Konishi Yukinaga
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Konishi Yukinaga (小西 行長 Konishi Yukinaga, born 1555 and died November 6, 1600) was a Japanese (Christian) daimyo under Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was the son of a wealthy merchant, Konishi Ryosuke.
In 1587, during the Invasion of Kyushu, he quelled the local uprising in Higo province and was awarded a fief in that province.
Yukinaga led the initial forces under Toyotomi Hideyoshi to invade Korea in the Seven-Year War. He was noted for his role in the capture of Pusan and Seoul and the defensive at Pyongyang. Afterwards, his vassal, Naitou Joan acted as the envoy to negotiate peace with Ming China.
In order to achieve a truce, he negotiated a false surrender to China, although to Toyotomi Hideyoshi it was a truce between two equal states. Later, a Ming envoy came to Japan to award Toyotomi the position of the King of Japan. This enraged Hideyoshi and exposed the truth behind Yukinaga's earlier diplomatic mission. Despite blaming for being disloyal, Yukinaga again led forces alongside Kato Kiyomasa to invade Korea a second time.
After Hideyoshi's death, Yukinaga joined Ishida Mitsunari's side during the Battle of Sekigahara, but was ultimately defeated. He fled into Mount Ibuki, but was captured by Takenaka Shigekado's forces. Being a Christian daimyo, Yukinaga refused to commit suicide and was executed.