ISO 31-11
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ISO 31-11 is the part of international standard ISO 31 that defines mathematical signs and symbols for use in physical sciences and technology.
Its definitions include:
Contents |
[edit] Mathematical logic
Sign | Example | Name | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
∧ | p ∧ q | conjunction sign | p and q | |
∨ | p ∨ q | disjunction sign | p or q (or both) | |
¬ | ¬ p | negation sign | negation of p; not p; non p | |
⇒ | p ⇒ q | implication sign | if p then q; p implies q | Can also be written as q ⇐ p. Sometimes → is used. |
∀ | ∀x∈A p(x) (∀x∈A) p(x) |
universal quantifier | for every x belonging to A, the proposition p(x) is true | The "∈A" can be dropped where A is clear from context. |
∃ | ∃x∈A p(x) (∃x∈A) p(x) |
existential quantifier | there exists an x belonging to A for which the proposition p(x) is true | The "∈A" can be dropped where A is clear from context. ∃! is used where only exactly one x exists for which p(x) is true. |
[edit] Sets
Sign | Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
∈ | x ∈ A | x belongs to A; x is an element of the set A | |
∉ | x ∉ A | x does not belongs to A; x is not an element of the set A | The negation stroke can also be vertical. |
∋ | A ∋ x | the set A contains x (as an element) | same meaning as x ∈ A |
∌ | A ∌ x | the set A does not contain x (as an element) | same meaning as x ∉ A |
{ } | {x1, x2, ..., xn} | set with elements x1, x2, ..., xn | also {xi : i ∈ I}, where I denotes a set of indices |
{ ∣ } | {x ∈ A ∣ p(x)} | set of those elements of A for which the proposition p(x) is true | Example: {x ∈ ℝ ∣ x > 5} The ∈A can be dropped where this set is clear from the context. |
card | card(A) | number of elements in A; cardinal of A | |
∅ | the empty set | ||
ℕ | the set of natural numbers; the set of positive integers and zero | ℕ = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} Exclusion of zero is denoted by an asterisk: ℕ* = {1, 2, 3, ...} ℕk = {0, 1, 2, 3, ..., k − 1} |
ℤ | the set of integers | ℤ = {..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} ℤ* = ℤ \ {0} = {..., −3, −2, −1, 1, 2, 3, ...} |
ℚ | the set of rational numbers | ℚ* = ℚ \ {0} | |
ℝ | the set of real numbers | ℝ* = ℝ \ {0} | |
ℂ | the set of complex numbers | ℂ* = ℂ \ {0} | |
[,] | [a,b] | closed interval in ℝ from a (included) to b (included) | [a,b] = {x ∈ ℝ ∣ a ≤ x ≤ b} |
],] (,] |
]a,b] (a,b] |
left half-open interval in ℝ from a (excluded) to b (included) | ]a,b] = {x ∈ ℝ ∣ a < x ≤ b} |
[,[ [,) |
[a,b[ [a,b) |
right half-open interval in ℝ from a (included) to b (excluded) | [a,b[ = {x ∈ ℝ ∣ a ≤ x < b} |
],[ (,) |
]a,b[ (a,b) |
open interval in ℝ from a (excluded) to b (excluded) | ]a,b[ = {x ∈ ℝ ∣ a < x < b} |
⊆ | B ⊆ A | B is included in A; B is a subset of A | Every element of B belongs to A. ⊂ is also used. |
⊂ | B ⊂ A | B is properly included in A; B is a proper subset of A | Every element of B belongs to A, but B is not equal to A. If ⊂ is used for "included", then ⊊ should be used for "properly included". |
⊈ | C ⊈ A | C is not included in A; C is not a subset of A | ⊄ is also used. |
⊇ | A ⊇ B | A includes B (as subset) | A contains every element of B. ⊃ is also used. B ⊆ A means the same as A ⊇ B. |
⊃ | A ⊃ B. | A includes B properly. | A contains every element of B, but A is not equal to B. If ⊃ is used for "includes", then ⊋ should be used for "includes properly". |
⊉ | A ⊉ C | A does not include C (as subset) | ⊅ is also used. A ⊉ C means the same as C ⊈ A. |
∪ | A ∪ B | union of A and B | The set of elements which belong to A or to B or to both A and B. A ∪ B = { x ∣ x ∈ A ∨ x ∈ B } |
⋃ | ![]() |
union of a collection of sets | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
∩ | A ∩ B | intersection of A and B | The set of elements which belong to both A and B. A ∩ B = { x ∣ x ∈ A ∧ x ∈ B } |
⋂ | ![]() |
intersection of a collection of sets | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
\ | A \ B | difference between A and B; A minus B | The set of elements which belong to A but not to B. A \ B = { x ∣ x ∈ A ∧ x ∉ B } A − B should not be used. |
∁ | ∁AB | complement of subset B of A | The set of those elements of A which do not belong to the subset B. The symbol A is often omitted if the set A is clear from context. Also ∁AB = A \ B. |
(,) | (a, b) | ordered pair a, b; couple a, b | (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if a = c and b = d. ⟨a, b⟩ is also used. |
(,…,) | (a1, a2, …, an) | ordered n-tuple | ⟨a1, a2, …, an⟩ is also used. |
× | A × B | cartesian product of A and B | The set of ordered pairs (a, b) such that a ∈ A and b ∈ B. A × B = { (a, b) ∣ a ∈ A ∧ b ∈ B } A × A × ⋯ × A is denoted by An, where n is the number of factors in the product. |
Δ | ΔA | set of pairs (x, x) ∈ A × A where x ∈ A; diagonal of the set A × A | ΔA = { (x, x) ∣ x ∈ A } idA is also used. |
[edit] Miscellaneous signs and symbols
Sign | Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks | |
= | a = b | a equals b | ≡ may be used to emphasise that a particular equality is an identity. | |
≠ | a ≠ b | a is not equal to b | ![]() |
≝ | a ≝ b | a is by definition equal to b | := is also used | |
≙ | a ≙ b | a corresponds to b | On a 1:106 map: 1 cm ≙ 10 km. | |
≈ | a ≈ b | a is approximately equal to b | The symbol ≃ is reserved for "is asymptotically equal to". | |
∼ ∝ |
a ∼ b a ∝ b |
a is proportional to b | ||
< | a < b | a is less than b | ||
> | a > b | a is greater than b | ||
≤ | a ≤ b | a is less than or equal to b | The symbol ≦ is also used. | |
≥ | a ≥ b | a is greater than or equal to b | The symbol ≧ is also used. | |
≪ | a ≪ b | a is much less than b | ||
≫ | a ≫ b | a is much greater than b | ||
∞ | infinity | |||
() [] {} ⟨⟩ |
(a+b)c [a+b]c {a+b}c ⟨a+b⟩c |
ac+bc, parentheses ac+bc, square brackets ac+bc, braces ac+bc, angle brackets |
In ordinary algebra, the sequence of (), [], {}, ⟨⟩ in order of nesting is not standardized. Special uses are made of (), [], {}, ⟨⟩ in particular fields.[1] | |
∥ | AB ∥ CD | the line AB is parallel to the line CD | ||
⟂ | AB ⟂ CD | the line AB is perpendicular to the line CD[2] |
[edit] Operations
Sign | Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
+ | a + b | a plus b | |
− | a − b | a minus b | |
± | a ± b | a plus or minus b | |
∓ | a ∓ b | a minus or plus b | −(a ± b) = −a ∓ b |
... | ... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Functions
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
f | function f | ... |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Exponential and logarithmic functions
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
ax | exponential function to the base a of x | ... |
e | base of natural logarithms | e = 2.718 281 8... |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Circular and hyperbolic functions
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
π | ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter | π = 3.141 592 6... |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Complex numbers
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
i j | imaginary unit; i² = −1 | In electrotechnology, j is generally used. |
Re z | real part of z | z = x + iy, where x = Re z and y = Im z |
Im z | imaginary part of z | |
∣z∣ | absolute value of z; modulus of z | mod z is also used |
arg z | argument of z; phase of z | z = reiφ, where r = ∣z∣ and φ = arg z, i.e. Re z = r cos φ and Im z = r sin φ |
z* | (complex) conjugate of z | sometimes a bar above z is used instead of z* |
sgn z | signum z | sgn z = z / ∣z∣ = exp(i arg z) for z ≠ 0, sgn 0 = 0 |
[edit] Matrices
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
A | matrix A | ... |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Coordinate systems
Coordinates | Position vector and its differential | Name of coordinate system | Remarks |
x, y, z | ... | cartesian coordinates | ... |
ϱ, φ, z | ... | cylindrical coordinates | ... |
r, ϑ, φ | ... | spherical coordinates | ... |
[edit] Vectors and tensors
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
a![]() |
vector a | Instead of boldface, vectors can also be indicated by an arrow above the letter symbol. Any vector a can be multiplied by a number k, i.e. ka. |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Special functions
Example | Meaning and verbal equivalent | Remarks |
Jl(x) | cylindrical Bessel functions (of the first kind) | ... |
... | ... | ... |
⋮ |
[edit] Notes on display anomalies
Please understand Unicode is a relatively new and developing standard. If you see a ? (in Firefox) or a character does not appear as you might expect, your system may not have a font adequate to display this character. Some systems are not equipped to properly display every Unicode character: typically due to inadequate font support. Please contact your operating system or web browser vendor to request proper support for these characters. For accuracy, the article includes the proper unicode character in the text, but where glyphs may be missing on common installations, these close substitutes are provided. it is aways better to use the correct unicode character whenever possible, but failing that, a substitutes may be used.
- ^ These brace or fence characters are upper level unicode characters, fairly recently established and so may not display correctly in every browser. A close approximation of the appearance is found the standard latin characters: ( ), [ ], { }, < >. A more accurate glyph depiction of the mathematical angle bracket characters are found in the Chinese-Japanese-Korean (CJK) punctuation category: 〈 〉.
- ^ If the perpendicular symbol, ⟂, does not display correctly, it is similar to ⊥ (up tack: sometimes meaning orthogonal to) and it also appears similar to ⏊ (the dentistry: symbol light up and horizontal)
[edit] See also
This articles makes substantial use of the Unicode repertoire of mathematical characters. The exact representation of these symbols may vary depending on the font available.