List of prizes, medals, and awards
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A list of famous prizes, medals and awards including cups, trophies, bowls, badges, state decorations etc.
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[edit] Science and technology
[edit] Science and technology (general and miscellaneous)
Damien's Award for super coolness in Science- Damien Is very kool so he gets his own award ceremony!
- Albert Einstein World Award of Science - true benefit and well being to mankind (World Cultural Council)
- Alexander Agassiz Medal - a medal and a prize of US$15,000 awarded every three years for original contribution in the science of oceanography by the US National Academy of Sciences
- Automotive X PRIZE - Super-efficient vehicle design competition.[1]
- Balzan Prize - international prize for humanities, natural sciences and culture, as well as humanitarian endeavours for peace
- Copley Medal - Physical Sciences and the Biological Sciences (Royal Society of London)
- Dan David Prize - US$1 million prize honouring scientists in the field of "Future Dimension."
- Demidov Prize - prize established in 1831 for humanities and natural sciences and annually awarded to Russian scientists in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
- Ho-Am Prize - Korean awards for the development of science and culture and enhancement of the welfare of mankind
- Hubbard Medal - National Geographic Society award for distinction in exploration, discovery, and research
- John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Cultic Studies
- Kavli Prize
- Kilby International Awards - contributions to Society through Science, Technology, Innovation, Invention, and Education[2]
- Basic Sciences (Inamori Foundation)
- Arts and Philosophy (Inamori Foundation)
- King Faisal Foundation Prize - King Faisal Foundation was established in 1976 by the eight sons of the late King Faisal ibn Abd Al Aziz, a son of Saudi Arabia's founder and the Kingdom's third monarch. Prizes for Service to Islam, Islamic Studies and Arabic Literature were established in 1977 and first awarded in 1979. In 1981 the Prize Board added Medicine; Science was included in 1982.
- Public Service (Lasker Foundation)
- Lenin Prize - formerly awarded to Soviet citizens for achievements in arts and letters, cinema, mathematics, sciences and other disciplines.
- Lomonosov Gold Medal - Natural Sciences and the Humanities (Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Marcel Benoist Prize (Switzerland) - for Sciences and the Humanities
- NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement
- National Medal of Science - given by the President of the United States on recommendation of the National Science Foundation to scientists and engineers in behavioral and social sciences, biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics.
- National Medal of Technology - American award for leading innovators.
- Nicholas Appert Award - given by the Institute of Food Technologists for lifetime contributions to food technology.
- Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest, annual, $25,000.
- Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
- Otto Hahn Medal - awarded annual by the Max Planck Society
- Prince of Asturias Awards - Sciences, Public Affairs, Humanities (Felipe, Prince of Asturias)
- Rumford Medal - (Royal Society) restricted to scientists working in Europe
- Rumford Prize - (American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
- Shaw Prize
- State Science and Technology Prizes - The highest award granted for Science and Technology in China
- Unsung Hero of Australian Science Award - (Australian Science Communicators)
- Vannevar Bush Award - welfare of mankind and the nation (National Science Foundation)
[edit] Agriculture
- Wolf Prize in Agriculture (Wolf Foundation)
- World Food Prize
[edit] Astronomy
- Bruce Medal - outstanding lifetime contributions to astronomy (Astronomical Society of the Pacific)
- Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics - awarded by American Astronomical Society and American Institute of Physics
- Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- George Van Biesbroeck Prize - Astronomy
- James Craig Watson Medal - Astronomy (National Academy of Sciences)
[edit] Aviation and space technology
- American Astronautical Society William Randolph Lovelace II Award
- America's Space Prize
- ANSARI X PRIZE - Private suborbital spaceflight, won by Mojave Aerospace Ventures
- NASA Centennial Challenges
- Coupe Femina - Early aviation award for record breaking non-stop flights.
- Gordon Bennett Cup in ballooning
- Harmon Trophy
- Heinlein Prize for Advances in Space Commercialization
- NAS Award in Aeronautical Engineering - aeronautical engineering
- Orteig Prize - Aviation for trans-atlantic crossing, won by Charles Lindbergh
- Piccard Memorial Trophy, Balloon Federation of America
- Polaris Award
- Sikorsky Prize - Human Powered Helicopters
- Spaceward Space Elevator Games
- Wright Brothers Medal
[edit] Biological sciences
- Clarke Medal - awarded by the Royal Society of New South Wales
(Australia) for distinguished work in the Natural sciences
- Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize-in Biology and Biochemistry(Columbia University)
- D.L. Serventy Medal - Ornithology (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
- Franklin Award - for open access in biology (Bioinformatics Organization)
- John Hobbs Medal - Ornithology (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (Karolinska Institute)
- E. B. Wilson Medal
[edit] Chemistry
- Otto Hahn Prize - awarded by the German Chemical Society, the German Physical Society and the City of Frankfurt am Main.
- Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize- in Biochemistry(Columbia University)
- Glenn T. Seaborg Medal - Chemistry and Biochemistry (UCLA)
- Fritz Pregl Prize - Austrian award in Chemistry (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
- Priestley Medal - Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
- Wolf Prize in Chemistry (Wolf Foundation)
[edit] Computer science, engineering, technology and invention
- ACM Turing Award
- Alfred Noble Prize
- Charles Stark Draper Prize
- EFF Pioneer Award
- Enrico Fermi Award - for lifetime achievement in the development, use, or production of energy.
- FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software
- Franklin Medal - for innovation (Franklin Institute)
- Gibbs Brothers Medal - Naval architecture, Marine engineering (National Academy of Sciences).
- Gödel Prize Award for outstanding papers in theoretical computer science
- Herbrand Award for outstanding contributions to the field of automated deduction
- IEEE John von Neumann Medal
- IEEE Medal of Honor
- IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
- IEEE Edison Medal - a gold medal for achievement in electrical science, engineering or arts
- IEEE Nikola Tesla Award - for electric power
- IJCAI Award for Research Excellence
- The Japan Prize
- Knuth reward check
- Knuth Prize
- Advanced Technology (Inamori Foundation)
- Lemelson-MIT Prize
- Longitude prize - precise determination of a ship's longitude
- Marconi Prize - advancements in communications
- McDonald Mentoring Award - excellence in mentoring and advising engineers
- Millennium Technology Prize - for outstanding technological achievements
- Norbert Wiener Award for Social and Professional Responsibility
- Perkin Medal
- Pirelli Internetional Award
- Tony Kent Strix award
- Timoshenko Medal (ASME)
[edit] Geology
- Aberconway Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Ambrose Medal - Geology (Geological Association of Canada)
- Arthur L. Day Medal - Geology (Geological Society of America)
- Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal - Precambrian Geology (National Academy of Sciences)
- E.R. Ward Neale Medal - Geology (Geological Association of Canada)
- Logan Medal - Geology (Geological Association of Canada)
- Lyell Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Major Edward D'Ewes Fitzgerald Coke Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Major John Sacheverell A'Deane Coke Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Murchison Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Penrose Medal - Geology (Geological Society of America)
- Prestwich Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- R. J. W. Douglas Medal - Petroleum geology (Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists)
- Sue Tyler Friedman Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Thorarinsson Medal - Volcanology
- William H. Twenhofel Medal - Sedimentary Geology (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
- William Smith Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Wollaston Medal - Geology (Geological Society of London)
- Yves Fortier Earth Science Journalism Award - Geology (Geological Association of Canada)
[edit] Geography
- Murchison Award - awarded by the Royal Geographical Society for the greatest contribution to geographical science
- Hubbard Medal - awarded by the National Geographic Society
- Victoria Medal - awarded by the Royal Geographical Society for conspicuous (sic) in Geography
- Gold Medal (RGS) - the highest award given by the Royal Geographical Society
[edit] Mathematics
- Abel Prize
- Bôcher Memorial Prize
- Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize
- Clay Mathematics Institute's Millennium Prize Problems
- Clay Research Award
- Cole Prize
- Dantzig Prize
- Euler Medal
- European Mathematical Society Prize
- Fields Medal
- Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize
- Fulkerson Prize
- John Bates Clark Medal - Economics
- John von Neumann Theory Prize
- Kirkman medal
- Lobachevsky International Prize
- Loève Prize
- Modesto Panetti Prize
- Nevanlinna Prize
- Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics
- Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry
- SASTRA Ramanujan Prize
- Salem Prize
- Schock Prize - Mathematics
- Shaw Prize
- Simion Stoilow Prize
- Sophie Germain Prize
- Steele Prize
- Wolf Prize in Mathematics
[edit] Medical sciences
- Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research (Lasker Foundation)
- Danone International Prize for Nutrition
- Methuselah Mouse Prize - or M-Prize modeled after the X-Prize
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (Karolinska Institute)
- Robert L. Noble Prize (National Cancer Institute of Canada)
- Wolf Prize in Medicine (Wolf Foundation)
- Archon X PRIZE (X Prize Foundation)
[edit] Physics
- Comstock Prize in Physics - awarded by the National Academy of Sciences about every five years.
- Otto Hahn Prize - awarded by the German Chemical Society, the German Physical Society and the City of Frankfurt am Main.
- Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics - awarded by American Astronomical Society and American Institute of Physics
- Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics - awarded by American Physical Society and American Institute of Physics
- Dirac Prize – there are two prizes with the same name. "Dirac Medal of the ICTP" is given each year by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). "The Paul Dirac Medal and Prize" is awarded annually by the Institute of Physics for "outstanding contributions to theoretical (including mathematical and computational) physics".
- Henry Draper Medal - Astrophysics (National Academy of Sciences)
- Hughes Medal - Electricity and Magnetism (Royal Society of London)
- J. Tuzo Wilson Medal - Geophysics (Canadian Geophysical Union
- John Wheatley Award - contributions to development of physics in the third world (American Physical Society)
- Lorentz Medal - awarded every four years to a scientist in recognition of important contributions to theoretical physics.
