Diskussion:Tschukotka Esdowaja
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
1) Info von Frau Ludmilla Bogoslowskaja aus Moskau - Expertin für Hundezucht RKF
( Russische Kynologen Föderation in der FCI )
2) Vladimir Beregovoy, USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sabine" <samoyed@web.de> To: <aliska@ntelos.net> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 3:25 PM Subject: Chukotka Laika
Ok, Sabine, go ahead with it, you have my permission. Let me know, when it is done. Vladimir
> > Vladimir, > I would like to publish shortcuts about the Chukotka Laika, the Siberian > Husky and other > nordic dog purposes in > the wikipedia free encyclopedia in German based on your articles and books. > http://www.wikipedia.org > > I would like to publish a official permission. > It would be fine.I will add information on your work. > I am author at wikipedia under the nickname User:Ajascha > > Sabine
25.10.05 00:12h Übersetzten Artikel von Vladimir eingefügt Benutzer:Ajascha ________