aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Objekt: M101
Datum: 28.04.2005
Ort: Sommerholz
Autor: Rochus Hess, Straßwalchen, Österreich
Teleskop: 250/1200mm Newton
Kamera/Film: Canon EOS 300D
Bel.Zeit: 1 x 300 sec ISO1600, 1 x 300 sec ISO 800
Description |
Cutout of a photo of the spiral galaxy Messier 101 (also named Pinwheel Galaxy or after the NGC catalog: NGC 5457) taken in Sommerholz, Austria using the following equipement:
- telescope: 250/1200mm Newton
- camera: Canon EOS 300D camera
- exposure: 1 x 300 sec ISO1600, 1 x 300 sec ISO 800
Source |
Homepage of Rochus Hess
Date |
photo taken 28. Apr. 2005
Author |
Rochus Hess
Permission |
Quotation of the permission Rochus Hess gave me at after my call for a GFDL-free release of astro photos:
Other versions |
Image:Messier-101.jpeg (full image) |
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