- Matteucci Medal - awarded each year to a physicist for fundamental contributions in the progress of science
- Nobel Prize in Physics (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
- Sakurai Prize (awarded by American Physical Society)
- Wolf Prize in Physics (Wolf Foundation)
[edit] Social sciences
[edit] Humanities
- Holberg International Memorial Prize
- U.S. Library of Congress John W. Kluge Prize
- USA's Kennedy Center Honors: list of recipients
- Ho-Am Prize in the Arts
- Salimbeni Prize for a book in the field of art history
- Wolf Prize in Arts
[edit] Architecture
(See also List of architecture prizes)
- Pritzker Prize
- Stirling Prize
- AIA Gold Medal
- Prémio Valmor (Portugal)
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Architecture
[edit] Arts
- Abd-el-Tif prize
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Painting
- Archibald Prize, Australia's premier portraiture award
- Beck's Futures
- Carnegie Prize
- CPS Principal's Championship
- Green Room Awards
- Hanno and Ilse Hahn Prize for outstanding contributions in Italian Art History
- Osamu Tezuka Culture Award
- Prix de Rome
- Puvis de Chavannes Prize
- Saint-Affrique Prize
- Schock Prize in Visual Arts
- Sidney Myer Performing Arts Awards
- Tezuka Award for manga
- Turner Prize
[edit] Design
- Alcuin Society Book Design Awards
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Graphic Design
- Apple Design Awards
- Compasso d'Oro
- European Design Awards
- Industrial Design Excellence Award
- National Design Award
- Red dot design award
- Yahoo! Sharpener Award
[edit] Education
[edit] History
[edit] Journalism
- Cavling prize (Denmark)
- CPJ International Press Freedom Award
- DuPont-Columbia Award
- Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award
- George Foster Peabody Award - Broadcast journalism
- John Aubuchon Freedom of the Press Awards[3]
- Lettre Ulysses Award for the Art of Reportage[4] (Germany)*NCTE George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language
- Ortega y Gasset Award
- Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Journalism Award
- UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize
- World Association of Newspapers's Golden Pen of Freedom Award
- Pulitzer Prize for
- Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Journalism Award
- NCTE George Orwell Award for Distinguished Contribution to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language
- DuPont-Columbia Award
- Ortega y Gasset Award
- Lettre Ulysses Award for the Art of Reportage[5] (Germany)
- John Aubuchon Freedom of the Press Awards[6]
- CPJ International Press Freedom Award
- World Association of Newspapers's Golden Pen of Freedom Award
- UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize
- Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award
- Cavling prize, Denmark
- Walkley Award, (Australia)
[edit] Literature
See also: List of literary awards, List of poetry awards
- Nobel Prize in Literature
- Man Booker Prize: winners and shortlisted authors
- Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
- Aga Khan Prize for Fiction
[edit] American literature
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medals in Belles Lettres, Criticism and Essays
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Drama
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for Fiction, Novels, Short Stories
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Poetry
- Arthur Rense Prize
- Bancroft Prize
- Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry
- Bollingen Prize
- Edgar Allan Poe Award
- Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction
- Frost Medal
- Goldsmith Book Prize
- Harold Morton Landon Translation Award
- Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award
- Hopwood Award
- International Library of Poetry (for Amateur Poetry)
- James Laughlin Award
- Kate Tufts Discovery Award
- Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award
- Lannan Literary Awards
- Michael Braude Award for Light Verse
- National Book Award
- National Book Critics Circle Award
- National Jewish Book Award, Jewish Book Council
- National Poetry Series
- O. Henry Awards (for short stories)
- PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
- PEN/Malamud Award (for short stories)
- Poets' Prize
- Pulitzer Prize for
- Raiziss/de Palchi Translation Awards
- Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize
- Wallace Stevens Award
- Walt Whitman Award
- Whiting Writers' Award
[edit] Australian literature
[edit] Austrian literature
- Anton Wildgans Prize
- Ingeborg Bachmann Prize
- Austrian State Literary Prize for European literature
[edit] Bangladeshi literature
- Bangla Academy Award
- Shwadhinota Dibosh Puroskar
[edit] British literature
See also: List of British literary awards
- Booker Prize
- British Book Awards - the "Nibbies"
- Commonwealth Writers Prize
- Duff Cooper Prize
- Forward Prize
- Hawthornden Prize
- Hessell-Tiltman Prize
- John Llewellyn Rhys Prize
- Newdigate prize
- Orange Prize for Fiction
- Samuel Johnson Prize
