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Description: Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, former German financial wizard who was acquitted last fall by the IMT, appeared as a witness in the Flick Case July 21, 1947. Testifying for the defendant Flick, Schacht said the industrialist contributed to the Nazi Party's campaign fund in 1933 because Hitler promised to protect private industry and to eliminate all strikes. [Original Descriptive Caption] Date: 21 July 1947 Provenance: From Public Relations Photo Section, Office Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, Nuernberg, Germany, APO 696-A, US Army. Photo No. OMT-V-W-16. Citation: Telford Taylor Papers, Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia University Law School, New York, N.Y. : TTP-CLS: 15-2-2-94.
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