List of snakes
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This is a list of extant snakes, given by their common names. Note that the snakes are grouped by name, and in some cases the grouping may have no scientific basis.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- adder
- berg adder
- common adder
- deaf adder
- death adder
- Desert Death Adder
- horned adder
- long-nosed adder
- many-horned adder
- mountain adder
- Mud adder
- Namaqua dwarf adder
- Peringuey's adder
- puff adder
- rhombic night adder
- sand adder
- dwarf sand adder
- Namib dwarf sand adder
- sea adder
- water adder
- Aesculapian Snake
- anaconda
- Bolivian Anaconda
- Deschauense's Anaconda
- green anaconda
- yellow anaconda
- Arafura File Snake
- asp
[edit] B
- bandy-bandy
- barba amarilla
- beaked snake
- African beaked snake
- Dwarf Beaked Snake
- Rufous beaked snake
- bird snake
- black-headed snake
- black rat snake
- black snake
- blind snake
- boa
- boiga
- boomslang
- brown snake
- Bull Snake
- bushmaster
[edit] C
- canebrake
- cantil
- cascabel
- cascavel
- cat-eyed snake
- Banded Cat-eyed Snake
- green cat-eyed snake
- cat snake
- chicken snake
- coachwhip snake
- cobra
- black-necked cobra
- Cape Cobra
- Chinese cobra
- cobra de capello
- common cobra
- Eastern water cobra
- Egyptian cobra
- False Cobra
- False Water Cobra
- forest cobra
- gold's tree cobra
- Indian cobra
- king cobra
- monocled cobra
- Mozambique Spitting Cobra
- Philippine cobra
- Red spitting cobra
- Rinkhals cobra
- shield-nosed cobra
- spitting cobra
- white-lipped cobra
- yellow cobra
- Collett's Snake
- congo snake
- copperhead
- coral snake
- Arizona coral snake
- Beddome's coral snake
- Brazilian coral snake
- Cape coral snake
- Eastern coral snake
- false coral snake
- Harlequin coral snake
- High Woods Coral Snake
- Malayan long-glanded coral snake
- Western coral snake
- corn snake
- South Eastern corn snake
- cottonmouth
- crowned snake
- Cuban Wood Snake
[edit] D
[edit] E
- Eastern hognose snake
- Egg-eater
- Eastern Mud Snake
[edit] F
- fer-de-lance
- fierce snake
- fishing snake
- flying snake
- Indian Flying Snake
- Moluccan Flying Snake
- ornate flying snake
- paradise flying snake
- Fox Snake
[edit] G
- garter snake
- Glossy snake
- gopher snake
- grass snake
- green snake
- ground snake
- Common Ground Snake
- Three-lined Ground Snake
- Western Ground Snake
[edit] H
- habu
- himehabu
- Okinawan habu
- Sakishima habu
- Tokarahabu
- harlequin snake
- herald snake
- Hog Island Boa
- hognose snake
- Eastern Hognose Snake
- Giant Malagasy Hognose Snake
- Plains hognose snake
- Western hognose snake
- hoop snake
- hundred pacer
[edit] I
[edit] K
- keelback
- Asian keelback
- Black-striped keelback
- Burmese keelback
- common keelback
- Orange-collared keelback
- Red-necked keelback
- Speckle-bellied keelback
- Tiger keelback
- King Brown
- king snake
- California Kingsnake
- Desert Kingsnake
- Grey-Banded Kingsnake
- North Eastern king snake
- Prairie Kingsnake
- Scarlet Kingsnake
- Speckled Kingsnake
- krait
- banded krait
- blue krait
- many-banded krait
- kufah
[edit] L
- Large Shield Snake
- lancehead
- Lora
- lyre snake
- Central American lyre snake
- Texas Lyre Snake
- Western Lyre Snake
[edit] M
- Machete Savane
- mamba
- mamushi
- mangrove snake
- Milk Snake
- Moccasin snake
- Montpellier snake
- mussurana
[edit] N
- night snake
[edit] P
- parrot snake
- Mexican parrot snake
- Patchnose snake
- Perrotet's Shieldtail snake
- Pine snake
- Pipe snake
- python
- African rock python
- Amethystine python
- Angolan python
- Australian Scrub python
- Ball python
- Bismarck ringed python
- Black Headed Python
- Blood python
- Boelen python
- Borneo Short-tailed python
- Bredl's python
- Brown Water python
- Burmese Python
- Calabar Python
- carpet python
- Centralian carpet python
- Coastal carpet python
- Inland carpet python
- Jungle carpet python
- New Guinea carpet python
- Northwestern carpet python
- Southwestern carpet python
- Children's python
- Dauan Island Water python
- Desert Woma python
- Diamond python
- Flinders python
