List of anthropologists
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The following is a list of scientists and scholars of anthropology:
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- John Adair
- Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de Areia
- Michael Asch
- Timothy Asch
[edit] B
- Nigel Barley
- Fredrik Barth
- Vasily Bartold
- Keith H. Basso
- Daisy Bates
- Ruth Behar
- Thomas Belmonte
- Ruth Benedict
- Theodore C. Bestor
- Lewis Binford
- Karen Blu
- Wilhelm Bleek
- Anton Blok
- Franz Boas
- James Boon
- Robert Borofsky
- Pere Bosch-Gimpera
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Brent Berlin
- Jeremy Boissevain
- Paul Broca
- Hugh Brody
[edit] C
- Mauro Campagnoli
- Joseph Campbell
- Edmund Carpenter
- Napoleon Chagnon
- Miguel Chase-Sardi
- Pierre Clastres
- Jean Comaroff
- John Comaroff
- Carleton S. Coon
- Vincent Crapanzano
- Julie Cruickshank
- Frank Hamilton Cushing
[edit] D
- Regna Darnell
- Raymond Dart
- Patrick E. de Josselin de Jong
- Ella Cara Deloria
- Frederica De Laguna
- Raymond J. DeMallie
- Stanley Diamond
- Miguel Diaz-Barriga
- Mary Douglas
- Eugene Dubois
- Samuel Dunn
- Émile Durkheim
[edit] E
[edit] F
- Raymond Firth
- Henri Th. Fischer
- Raymond D. Fogelson
- Meyer Fortes
- Diane Fossey
- Michel Foucault
- James Frazer
- Morton H. Fried
- Cathirne Fisher
- James Ferguson
[edit] G
- Geri-Ann Galanti
- Clifford Geertz
- Alfred Gell
- Ernest Gellner
- Abhik Ghosh
- Faye Ginsburg
- Max Gluckman
- Maurice Godelier
- Jane Goodall
- Robert J Gordon
- Chris Gosden
- David Graeber
- Hilma Granqvist
- J. Patrick Gray
- Carol J. Greenhouse
- Marcel Griaule
- Jacob Grimm
- Wilhelm Grimm
[edit] H
- Paul Hammacott
- Michael Harkin
- Michael Harner
- Marvin Harris
- Jacquetta Hawkes
- Cassidy Hendrickson
- Edgar Lee Hewett
- Arthur Maurice Hocart
- Earnest Hooton
- Ian Hodder
- Thomas Hokin
- F.Clark Howell
- Aleš Hrdlička
- Patrick Hunout
- Zora Neale Hurston
- Dell Hymes
[edit] I
- Inger Interlach
[edit] J
- William Jones (philologist)
- Schuyler ("Skye") Jones
[edit] K
- Sergei Kan
- Alice Kehoe
- David Kertzer
- Anatoly Khazanov
- Richard G. Klein
- Peter Kloos
- Pete Knutson
- André Köbben
- Dorinne K. Kondo
- Andrey Korotayev
- Conrad Kottak
- Grover Krantz
- Charles H. Kraft
- Shepard Krech III
- Kewal Krishan
- Alfred L. Kroeber
- Adam Kuper
- Hilda Kuper
[edit] L
- William Labov
- George Lakoff
- Harold E. Lambert
- Louise Lamphere
- Ruth Landes
- Clark S. Larsen
- Bruno Latour
- Edmund Leach
- Murray Leaf
- Louis Leakey
- Mary Leakey
- Richard Leakey
- Richard Borshay Lee
- Claude Lévi-Strauss
- Robert Lowie
[edit] M
- Alan Macfarlane
- Bronislaw Malinowski
- John Alden Mason
- Marcel Mauss
- Phillip McArthur
- Grant McCracken
- David W. McCurdy
- Margaret Mead
- Mervyn Meggitt
- Josef Mengele
- Alfred Métraux
- Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay
- H. Paul Manning
- Emily Martin
- Sidney Mintz
- Ashley Montagu
- James Mooney
- John H. Moore
- Lewis H. Morgan
- Nancy Munn
- George Murdock
[edit] N
- Peter Nabokov
- Laura Nader
- Raoul Naroll
- Curt Nimuendajú
- Erland Nordenskiöld
[edit] O
- Gananath Obeyesekere
- Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney
- Marvin Opler
- Morris Opler
- Sherry Ortner
- Martin Ottenheimer
[edit] P
- Bruce Parry (television show host)
- James Peacock
- Glenn Petersen
- Bronislav Pilsudski
- Hortense Powdermaker
- A.H.J. Prins
- Harald E.L. Prins
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Paul Rabinow
- Wilhelm Radloff
- Rayna Rapp
- Roy Rappaport
- Hans Ras
- Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
- Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff
- Kathy Reichs
- Audrey Richards
- W. H. R. Rivers
- Paul Rivet
- Charolette Rogers
- Erich von Rosen
- Lawrence Rosen
- Eric Ross
- Gayle Rubin
- Robert A. Rubinstein
[edit] S
- Marshall Sahlins
- Roger Sandall
- Edward Sapir
- Wilhelm Schmidt
- Tobias Schneebaum
- Thayer Scudder
- Elman Service
- Afanasy Shchapov
- Cathy Small
- Jacques Soustelle
- Frank G. Speck
- James Spradley
- Julian Steward
- Pradip Kumar Singh
- Herbert Spencer
- Ann L. Stoler
- Andrew Strathern
- Marilyn Strathern
- William Sturtevant
- Naqiyah Sultan
[edit] T
- Michael Taussig
- Edward Burnett Tylor
- Colin Turnbull
- Edith Turner
- Terence Turner
- Victor Turner
- Bruce Trigger
- Albert Trouwborst
[edit] U
- Ulla Johansen
[edit] V
- Verrier Elwin
- Christine VanPool
- Karl Verner
- L. P. Vidyarthi
[edit] W
- Max Weber
- Camilla Wedgwood
- Hank Wesselman
- Ben White
- Douglas R. White
- Leslie White
- Tim White
- Neil Whitehead
- Benjamin Whorf
- Unni Wikan
- Clark Wissler
- Eric Wolf
- Sol Worth