- Somerset Maugham Award
- T. S. Eliot Prize
- Whitbread Awards
[edit] Canadian literature
- Booker Prize
- Canadian Poets Award
- Commonwealth Writers Prize
- Geoffrey Bilson Award
- Gerald Lampert Award
- Giller Prize
- Griffin Poetry Prize
- Governor General's Award
- Marian Engel Award
- Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award
- Norma Fleck Award
- Pat Lowther Award
- Stephen Leacock Award
- Trillium Award
- Wright Awards
[edit] Central and Eastern European literature
- The Austrian Grand Prize for East European Literature
- Vilenica prize
- Złote Pióro "Wolnomularza Polskiego" (Gold Pen of "Polish Freemason")
[edit] Chilean literature
- Chilean National Prize for Literature
[edit] Chinese literature
- Maodun Prize for Literature
- Caoyu Prize for Drama
- Laoshe Prize for Literature
- Fengmu Prize for Literature
[edit] Finnish literature
[edit] French literature
- Grand prix du roman de l'Académie française
- Prix Décembre
- Prix des Deux-Magots
- Prix Femina
- Prix Goncourt
- Prix Littéraire Valery Larbaud
- Prix Médicis
- Prix Renaudot
[edit] Georgian literature
- Shota Rustaveli State Prize
- Saba Prize
[edit] German literature
- Kleist Prize
- Schiller Prize
[edit] Hebrew literature
- Bialik Prize
- Sapir Prize
- Tchernichovsky Prize (for translation)
- Ze'ev Prize (for children's literature)
[edit] Hungarian literature
- Attila József Prize
- Baumgarten Prize
- Kossuth Prize
[edit] Indian literature
- Jnanpith Award
- Kalidas samman
- Pampa Award
- Sahitya Akademi Award
[edit] Irish literature
[edit] Italian literature
[edit] Japanese literature
- Akutagawa Prize
- Dazai Osamu Prize
- Ito Sei Prize
- Kawabata Yasunari Prize
- Mishima Yukio Prize
- Naoki Prize
- Noma Prize
- Oda Sakunosuke Prize
- Subaru Prize
- Tanizaki Prize
- Women's Literature Prize
- Yokomitsu Prize
- Yomiuri Prize
[edit] Philippine literature
[edit] Polish literature
[edit] Portuguese literature
[edit] Slovenian literature
- Presernova nagrada
[edit] Spanish literature
- Cervantes Prize
- Premio Nadal
- Rómulo Gallegos Prize
- Premio Planeta
- Premio Nacional de Literatura
- Premio Alfaguara
- Premio Sant Jordi
- Premio Azorín
- Premio Primavera de Novela
- Premio Nacional de Narrativa
- Premio Fernando Lara de Novela
- Premio de la Crítica
- Premio Fastenrath
[edit] Swedish literature
- Aniarapriset - awarded by the Swedish Library Association.
- Augustpriset
- C S Lewis-priset
- De Nios Stora Pris
- Lilla Augustpriset for children's literature
- Piratenpriset
- Svenska Akademins nordiska pris
[edit] Science fiction and fantasy
- (see also List of science fiction awards)
- Hugo Award
- Nebula Award
- Sidewise Award for Alternate History
- James Tiptree, Jr. Award
- BSFA award
- Prix Apollo
- Arthur C. Clarke Award
- Writers of the Future - contest for new authors
- Illustrators of the Future - contest for new illustrators
- John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
- John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
- Philip K. Dick Award
- Compton Crook Award - Best first time novel in Genera in a year.
- Prometheus Award - best Libertarian SF
- Janusz A. Zajdel Award - award given by Polish fandom
- World Fantasy Award
- SFRA Pioneer Award - best critical essay length work
- Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service - promotion of SF teaching and study, etc.
[edit] Children's literature
- Newbery Medal (USA)
- Newbery Honor (USA)
- Caldecott Medal (USA)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal (USA)
- Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award (USA)
- Governor General's Award (Canada)
- Carnegie Medal (UK)
- Children's Laureate (UK)
- Guardian Award (UK)
- Kate Greenaway Medal (UK)
- Nestle Smarties Book Prize (UK)
- Hans Christian Andersen Award (International)
- Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (International)
- Coretta Scott King Award
- Pura Belpré Award
- Jane Addams Children's Book Award
- Michael L. Printz Award
- Robert F. Sibert Award
[edit] Music
- American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal in Music
- BAFTA Anthony Asquith Award
- George Peabody Medal
- Grawemeyer Award - Music Composition
- Prix de Rome
- Polar Music Prize
- Pulitzer Prize for Music
- Schock Prize in Musical Arts
- Sibelius Prize
- Léonie Sonning Music Award[7]
[edit] Theology
[edit] Business and management
- Deming Prize for Quality
- European IST Grand Prize
- Henry Laurence Gantt Medal
- Japan Quality Medal
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- Nikkei QC Literature Prize
- Ron Brown Award
- Qimpro Benchmark Competition - for excellence in business excellence
[edit] Logic and philosophy
- Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy
[edit] Law
- Elizabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Law
- Holberg International Memorial Prize
[edit] Politics
- Lawrence O'Brien Award in Democratic Politics
- Profiles in Courage Award
[edit] Humanitarianism
- Albert Medal - for contribution to society (Royal Society of Arts)
- Brandeis Award - pro-privacy
- Community of Christ International Peace Award
