Bart Simpson (comic book series)
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Bart Simpson comics are a short stories comic book series centered on Simpsons star Bart Simpson. These Comics all have between 3 and 7 different short comics and sometimes a bonus comic or three about Bongo Super Heroes. Bart Simpson Comics have been in publication for a much shorter time than regular Simpsons Comics and have different types of plots, covers, drawings and titles than regular Simpsons Comics. They are also reprinted in the UK by Titan magazines.
[edit] List of comics
- Issue #1-Oct 2000
- "Big Fat Trouble in Little Springfield"
- "Grrrl Whirl"
- "Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind"
- Issue #2-Nov 2000
- "Bart's Day at the Zoo"
- "Talent Hunt"
- "Maximum Bart"
- "Futility Belt"
- Issue #3-Feb 2001
- "The Space Family Simpson in Terror on Trioculon"
- "Battle of the Boy-Bands"
- "Sky-High Bart"
- Issue #4-May 2001
- "...Who wants to win a Pocketful of Quarters?"
- "Quantum Cola"
- "Bully for You"
- Issue #5-Aug 2001
- "Wild, Wild Bart"
- "Bart's Puzzle Page"
- "Wild, Wild Bart Part II
- "The Case of the Hanging Shoes From the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson"
- "Bart Simpson's Day Off"
- Issue #6
- "The Supercat of Springfield!"
- "Bart Simpson and Milhouse Van Houten in: The Invisible Nerd!"
- "24 Hours in the Life of Ralph Wiggum!"
- Issue #7
- "See You Later, Alligator!"
- "The Case of the Missing Moon Waffles From the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson
- "Bart Simpson and his Family Visit Stampy the Elephant in: All's Veldt That Ends Veldt!"
- Issue # 8-Aug 2002
- "The Dickens You Say"
- "Li'l Kang and Kodos in Baby's First Abduction!"
- "Professor Frink's Partly Probable Parables: Sashimi Bart!
- "Bart & Milhouse's Almost Excellent Adventure"
- Issue #9-Nov 2002
- "O Bart, Where Art Thou?"
- "A Chair of One's Own"
- "Bart's Nasty Shirt"
- "Cooking with Kang and Kodos"
- "Prize Possession"
- "Cyrano de Bart"
- "Hill of Beans"
- Issue #10
- "Bartology 101"
- "Bart's Beard"
- "Snow Brawl"
- "Li'l Itchy & Scratchy in: Of Mice and Menace!"
- "Lunch Pales"
- "The Madness of Milhouse"
- Issue #11
- "From Lichtenslava with Love"
- "Tango Tangle"
- "Bartzilla"
- "Balloon Payment"
- Issue #12-Apr 2003
- "An Anime Among Us!"
- "Taming your Wild Child"
- "Bart's Anagrams"
- "Scheme Supreme"
- "Bart Fink and the Mighty Mississip"
- Lucky Issue #13
- "Bartzan and the Ancient Forbidden Golden City of Gold!"
- "Bartzan and the Ancient Forbidden Golden City of Gold! Part 2"
- "Little Buddy Day"
- "Scaredy Cats"
- "Bart's Big Spill"
- Issue #14-Oct 2003
- "Bart Simpson in The Time Bandit!"
- "Bart Simpson in Bring Your Parents to Work Day"
- "Bart Simpson in Computer Hackles"
- "Bart Simpson in Bart Does Something Fishy!"
- "Lisa Simpson in Reading Night"
- Issue #15-Dec 2003
- "Another One of Professor Frink's Partly Probable Parables: Bart Version 2.0
- "Lisa Simpson in Diary of a Mad Sax Camper
- "Lisa Simpson in Bad Hair Day!
- "Maggie Simpson in Invasion of the Baby Snatchers
- Issue #16-Feb 2004
- "Picture Day"
- "The Squish of Death"
- "The Case of the Headless Dolls"
- "Zone Wars"
- Issue #17
- "Legends of the Bartman Family"
- "Li'l Abe Simpson: The Able-Bodied Boy"
- "The Special Kid... The Hinting Hippie"
- "Legends of the Bartman Family"
- Issue #18
- "Bart Simpson: Secret Agent Man Part 1"
- "The Truth About Cats ans Mice"
- "Bart Simpson: Secret Agent Man Part 2"
- Issue #19
- "Are you Gonna Eat that?"
- "Art for Bart's Sake"
- " Maggie's Mobilization"
- "The Mediocre Misadventures of Martin and Milhouse! Bartless on a Tuesday"
- Issue #20
- "The Great Springfield Donut War"
- "Bart's Fun Pages"
- "Movie Mayhem"
- Issue #21
- "Batter Up Bart"
- "The Three Stages of Teaching"
- "Cuff It Up!"
- Issue #22
- "Final Detention"
- "Bart Burger"
- "Bait and Cackle"
- "Birth of a Salesman"
- Issue #23
- "Bart vs. the One Man School"
- "The Sick Day"
- "Special Delivery"
- "Kwik-E-Bart"
- "Grampa Bart"
- "Flu Shot"
- Issue #24
- "Bart's Got Spirit!"
- "Nelson Muntz's Guide to Grown-Up Nerds"
- "The Kiss of Blecch"
- "The Maggie and Moe Mysteries: The Willful Will"
- Issue #25
- "Comics Fan No More"
- "Box Office Bingo"
- "Cross Country Clown!"
- Issue #26
- "Bart Gets Stumped"
- "Mayor Maggie"
- "Stink and Stinkability"
- Issue #27
- "Hot Air Buffoon"
- "The Case of the Sax Solo Saboteur"
- "No Purchase Necessary"
- Issue #28
- "Lisa The Vampire Croaker"
- "Milhouse...The Girl?"
- "Prankster's Helper"
- "Bart Goes To The Movies"
- "Angry Dad In 'Trimming The Hedges'"
- Issue #29
- "Bart Cops Out"
- "If You Can't Wiggum, Join 'Em"
- "Worker and Parasite"
- "K-Bart"
- Issue #30
- "The Book That Ate Springfield!"
- "The Secret Life Of Bart Simpson"
- "The Great Train Wreck"
- Issue #31
- "Spree For All"
- "Handy Pop Culture Quotes For All Occasions"
- "Shopping For School Supplies The Bart Simpsons Way"
- "The Disappearing Duchess"
- Issue #32
- "Hog Tied"
- "Clone Alone"
- "Baby Got Back (At Burns)"
- Issue #33
- "Fort Knocks"
- "The Uter Bomber"
- "A Load Of Trouble"
- "Signs Of Intelligent Life"
- Issue #34
- "Mr. Bart Krabappel"
- "Willie and the Weasels"
- "Burger Meister"
[edit] Trade Paperbacks
These are the currently available collections:
- Big Book of Bart Simpson-Issues 1-4
- Big Bad Book of Bart Simpson-Issues 5-8
- Big Bratty Book of Bart Simpson-Issues 9-12
- Big Beefy Book of Bart Simpson-Issues 13-16
- Big Bouncy Book of Bart Simpson-Issues 17-20