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Benign can refer to any medical condition or anatomical malformation which, untreated or with symptomatic therapy, will not become life-threatening. It is used in particular in relation to tumors, which may be benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not invade surrounding tissues and do not metastasize to other parts of the body. The word is slightly imprecise, as some benign tumors can, due to mass effect, cause life-threatening complications. The term therefore applies mainly to their biological behaviour.
Tumors may be benign but at risk for degeneration into malignancy. These are termed "premalignant".
Benign can also mean that something, such as a substance, practice or policy, is not considered harmful.
[edit] Complaints caused by benign tumors
- Bleeding or occult blood loss causing anemia
- Obstruction, e.g., of the bowel
- Pressure causing pain or dysfunction
- Cosmetic changes
- Itching
- Effects of excessive amounts of hormones secreted by the tumor
- Worries about growing mass
Benign - Premalignant - Carcinoma in situ - Malignant
Topography: Anus - Bladder - Bile duct - Bone - Brain - Breast - Cervix - Colon/rectum - Duodenum - Endometrium - Esophagus - Eye - Gallbladder - Head/Neck - Liver - Larynx - Lung - Mouth - Pancreas - Penis - Prostate - Kidney - Ovaries - Skin - Stomach - Testicles - Thyroid
Morphology: Papilloma/carcinoma - Choriocarcinoma - Adenoma/adenocarcinoma - Soft tissue sarcoma - Melanoma - Fibroma/fibrosarcoma - Metastasis - Lipoma/liposarcoma - Leiomyoma/leiomyosarcoma - Rhabdomyoma/rhabdomyosarcoma - Mesothelioma - Angioma/angiosarcoma - Osteoma/osteosarcoma - Chondroma/chondrosarcoma - Glioma - Lymphoma/leukemia
Treatment: Surgery - Chemotherapy - Radiation therapy - Immunotherapy - Experimental cancer treatment
Related structures: Cyst - Dysplasia - Hamartoma - Neoplasia - Nodule - Polyp - Pseudocyst
Misc: Tumor suppressor genes/oncogenes - Staging/grading - Carcinogenesis/metastasis - Carcinogen - Research - Paraneoplastic phenomenon - ICD-O - List of oncology-related terms