- Fletcher Foundation, Alphonse Fletcher, Sr. Fellowship - for contributions to civil rights
- Franklin Medal - for Anglo-American cooperation (Royal Society of Arts)
- Freedom Award
- Otto Hahn Peace Medal in Gold - awarded by the United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) and the Governing Mayor of Berlin
- Herder Prize - promotion of art and scientific relations in Central and Southeastern Europe
- Gandhi Peace Prize
- Ho-Am Prize: Community Service
- International Peace Prize - awarded by the World Peace Council
- Joliot-Curie Golden Medal of Peace - awarded by the World Peace Council
- Karlspreis
- Lenin Peace Prize
- Leo J. Ryan Award, in honor and memory of the only member of Congress to be killed in the line of duty - Congressman Leo J. Ryan
- Library of Congress Living Legend
- MacArthur Fellowship
- Man of the Year/Person of the Year (Time Magazine)
- Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership a $5 million award for African heads of state for development achievement
- Nansen Refugee Award
- Nobel Peace Prize (Parliament of Norway)
- Pearson Medal of Peace
- Ramon Magsaysay award - for achievement by Asians
- Right Livelihood Award
- Sakharov Prize for human rights and freedom of thought
- Spingarn Medal - for achievement by Black Americans
- Takeda Award
- Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion
- Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize
- U Thant Peace Award - honours individuals or organizations for accomplishments toward the attainment of world peace
- Verodiano award
[edit] Scouting
- For more details on this topic, see List of highest awards in Scouting.
- Cornwell Decoration
- Distinguished Eagle Scout Award
- Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America)
- Eagle Scout (Philippines)
- Gold Award, Girl Scouts of the USA
- Queen's Scout
See also: Merit badge (Boy Scouts of America)
[edit] Honours, military and patriotic medals
- Main list: Orders, decorations, and medals
[edit] Commonwealth and its member states
[edit] United Kingdom and Commonwealth of Nations
- British honours system
- List of people who have declined a British honour
- British and Commonwealth orders and decorations
- Victoria Cross (VC)
- Order of the Garter (KG)
- 100 Greatest Britons (result BBC poll in 2002)
- 100 Worst Britons (result Channel 4 poll in 2003)
[edit] Australia
[edit] Bangladesh
[edit] Canada
- Canada's Walk of Fame
- Cross of Valour
- Order of Canada
- Order of Military Merit
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Order of Ontario
- National Order of Quebec
- Pearson Medal of Peace
[edit] India
- Bharat Ratna
- Gandhi Peace Prize
- Padma Vibhushan
- Padma Bhushan
- Padma Shri
- Pravasi Bharatiya Samman
- Dadasaheb Phalke Award
Military gallantry awards:
Military distinguished service awards:
- Param Visisht Seva Medal
- Ati Visisht Seva Medal
- Visisht Seva Medal
[edit] New Zealand
[edit] South Africa
[edit] Other nations
[edit] Austria
- Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich (Austrian Decorations of Honor)
- Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art)
- Imperial and former Austrian Orders of Merit
[edit] Belgium
[edit] Czech Republic
- Order of the White Lion
- Tomas Garrigue Masaryk Order
- Medal for Heroism
- Medal of Merit
[edit] Denmark
- Order of the Elephant (Elefantordenen)
- Order of the Dannebrog (Dannebrogordenen)
[edit] Estonia
- Order of the National Coat of Arms
- Order of the White Star
- Order of the Cross of the Eagle
- Order of the Estonian Red Cross
- Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
- Protection of Natural Amenities Medal
[edit] Finland
- Order of the Cross of Liberty
- Pro-Finlandia medal
- Order of the White Rose of Finland
- Order of the Lion of Finland
[edit] France
- I fart in your general direction! award for super coolness (Damien is sooooo kool)
- Légion d'honneur (Legion of Honour)
- Ordre National du Mérite (National Order of Merit)
- Order of Arts and Letters (L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres)
[edit] Germany
- Pour le Mérite (The "Blue Max")
- Bundesverdienstkreuz
- Iron Cross
[edit] Greece
[edit] Hong Kong
[edit] Iceland
[edit] Israel
[edit] Italy
[edit] Japan
- Order of the Chrysanthemum (Kikka sho)
- Order of the Rising Sun (Kyokujitsu sho)
- Order of the Precious Crown (Hokan sho)
- Order of the Sacred Treasures (Zuihō sho)
- Order of Culture (Bunka Kunsho)
- Medals of Honor
[edit] Kazakhstan
- Order of the Golden Eagle
[edit] Korea
- Supreme Order of Hibiscus (Mugunghwa Daehunjang)
- Order of National Establishment Merit (Gunguk Hunjang)
- Order of Civil Merit (Gukmin Hunjang)
- Order of Military Merit (Mugong Hunjang)
- Order of Public Services Merit (Geunjung Hunjang)
- Order of Diplomatic Merit (Sugyo Hunjang)
- Order of National Security Merit (Boguk Hunjang)
- Order of Industrial Merit (Sanup Hunjang)
- Order of Cultural Merit (Munhwa Hunjang)
- Order of Sports Merit (Chaeyuk Hunjang)
- Order of National Redevelopment Merit (Saemaul Hunjang)
