Federal Labor Court of Germany
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The Federal Labor Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht) is the German federal court of appeals for cases of labour law, both individual labour law (mostly concerning contracts of employment) and collective labour law (e.g. cases concerning strikes and collective bargaining). The court hears cases from the Landesarbeitsgerichte (Superior State Labour Courts), which, in turn, are the courts of appeals against decisions of the Arbeitsgerichte (Inferior State Labour Courts).
The Bundesarbeitsgericht is located in the city of Erfurt.
[edit] External links
Supreme Courts of Germany |
Bundesverfassungsgericht | Gemeinsamer Senat der Obersten Gerichtshöfe |
Bundesverwaltungsgericht | Bundesgerichtshof | Bundesfinanzhof | Bundesarbeitsgericht | Bundessozialgericht |