Talk:Jonas Quinn
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The comment that all Kelownans have an intrinsic ability to learn and retain knowledge at a rate like Jonas can is not substantiated at all in Stargate canon. A Goa'uld making the comment in 'Fallout' simply commented that they had a lot to learn and were trying their best. Carters surprise at how far her understanding of subatomic physics had come can also be clearly explained in the context of the fact that SHE WAS A GOA'ULD and was just making a non answer.
Jonas's remarkable ability is far more likely to be a slight, unconscious manifestation of the more evolved state of his mind and genetic code (mentioned in "Metamorphosis" by Nirrti) which itself when stimulated let him see into the future to a limited extent. Probably an early hint at the whole Ancient genes and evolving into superhumans gives you super powers!