams regretting their young days! However this kind of reception is still much used professionally: millions of units a year are produced for miscellaneous applications as remote control, supervision, alarms, medical apparatus, etc., with contributions of new techniques as surface resonators (SAW) and up-to-date semiconductors..."
- Build A One Transistor FM Radio
- A Superregen Receiver for FM broadcast or Aircraft band AM reception. Feb 2004 by Rick Andersen
- An FM regenereative receiver using a single FET and one audio amplifier IC
- A Simple but Very Sensitive Regen Receiver for 40 Meters. by Rick Andersen, 2004
- A 1 GHz Super-Regenerative Receiver. Brian Blu Duverneay, Carson R. White and Emigdio J. Inigo, Student Member, IEEE (pdf)
[redigér] Virkemåde
- Matematisk orienteret: Designing Super-Regenerative Receivers. By Dr Eddie Insam Citat: "...Super-Regenerative radio designs have been around for well over 60 years, and hundreds of circuits have been published, usually with little or no description on how they work. Eddy Insam dispels the magic and explains the details..."
- By Nyle Steiner K7NS 2001. Hjemmelavede dimser med negativ modstandskarakteristikker anvendt som forstærker:
- 'Energy-sucking' Radio Antennas, N. Tesla's Power Receiver Citat: "...The truth is quite strange...By manipulating the EM fields, we can force an electrically-small receiving antenna to behave as if it was very, VERY large...In theory a tiny loop antenna can work as well as a longwire 1/2-wave antenna which is 10KM long...The energy doesn't vanish, instead it ends up INSIDE the atom. By resonantly creating an "anti-wave", the tiny atom has "sucked energy" out of the enormously long light waves as they go by...When all is said and done, our oscillating coil has absorbed half of the incoming EM energy and re-emitted (or "scattered") the rest..."
- C. F. Bohren, "How can a particle absorb more than the light incident on it?", Am J Phys, 51 #4, pp323 Apr 1983 Citat: "...A particle can indeed absorb more than the light incident on it...In the former, strong absorption is associated with excitation of surfaces plasmons; in the latter it is associated with excitation of surface phonons. In both instances, the target area a particle presents to incident light can be much greater than its geometrical cross-sectional area...."
- Regeneration revisited. The Tesla Connection by Gary L. Peterson Citat: "...So it may be said that Tesla anticipated the technique of regenerative feedback to increase detector sensitivity...A detailed description of how the negative resistance, negative inductance circuit works, including a differential form of the active antenna circuit and other pertinent information, can be found in U.S. Patent No. 5,296,866, Mar. 22, 199..."