aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
(Traurig, spreche ich nicht Deutsches) A couple of questions about this article:
- Is this a copyright violation? It appears that the article may have been copied from the history page off of Graben-Neudorf website
- Based off of admittedly spotty automatic translations, it appears as though the article claims that Graben was destroyed in 1674 as part of the Orleans war. However, that war didn't start until 1688, so something seems amiss. Is there something wrong with the translation, or something wrong with the article itself?
-- RobLa 00:36, 8. Mai 2006 (CEST)
1688 should be the correct year; there was a war in 1674, between France and the Netherlands, but as far as I know it never got as far south as Graben-Neudorf. What the copyright vio is concerned, you seem to be right; the history section is a 1:1 copy of the website. I'll try to rephrase it, so it can be used in WP. --Proofreader 17:08, 23. Jun 2006 (CEST)
[Bearbeiten] Statistische Daten
Wir wollen in den Ortsartikeln der Wikipedia soweit möglich nur Daten des Statistischen Bundesamts oder der Statistischen Landesämter verwenden um Konsistenz und Vergleichbarkeit der Daten untereinander zu gewährleisten, siehe Wikipedia:Formatvorlage Stadt#Statistische Zahlen. Für Baden-Württemberg ist das einfach: Die Zahlen des Statistischen Landesamts Baden-Württemberg sind für jedermann frei zugänglich. Deshalb bitte keine anderen Daten verwenden. --HaSee 13:11, 29. Jul 2006 (CEST)
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