Anonymous user marketing
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Anonymous user marketing, sometimes called anonymous visitor marketing, recognizes that the data accompanying each Web visitor can be leveraged to alter the content of a website for increased relevance before it is displayed. In other words, websites can use this supplemental data or metadata in the same way humans use sensory cues to make adjustments in their approach to a new person/visitor.
The most useful visitor metadata points include: Browser language (English, Spanish, German, etc.); Domain extension (.mil, .edu, .gov, etc.); Search keyword/phrase (words entered into a search engine resulting in a visit); Operating system (Mac OS X, Windows XP, etc.); Connection speed (Internet download speed of visitor); Screen resolution (relative size of visitor's display screen); Marketing source code (Internet marketers frequently use source codes to track the success of each campaign); Referring URL (the last site visited within the current Web session); IP address (a unique number used to identify where a visitor accesses the Internet); and Geographic location (identifying the physical location of the visitor).
[edit] Concept application
- Browser language can be used to redirect a website visitor to the appropriate language version of a website without having to ask. So, if a visitor is using a Spanish language browser and the website has a Spanish language version, the visitor is automatically directed to the Spanish version. The likely perception of the visitor is that the sponsor of the website is Spanish-centric.
- Domain extension can be used to adjust content for a particular type of sector or industry. For example, if a .mil domain extension is detected and the website has specific content relevant to those in the military, the site can automatically serve that content. The likely perception of the visitor is that the sponsor of the website is military-centric.
- Search keyword/phrase used to find a website can by used to serve relevant content. In other words, the sponsor of a website can write specific content for each keyword/phrase where the site is search optimized. When the visitor arrives having used one of the sponsor's top keywords/phrases, the site will automatically serve the appropriate content. The likely perception of the visitor is that the sponsor is focused on their issues, wants or needs.
- Operating system or O/S can be used to alert the visitor to related issues or opportunities. Today, websites like recognize the operating system of the visitor and present compatible versions of downloadable software. This metadata enables the sponsor of a website to quickly communicate any operating system based limitations of their application/product/service to those who would be impacted without having to burden those who won't be impacted with the message. The net effect is more efficient communication.
- Connection speed information enables the website to serve multimedia content optimized for the visitor's bandwidth without having to ask them to make a determination. So, if the visitor has a slow Internet connection, the site will make low resolution multimedia content available. The visitor's experience is improved as no choice (effort) is required to receive optimized multimedia content.
- Screen resolution information enables the website to serve content optimized for the visitor's viewable screen. This is especially important as more viewers are attempting to view websites via Web-enabled phones and PDAs.
- Marketing source code information enables a marketer to maintain message continuity as a recipient of an Internet marketing campaign (banner, email, etc.) brings an attached source code when they visit the marketer's website directly from a link provided within the online marketing collateral.
- Referring URL enables a sponsor of a website to provide content to either supplement or counter content available on the last site visited within the user's current Web session. This is typically an opportunity for competitive rebuttal. So, the site sponsor names a few competitive URLs where competitive positioning content will be served to an arriving visitor.
- IP sddress indicates how the visitor accesses the Internet. If the IP address falls within a known range for a company or Internet Service Provider (ISP), the website can serve specialized content for that company (Logo, Company name in site copy, etc.) or ISP (AOL, Cox Cable, etc.).
- Geographic location indicates where the visitor accesses the Internet. This enables the sponsor of a website to serve content that is location specific. So, if you would speak differently to a person based on climate, knowledge of their geographic location enables the website to automatically serve geographically relevant content upon visitor's arrival.