- Order of Scientific and Technological Merit (Gwahakgisul Hunjang)
[edit] Kuwait
- Order of Kuwait
[edit] Latvia
- Order of the Three Stars
[edit] Liechtenstein
[edit] Lithuania
- Order of Vytautas the Great
- Order of the Cross of Vytis
- Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas
- Order for Merits to Lithuania
[edit] Mexico
- See also: Mexican Imperial Orders
- Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honor
- Condecoración Miguel Hidalgo
- Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle
[edit] Netherlands
[edit] Norway
- War Cross with sword
- Medal for Outstanding Civic Achievement
- The Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav
- The Royal Norwegian Order of Merit
- Haakon VIIs Freedom Cross
- St Olavs medal with Oak Branch
- Medal for Heroism in Gold
- The Kings Medal of Merit in Gold
- St Olavs medal
- War Medal
- Medal of Heroism, Military
- Haakon VIIs Freedom Medal
- Medal for Heroism in Silver
- Medal for Rescue at Sea
[edit] Nepal
- Gorkha Dakshin Bahu/ The Most Puissant Order of the Gurkha Right Arm
- Mahendramala Manapadvi / Order of Mahendra Mala
- Sena Saubhagya Bhaskar
- Nepal Pratap Bhaskar
- Ojasvirajanyako Manapadvi / The Most Glorious Order of Rajanya
- Tribhavan Prajatantra Shripad
- Nepal Shripad
- Nepal Tara / The Most Refulgent Order of the Star of Nepal
- Om Ram Patta
- Trishakti Patta
- Nepal Mahapratap Vardhak
- Nepal Pratap Vardhak
- Suvir Patta
- Nepal Yashovardhak
- Vir Patta
- Mahendra Prahari
- Mahendra Ratna
- Shubha Rajyabishek Padak
- Bahaduri Padak / Bravery Medal
- Suprashamsaniya Patta
- Prashanasaniya Patta
- Seva Patta / Service Medal
- Durgam Sewa Padak
- Paradesa Sewa Padak
- Prahari Ratna
- Prahari Parakrem Padak
- Dirgha Sewa Patta
- Seva Padak / Service Medal
- Nepal Bhushan / Decoration of Nepal
- Gajendra Moksha / Life Saving Medal
- Akash Seva Patta / Air Service Medal
- Varuna Padak
- Lakshaya Bheda Padak
- Shubha Rajyabishek Padak / Coronation of King Mahendra
- Rajata Jayanti Padak
- Coronation of King Bihendra
- Assam Burma Ladain Padak / Assam-Burma Medal
- Maha Bhoonampa Piditoddhara Padak / The Great Earthquake Medal, 1935
- Medal Commemorating the Silver Jubilee of King George V
- Long Service Medal
[edit] Panama
[edit] Philippines
- Order of Sikatuna
- BPI-DOST Science Awards
[edit] Portugal
- Order of the Tower and Sword
- Order of Christ
- Order of Aviz
- Order of Santiago da Espada
- Order of Infante D. Henrique
- Order of Liberty
- Order of Merit
- Order of Public Instruction
- Order of Agricultural, Commercial or Industrial Merit
[edit] Poland
[edit] Russia
Honorary title:
- Order of St. Andrew (highest civil and military award)
- Order of Saint George (highest military award)
- Order of Merit for the Fatherland
- Order of Courage
- Order of Zhoukov
- Order of Suvorov
- Order of Ushakov
- Order of Kutuzov
- Order of Alexander Nevsky
- Order of Nakhimov
- Order of Military Merit
- Order of Maritime Merit
- Order of Reverence
- Order of Friendship
Medals (main):
- Medal of the Gold Star (for the title "Hero of the Russian Federation")
- Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland
- Medal of Valour
- Medal of Suvorov
- Medal of Nesterov
- Medal of Ushakov
- Medal of Zhukov
- Medal of Pushkin
[edit] Soviet Union (former)
- Hero of the Soviet Union (honorary title)
- Hero of Socialist Labour (honorary title)
- Order of Lenin
- Order of Suvorov
- Order of the October Revolution
- Order of the Red Banner
- Order of Victory
[edit] Spain
[edit] Sweden
[edit] United States
- Medal of Honor
- Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Congressional Gold Medal
- Honorary Citizen of the United States
[edit] Entertainment
- ATOM Award (Australia, New Zealand) - for film, television, and digital multimedia
- Bambi Prize (Germany) - Hubert Burda Media, for television and media
- NAACP Image Award - for upstanding portrayals of African-Americans in film, television, music and literature
- People's Choice Award (for television, film and music in the United States)
[edit] Advertising
- The International Andy Awards
- Clio Awards
- Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival
- D&AD
- Effie Awards
- Summit Awards
- The One Show
[edit] Beauty
- Miss Universe
- Miss World
- Miss Europe
- Mr. Universe
- Mr. World
- National
- Miss America
- Miss Canada International
- Miss Teen Canada International
- Miss Hong Kong
- Miss India
- Miss USA
- Miss Venezuela
[edit] Comic books
- Adamson Awards
- Alley Award
- Bill Finger Award
- Canadian Cartoonist Hall of Fame
- The Doug Wright Award
- Eagle Awards
- Eisner Award
- Friends of Lulu Award
- Harvey Award
- Haxtur Award
- Ignatz Awards
- Joe Shuster Award
- Kirby Awards
- Kodansha Manga Award
- Max & Moritz Prizes
- National Comics Award (United Kingdom)
- Osamu Tezuka Culture Award
- Prix Saint-Michel
- Prix de la critique
- Russ Manning Award
- Shazam Award
- Squiddy Award
- Urhunden Prizes
- Wizard Fan Awards
- Xeric Foundation - financial grant for self-publishing comic book creators
[edit] Film
See also list of film awards, film festival.
