Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
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Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is located in Brooklyn, New York.
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is located in Brooklyn , New York. Its is a private high school in which many children go to. This school consist of many rooms and many activities. I would first like to discuss the teaching facilities.
In Bishop Loughlin there are many classes. As freshman your classes are chosen for you. As the years continue [ as the students become sophomores , juniors, and seniors] students will be able to choose some other classes. Those classes are called electives. They are for the students to choose from. There are rooms for every subject in Bishop Loughlin high school. There are classes such as math, english, gym , health, and many kinds of sciences[ biology, chemistry, physics].There are rooms for all classes. The rooms could also consist of 30 - 35 children or less. It varies on the class. But the classes are designed so everyone will be able to learn in a good enviorment. So, the classes of Bishop Loughlin are very benificial to the student by helping them in many ways to learn and also interact.
The teachers of the classes for the following subjects are for mr. Ruscioca, ms Lamarque, Mr. Santiago, Mrs. Jemmot, and Ms. Jason. For english we have Mr. Heofner, Ms. Shelly, Ms. Haiiles, Mr. Visco and many more. From this list you can see that there are many variety of teachers at Bishop Loughlin Memorial high school.
Bishop Loughlin also has many extracurricular activities. So many i dont even know if i can name them all. There are sports for students to play. Discussion groups for students to take part in after school. There are art groups so many many things for students to do after school. this shows that Bishop Louughlin is a school which can give its students things to do after school. Leaving no student who chooses to join a group bored. this is very benificial to all students.
This paragraph will conclude my post on Bishop Loughlin memorial High school Bishop Loughlin memorial high school is a school which has a good enviorment and good learning conditions. Other than the heater turning of when it is very cold it is a good school ha ha. This conludes my post. This school is enjoyable.