Category:Orphaned articles from January 2007
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These articles have very few or no incoming links. This is a problem because without meaningful or any links, it will be difficult for editors and readers to ever find the article. All articles should have incoming links, except disambiguation pages (in which case they need to be flagged with {{disambig}} or similar) and other "non-articles" such as deleted pages, soft redirects, and so on.
Articles are placed in this category by the template {{Orphan}}, which is sorted into categories by date so that the oldest articles can be addressed first by maintenance patrollers. If an article has one or more good incoming article links, please remove the {{Orphan}} template from it (which will also remove it from this category).
An automated list of 1000 orphaned articles may be found at Special:Lonelypages.
- If you want, you can place Orphaned articles clean up project, you can help; [[CAT:ORPHAN|Category:Orphaned articles]] in your edit summary.
[edit] Progress
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Pages in category "Orphaned articles from January 2007"
There are 200 pages in this section of this category.