- Green Tree Python
- Halmahera python
- Indian Python
- Indonesian Water python
- Macklot's python
- Mollucan python
- Oenpelli python
- Olive python
- Papuan python
- Pygmy python
- Red Blood python
- Reticulated python
- Kayaudi Dwarf Reticulated python
- Selayer reticulated python
- Rough-scaled python
- Savu python
- South African python
- Spotted python
- Stimson's python
- Sumatran Short-tailed python
- Tanimbar python
- Timor python
- Wetar Island python
- white-lipped python
- Brown white-lipped python
- Northern white-lipped python
- Southern white-lipped python
- Woma Python
- Western Woma python
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- racer
- Bimini racer
- Buttermilk Racer
- eastern racer
- Eastern Yellowbelly Racer
- Mexican Racer
- Southern Black Racer
- Tan Racer
- West Indian racer
- rat snake
See also List of rattlesnake species and subspecies
- rattlesnake
- Arizona black rattlesnake
- Aruba rattlesnake
- Chihuahuan ridge-nosed rattlesnake
- Coronado Island rattlesnake
- Durango rock rattlesnake
- dusky pigmy rattlesnake
- Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
- Grand Canyon rattlesnake
- Great Basin rattlesnake
- hopi rattlesnake
- lance-headed rattlesnake
- long-tailed rattlesnake
- Massasauga rattlesnake
- Mexican green rattlesnake
- Mexican west coast rattlesnake
- midget faded rattlesnake
- Mojave rattlesnake
- northern black-tailed rattlesnake
- Oaxacan small-headed rattlesnake
- rattler
- red diamond rattlesnake
- Southern Pacific rattlesnake
- Southwestern speckled rattlesnake
- tancitaran dusky rattlesnake
- tiger rattlesnake
- timber rattlesnake
- tropical rattlesnake
- twin-spotted rattlesnake
- Uracoan rattlesnake
- Western diamondback rattlesnake
- Ribbon snake
- rinkhals
- river jack
[edit] S
- sea snake
- annulated sea snake
- beaked sea snake
- Dubois's sea snake
- Hardwicke's sea snake
- Hook Nosed Sea Snake
- olive sea snake
- plagic sea snake
- Stoke's sea snake
- yellow-bellied sea snake
- yellow-lipped sea snake
- Shield-tailed snake
- sidewinder
- Colorado desert sidewinder
- Mojave desert sidewinder
- Sonoran sidewinder
- smooth snake
- sonoran
- Stiletto Snake
- sunbeam snake
[edit] T
- taipan
- tentacled snake
- tic polonga
- tiger snake
- tigre snake
- tree snake
- Blanding's tree snake
- blunt-headed tree snake
- Brown tree snake
- long-nosed tree snake
- Many-banded Tree Snake
- Northern tree snake
- twig snake
- African twig snake
[edit] U
[edit] V
- vine snake
- Mexican vine snake
See also List of viperine species and subspecies
- viper
- asp viper
- bamboo viper
- burrowing viper
- bush viper
- carpet viper
- Crossed Viper
- cyclades blunt-nosed viper
- eyelash viper
- Fea's viper
- fifty pacer
- Gaboon viper
- hognosed viper
- horned desert viper
- horned viper
- jumping viper
- Kaznakov's viper
- leaf-nosed viper
- leaf viper
- levant viper
- long-nosed viper
- McMahon's viper
- mole viper
- nose-horned viper
- Palestinian viper
- pallas' viper
- palm viper
- Amazonian palm viper
- green palm viper
- Guatemalan palm viper
- Honduran palm viper
- Siamese palm viper
- yellow-lined palm viper
- pit viper
- Barbour's pit viper
- black-tailed horned pit viper
- eyelash pit viper
- Godman's pit viper
- green tree pit viper
- habu pit viper
- Kanburian pit viper
- Malayan pit viper
- mangrove pit viper
- Sri Lankan pit viper
- temple pit viper
- tiger pit viper
- undulated pit viper
- Wagler's pit viper
- Wirot's pit viper
- Portuguese viper
- rhinoceros viper
- river jack
- Russell's viper
- sand viper
- saw-scaled viper
- Schlegel's viper
- sedge viper
- sharp-nosed viper
- snorkel viper
- temple viper
- tree viper
- Chinese tree viper
- Guatemalan tree viper
- Indian tree viper
- Pope's tree viper
- rough-scaled tree viper
- Rungwe tree viper
- Sumatran tree viper
- White-lipped tree viper
- Ursini's viper
- Western hog-nosed viper
[edit] W
- wart snake
- water moccasin
- water snake
- Bocourt's water snake
- Northern Water Snake
- whip snake
- long-nosed whip snake
- wolf snake
- African wolf snake
- barred wolf snake
- worm snake
- wutu