- Amanda Award
- British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)
- Cesar Award (France) -
- Crystal Globe - (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)
- Dadasaheb Phalke Award (India)
- David di Donatello Awards
- Étalan de Yennenga (Africa) - Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou
- European Film Awards - European Film Academy
- Genie Awards
- Golden Bear (Germany) - Berlin Film Festival
- Golden Leopard (Switzerland) - Locarno International Film Festival
- Golden Lion (Italy) - Venice Film Festival
- Goya Award (Spain)
- Guldbagge Award (Sweden)
- Hollywood Walk of Fame
- Lola Awards - Awarded by the German Film Academy
- Oscar (Academy Award)
- Palme d'Or (France) - Cannes Film Festival
- SIGNY award - Adult entertainment industry
- Spencer Tracy Award - UCLA Campus Events Commission
[edit] Humor
- British Comedy Awards
- Canadian Comedy Awards
- Commie Awards
- Mark Twain Prize for American Humor
- Perrier Comedy Award (United Kingdom)
- Premio Quevedos (Spain) - for graphical humor
[edit] Internet and computers
- Prix Ars Electronica (Austria)
- Webby Award
- New Statesman New Media Awards (UK)
[edit] Music
- ARIA Awards
- Brit Awards
- Comet - German all music channel Viva
- Echo - German Phonographic Academy
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Festival della canzone italiana (Italy) - Sanremo Music Festival
- Grammy Award.
- Grammy Hall of Fame Award recipients A-D, E-I, J-P, Q-Z - Recordings
- Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award - Performers
- Grammy Trustees Award - Non-performers
- Grand Prix du Disque (France)
- Instrumental Rock Guitar Hall Of Fame
- Ivor Novello Award - British Academy of Composers and Songwriters
- Juno Award (Canada)
- MTV Europe Music Award
- MTV Video Music Award
- Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik - German Record Critics Prize
[edit] Stage
- Drama Desk Awards
- The Eugene O'Neill Award (Sweden)
- Laurence Olivier Awards (United Kingdom)
- Obie Award
- Tony Award
[edit] Television
- British Academy Television Awards
- Deutscher Fernsehpreis - German Television Award
- Edward R. Murrow Award
- Emmy Award
- Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo (Monaco)
- FIPA d'Or (International)- Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels
- Gemini Award
- George Foster Peabody Award - Broadcast Journalism
- Golden Rose of Montreux
- Goldene Kamera
- Grimme Preis
- Logie Award (Australia)
- National Television Awards
- Royal Television Society Awards
- Telly Awards
[edit] Tourism
- Pomme d'Or - European Association of Professional Travel Writers and Journalists
- IAAPA Applause Award - International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions
- Thea award - Themed Entertainment Association
[edit] Radio
[edit] Sports and Games
[edit] Overall
[edit] Auto Racing
[edit] Baseball
- Cy Young Award
- Rookie of the Year Award
- Most Valuable Player Award
- Gold Glove Award
- Olympic medalists
- World Series
- Baseball Hall of Fame
[edit] Basketball
- Basketball Hall of Fame
- NBA Most Valuable Player
- NBA Defensive Player of the Year
- NBA Sixth Man Award
- NBA Rookie of the Year
- NBA Coach of the Year
- NBA Executive of the Year
- Naismith Award
- Wooden Award
- NCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player
[edit] Board games
[edit] Boxing
[edit] Chess
- National Chess Champions
- World Chess Champions
- World Junior Chess Champions
- International Grandmasters
[edit] Cricket
[edit] Figure skating
- World Figure skating Champions
- European Figure skating Champions
- Four Continents Figure skating Champions
- U.S. Figure skating Champions
[edit] American Football
- see College football#College Football Awards
- Grey Cup (Canadian football)
- Super Bowl
- Category:American football trophies and awards
- Category:Canadian football trophies and awards
- Pro Football Hall of Fame
[edit] Ice hockey
- Allan Cup
- Conn Smythe Trophy
- Hart Memorial Trophy
- Hobey Baker Award
- Les Cunningham Award
- Memorial Cup
- Patty Kazmaier Award
- Stanley Cup
- Vezina Trophy
[edit] Lacrosse
- Champion's Cup
- Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Award
- Founders Cup
- Jack Turnbull Award
- Les Bartley Award
- Lt. Raymond Enners Award
- Major League Lacrosse Coach of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse Community Service Award
- Major League Lacrosse Defensive player of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse Goaltender of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse Most Improved Player of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse MVP Award
