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Hi people. 

[edit] THE NEW FACE OF EVIL!!!!!

(I recomend AK-47s)
[edit] =============================================================================
Hello my name is __________ i was born in _________ in the month of ________ on the day of _____________. I used to live in _________, but after the year ________ i moved to ________ and am still living there today. I am currently located in the continent of _____________ in the province/state of ____________ in the city of _________ in the coordinates _________ __ _______ __. My hobby is _________ and _____ and i play __________ i currently work in ________ and my pay is ________. My deepest darkest secret is that i _________ when _________ and _________ i ________ and _________ in the __________ and _________ i ___________. currently my shcool is _________ and i hate ________ beacuse that guy aalways _________. I believe in _________ and i am a ________. The ________ is my life and i ______ for ________ hours. I think all ________ should die because they ________ and _________ all ________ because im a _____________!!!! so anyways I ________ sometims, and i've _______ many times. My social security number is _____________ and my credit card number is _________. My password for all the online sites i go to is _________ and _____________. Really if you see me in other places my name is really ____________. I love to ____ many ______s. my favorite is ____________. Sometimes i just __________ cause i know i ________. I have a __________i in _________. Something i have never old anyone is that i have ____________ a _______ where you _____. i REALLY hate _________ because _______ and ____________. yeah i know it sounds crazy but trust me i really do. anways life is good now. my wage is _______ which is _ from _____ because i _______. i have a _________- in _____ and _________ also _________. its wonderful. i have visited ________ and _________ in the year _________ and ____________. I love _______ because it is awesome!!!!
Bild:Radial engine.gif
[edit] trosky rools!

[edit] so does cash!
Bild:Radial engine.gif
[edit] ..;;:::####$$$$ !SCARY STORY! $$$$####:::;;..
There was a little boy who lived on a farm with his grampa, and he went there every summer to help hime out. Now, on that farm, the little boy helped care for ducks. Now, there was this one duck that stood out of them all. Its eyes were milky hazel, its eye partially stuck out, and it was hideous. This little boy and his grampa called him "The Duck". and if you ever said "the duck" they would automaticly know which duck it was. This duck was not a very nice duck, for every time it saw that little boy, it would open its beak three times, slowly, saying "QQQQueeeeeeeessss" every time he opened and closed his mouth. Suddenly the duck would quak at the rate of a machine gun and run at 40 miles per hour at the little boy, trying to bite him on the part of the back ankle tahts just above your foot, and has one little bone there, and to that little boy, it hurt like heck. He would try to avoid "The duck" but it was inevitable, however, if the boy saw the duck begin to open its bill 3 times, he had 15 seconds to hide. On a normal day you would hear screams, and a bunch of quacks, from the boy, attempting to run away from the duck.
One day the boy and his three friends decided to go fishing. For some reason the little boy hadn't seen the duck for weeks, so his back ankle had healed, and he felt no pain anymore. They rode in a wagon with their horse, kit-kat, who was a horse that was easily startled. Then in the distance the boy thought he saw the duck on the road. As kit-kat came closer, the duck was clearly visible. It began to open its beak three times. suddenly it outbursted in a sudden quak, charging straight for the wagon. Kit-Kat, startled, winnied and stepped on the duck, killing it. The little boy and his friends surrounded the duck, and the little boy realised what he had done. He didn't want to get his grampa mad, so guiltily, he took a shovel, and buried the duck, there, on the side of the dirt road. "don't say anything!" cried the boy to his friends, and they left to go fishing
That night the boy felt so guilty, he quickly gulped his dinner to avoid his grampa. Before he left to sleep, his grampa asked him "how's the duck?" paniced, the boy said "fine." and he ran to his room. It soon began to rain, and thunder was heard. The boy waited in bed for his grampa, who always told him a bedtime story at 9. finally it was 9 o clock. a tap was heard at the door. feeling miserable about lying, the boy feebly said "come- in grampa." another knock at the door. now his grampa was partiall death, so he screamed " COME IN GRAMPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" another knock at the door. The boys thoughts raced "its the duck! he's come back for revenge!!, after waht seemed like hours he calmed down, and heard another knock. Then he thought, "it must be my friends! they're pranking me!" so he crept to the dorr and prepared to scare them. He quickly opened the door, and scream ed "BOO!!!!!!!!!!" but when he looked down, there was the duck, muddy his wet grave, and his heyees smushed, and his hears torn. In a low evil quack, his message was clear "You did this to me-!!!" Screaming the boy huddled in his covers screaming "GRAMPA GRAMPA!!!!!!" his grampa came running up the stiars and swang open the door "what is it!!!" The boy pointed to the duck, but there was nothing there. he looked around, there was no mud on the floor, nothing. No duck. crying the boy told his grampa the entire story. He felt better and after a long hours worth of talking, he felt happy again and he slept.
The next morning the boy stepped out of bed. he screamed in pain, and fell on the ground. He looked at his back ankle, the one that had just healed and felt great, was covered in blood, with a bite mark far deeper and painful than ever before... cheese?? Bild:Radial engine.gif
Josephseagullstalin (Aka PraetorianCheese/ KamikazeSeagull
Mac |
This user is contributing using a Macintosh computer. |
?met? |
This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans have such a hard time with them. |
This user drinks tea. |

