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A pseudocyst is a pathological collection of fluid. A pseudocyst may appear to be a true cyst to the naked eye or on a CAT scan. However, it is technically not a cyst. The wall of a true cyst consists of a clearly defined epithelial cell layer. The wall of a pseudocyst consists of granulation and/or fibrous tissue (which is present secondary to inflammation).
A pancreatic pseudocyst results from the passage of inflammatory fluid into the omental bursa. This is typically a complication of acute pancreatitis, but may also occur following abdominal trauma.
Benign - Premalignant - Carcinoma in situ - Malignant
Topography: Anus - Bladder - Bile duct - Bone - Brain - Breast - Cervix - Colon/rectum - Duodenum - Endometrium - Esophagus - Eye - Gallbladder - Head/Neck - Liver - Larynx - Lung - Mouth - Pancreas - Penis - Prostate - Kidney - Ovaries - Skin - Stomach - Testicles - Thyroid
Morphology: Papilloma/carcinoma - Choriocarcinoma - Adenoma/adenocarcinoma - Soft tissue sarcoma - Melanoma - Fibroma/fibrosarcoma - Metastasis - Lipoma/liposarcoma - Leiomyoma/leiomyosarcoma - Rhabdomyoma/rhabdomyosarcoma - Mesothelioma - Angioma/angiosarcoma - Osteoma/osteosarcoma - Chondroma/chondrosarcoma - Glioma - Lymphoma/leukemia
Treatment: Surgery - Chemotherapy - Radiation therapy - Immunotherapy - Experimental cancer treatment
Related structures: Cyst - Dysplasia - Hamartoma - Neoplasia - Nodule - Polyp - Pseudocyst
Misc: Tumor suppressor genes/oncogenes - Staging/grading - Carcinogenesis/metastasis - Carcinogen - Research - Paraneoplastic phenomenon - ICD-O - List of oncology-related terms