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[edit] Summary
Description |
en: A map of the Baltic Tribes, about 1200 CE. The Eastern Balts are shown in brown hues while the Western Balts are shown in green. The boundaries are approximate.
lv: Baltu cilšu apdzīvotās teritorijas aptuveni 12-13 gs. mijā. Robežas ir aptuvenas. Rietumbalti kartē iezīmēt zaļganos toņos, austrumbalti - brūnganos
lt: Baltų genčių teritorija 12-ame amžiuje. Vakarų baltų teritorija yra nuspalvinta rusvomis spalvomis, rytų - žaliomis. Teritorijos yra apytikslės.
Source |
Based on a map by en:Marija Gimbutas, published in The Balts (1963) LCC 63018018. Available at
Date |
January 2007
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Permission |
In addition to Gimbutas, other maps were also consulted:
[edit] Other versions
This map uses a Mercator projection.
[edit] Licensing
I, the author of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
File links
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