- Major League Lacrosse Offensive player of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse Rookie of the Year Award
- Major League Lacrosse Sportsman of the Year Award
- Mann Cup
- McLaughlin Award
- Minto Cup
- National Lacrosse League Defenseman of the Year Award
- National Lacrosse League Executive of the Year Award
- National Lacrosse League GM of the Year Award
- National Lacrosse League Goaltender of the Year Award
- National Lacrosse League Monthly Awards
- National Lacrosse League MVP Award
- National Lacrosse League Rookie of the Year Award
- National Lacrosse League Sportsmanship Award
- National Lacrosse League Weekly Awards
- Presidents Cup
- Schmeisser Award
- Steinfeld Cup
- Tewaaraton Trophy
- Tom Borrelli Award
[edit] Olympic medalists
- Alpine skiing
- Archery
- Athletics (men) (women)
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Biathlon
- Bobsleigh
- Boxing
- Canoeing (men) (women)
- Cross-country skiing
- Curling
- Cycling (men) (women)
- Diving
- Equestrian
- Fencing (men) (women)
- Field hockey
- Figure skating
- Football
- Freestyle skiing
- Gymnastics (men) (women)
- Handball
- Ice hockey
- Judo
- Luge
- Modern pentathlon
- Nordic combined
- Rowing (men) (women)
- Sailing
- Shooting
- Short track speed skating
- Skeleton
- Ski jumping
- Snowboarding
- Softball
- Speed skating
- Swimming (men) (women)
- Synchronized swimming
- Table tennis
- Taekwondo
- Tennis
- Triathlon
- Volleyball
- Water polo
- Weightlifting
- Wrestling
[edit] Tennis
- List of Wimbledon champions
- List of Australian Open champions
- List of French Open champions
- List of US Open champions
- Davis Cup
- Fed Cup
- Hopman Cup
[edit] Videogames
[edit] Other sports
- America's Cup, the oldest active trophy in international sport, since 1851
- Commonwealth Games
- Alpine Skiing World Cup
- Rugby World Cup
- Cricket World Cup
- The Ashes - the oldest prize in international cricket, since 1882
- Football World Cup
- Intercontinental Cup - (soccer)
- Brownlow Medal (Australian football)
- World Championships in Biathlon
- List of winners of the Boston Marathon
- Billiard Congress of America Hall of Fame
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Team Award,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Overseas Personality,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Coach Award,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Helen Rollason Award,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Young Personality,
- BBC Sports Personality of the Year Unsung Hero Award
- Melbourne Cup,
- Cox Plate,
- Caulfield Cup,
- Callahan MVP Award - Ultimate Frisbee[8]
[edit] Quizbowl
- The College Bowl
- The Meredith Cup
- The Carper Award
[edit] Miscellaneous
- All-America City Award
- Dickin Medal - the animals' Victoria Cross
- Order of Smile - the only medal awarded internationally by children
- XRCO awards
- Pipe Smoker of the Year
- Evening Standard Pub of the Year - as voted for by the readers of London's Evening Standard
[edit] Mock prizes
- Big Brother Awards - anti-privacy
- Ig Nobel Prize
- Golden Raspberry Awards (Razzie)
- Golden Turkey Award
- Darwin Awards
- Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
- Foot in Mouth Prize
- Bad Sex in Fiction Award
- The Luvvies (United Kingdom)
- Naomi Awards
[edit] See also
- Honorary degree
- International Prize Court
- List of honorary societies
- List of prizes, medals, and awards in Singapore
- List of prizes, medals, and awards for women in science
- List of reference tables
- Literary award
- Prize money, a monetary prize awarded for winning or coming a place in a competition.
[edit] Sources and references
- ^ Automotive X PRIZE. Automotive X PRIZE. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ The Kilby International Awards. The Kilby International Awards Foundation. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Lettre International Award. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Lettre Ulysses Award. Lettre International Aventis Foundation. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Lettre Ulysses Award. Lettre International Aventis Foundation. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Lettre International Award. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Denmark’s Premier Music Award. sonning. Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
- ^ Callahan Award. Ultimate Player Association (UPA). Retrieved on 2007-02-09.
[edit] External links
- Canada's Awards Database
- The International Congress of Distinguished Awards (ICDA) Official website
- Provisional 2006 ICDA Official Roster of Distinguished Awards