this user is hypnotised by pretty colors |
this user thinks they both have good points and should not be judged as evil and should use their benefits to make a stronger central wroking, fair government |
S&C |
this user believes in a nice hybrid of socialism and capitalism |
this user loves Macs but can't help but use windows |
S&C |
this user believes in a nice hybrid of socialism and capitalism |
S&C |
this user believes in a nice hybrid of socialism and capitalism |
S&C |
this user believes in a nice hybrid of socialism and capitalism |
Bild:Radial engine.gif
this user is obsesed with the game Rise of Nations |
S&C |
this user believes in a nice hybrid of socialism and capitalism |
this user loves Macs but can't help but use windows |
space space space space space space space space space space space
Proverb: 'What came first, the idiot or the bozo?'
about me
glue |
tape |
doornob |
If i could go somewhere it would be |
cheese |
pie |
seagull |
My favorite authors |
flying purple cows |
OMG- (ostriches munch grandmas) |
piece of pi= chicken+ 3.32 |
stapler |
yassou!!! |
Poland is a nation- or is it!?!?! |
It is a dog- OR IS IT!?!?!?! |
/ \
| (.)(.)|
| _\ |
\ \____/|
/ \
| | | |
That is not me- OR IS IT?!?!?!
sadf/ $ 6 \sdfgask
asdfsaf jdghhjgk hjdsagf safd
as|as hjdsafvh sagfdsg ahsj
sdfasf wellwhod knowsaid they
idunno chicken& piesotha isgo
zhyeah nasdgfagh hsjdgf ashv
dshjgfsajdhgfhjsagdfkjgsadfjkgsajkhdgfvjksahdgfvjkgsad hasgdfjgsadfvjsahgdfvjkhsagdfkvjghsdfjkgdsfvkhdsgfvkjgdsfkvjgsa
Goverment Weapons Tests
Push the buttons- ya know you wanna.... 
Wortheless things i've made that has no point and is stupid: Boney Peak
this user thinks they both have good points and should not be judged as evil and should use their benefits to make a stronger central wroking, fair government |
[edit] Gallery of things i DIDN'T make
Female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
[edit] Something awesome that i DID NOT make
Mushroom cloud formation sequence:
[edit] Awards
The Strangest Idiot |
For being the stupidest moron for the lamest and strangest userpage. |

[edit] Picture of the day
[edit] THE FUTURE!!!
2025 AD- Intelligent race of seagulls Arrives on earth from a wormhole
2189 AD- Seagulls take over superpowers, China and the US.
2195 AD- World is conquered by seagulls. Humanity is enslaved.
2504 AD- Seagulls break into civil war
2560 AD- Seagull rule is overthrown by the re-rise of humanity
2561 AD- Seagulls flee earth and establish major Federation on moon
2578- 3001 AD- fierce space battles constantly take place between the Seagull Federation, and the Nations of Humans
3050 AD- Evil Chicken Aliens from outer space attack both humans and seagulls. Seagull Federation, and the Nations of Humans unites and fights off alien chickens
3100 AD- Seagulls and humans join together.
3108 AD- sun blows up and everyone dies. WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[edit] Yagga Foob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh mega ugh