List of trade unions
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This is a list of trade unions and union federations by country.
[edit] International Federations
[edit] Global
- General Confederation of Trade Unions
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ICFTU
- International Trade Union Confederation
- International Workers Association IWA-AIT
- World Confederation of Labour WCL
- World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU
[edit] Regional
- Baltic Sea Trade Union Network
- Caribbean Congress of Labour
- Council of Nordic Trade Unions
- European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions
- European Federation of Public Service Unions EPSU
- European Trade Union Confederation ETUC
- Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations
- ICFTU African Regional Organisation AFRO
- ICFTU Asia and Pacific Regional Organisation APRO
- ICFTU Inter American Regional Organisation of Workers ORIT
- International Affiliation of Writers Guilds
- International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions
- International Council of Nurses
- International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations
- Organization of African Trade Union Unity
- South Asian Regional Trade Union Council
[edit] Sectoral global union federations
- Building and Wood Workers' International
- Education International EI
- International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions ICEM
- International Federation of Journalists IFJ
- International Metalworkers' Federation IMF
- International Transport Workers' Federation ITF
- International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation ITGLWF
- International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association IUF
- Public Services International PSI
- Union Network International UNI
[edit] Afghanistan
[edit] Albania
[edit] Algeria
- General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) ([1])
[edit] Andorra
[edit] Angola
- General Centre of Independent and Free Unions of Angola (CGSILA)
- Independent Union of Maritime and Related Workers (SIMA)
- National Union of Angolan Workers (UNTA)
[edit] Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua Trades and Labour Union (ATLU)
- Antigua Workers' Union (AWU or ABWU)
- Antigua and Barbuda Public Service Association (ABPSA)
[edit] Argentina
- Argentine Workers' Center (CTA) ([2])
- Consejo Coordinador Argentino Sindical (CCAS)
- Federación Agraria Argentina
- General Confederation of Labour (Argentina) (CGT) ([3])
[edit] Armenia
[edit] Aruba
[edit] Australia
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (
- Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
- Australian Education Union
- Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers
- Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association
- Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
- Australian Maritime Officers Union
- Australian Nursing Federation
- Australian Professional Footballers' Association
- Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union
- Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation
- Australian Services Union
- Australian Workers Union
- Australian Writers' Guild
- Blind Workers Union of Victoria
- Breweries & Bottleyards Employees Industrial Union of Workers WA
- Civil Air Operations Officers Association of Australia
- Club Managers Association Australia
- Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union of Australia
- Community and Public Sector Union
- Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
- Finance Sector Union
- Flight Attendants Association of Australia - Domestic/Regional Division
- Flight Attendants' Association of Australia - International Division
- Funeral and Allied Industries Union of NSW
- Health Services Union
- Independent Education Union of Australia
- Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union
- Maritime Union of Australia
- Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
- Medical Scientists Association of Victoria
- National Tertiary Education Union
- National Union of Workers
- Police Federation of Australia
- Rugby League Professionals Association
- Salaried Pharmacists Association of WA Union of Workers
- Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association
- Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia
- Transport Workers Union of Australia
- Union of Christmas Island Workers
- United Firefighters Union of Australia
- Western Australian Prison Officers Union of Workers
- Woolclassers Association of Australia
For unregistered Australian unions see - List of unregistered Australian unions
- Unite Union
- Industrial Workers of the World
- Shearers and Rural Workers' Union
- National Jet Systems Pilots Group
- Queensland Power Workers' Association (now defunct) [4]
- Health Workers Union (Queensland)
- Queensland Prison Officers Association (possibly to be registered in 2006)
[edit] Austria
- Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund, ÖGB) (
[edit] Azerbaijan
[edit] Bahamas
- Bahamas Hotel, Catering and Allied Workers Union
- Bahamas Taxi Cab Union
- Commonwealth of the Bahamas Trade Union Congress
- National Congress of Trade Unions
[edit] Bahrain
[edit] Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress (BFTUC)
- Bangladesh Ganotantrik Sramik Federation
- Bangladesh Jatio Sramik League
- Bangladesh Jatiyo Sramik Jote
- Bangladesh Jatyatabadi Sramik Dal
- Bangladesh Labour Federation
- Bangladesh Mukto Sramik Federation
- Bangladesh Sanjukta Sramik Federation
- Bangladesh Trade Union Kendra
- Jatio Sramik Federation
- Jatyo Sramik League
- Samajtantrik Sramik Front
[edit] Barbados
[edit] Belarus
- Belarus Free Trade Union (SPB)
- Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions
- Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
[edit] Belgium
- General Federation of Belgian Labour - Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond (ABVV, Dutch) or Fédération générale des Travailleurs de Belgique (FGTB, French)
- Confederation of Christian Trade Unions - Algemeen Christelijk Verbond (ACV, Dutch) or Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens (CSC, French)
- General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium - Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden (ACLVB, Dutch) or Centrale Générale des Syndicats Libéraux de Belgique (CGSLB, French)
[edit] Belize
- National Trade Union Congress of Belize
- Christian Workers' Union
- United General Workers Union
- General Workers' Union (Belize)
[edit] Benin
- Autonomous Trade Unions Centre
- General Confederation of the Workers of Benin (CGTB)
- National Union of the Unions of the Workers of Benin (UNSTB)
[edit] Bermuda
[edit] Bhutan
[edit] Bolivia
- Bolivian Workers' Center (Central Obrera Boliviana, COB)
- Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (Unique Confederation of Rural Laborers of Bolivia, CSUTCB)
- Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia (Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers) ([5])
- Corriente de Renovación Independiente y Solidaridad Laboral (CRISOL0) ([6])
[edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republika Srpska
[edit] Botswana
- Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU)
- Air Botswana Employees' Union
- Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board Workers' Union
- Botswana Bank Employees' Union
- Botswana Beverages & Allied Workers' Union
- Botswana Central Bank Staff Union
- Botswana Commercial & General Workers' Union
- Botswana Construction Workers' Union
- Botswana Diamond Sorters & Valuators' Union
- Botswana Hotel Travel & Tourism Workers' Union
- Botswana Housing Corporation Staff Union
- Botswana Institute of Development Management Workers' Union
- Botswana Manufacturing & Packaging Workers' Union
- Botswana Meat Industry Workers' Union
- Botswana Mining Workers' Union
- Botswana National Development Bank Staff Union
- Botswana Postal Services Workers' Union
- Botswana Power Corporation Workers' Union
- Botswana Private Medical & Health Services Workers' Union
- Botswana Railways Amalgamated Workers' Union
- Botswana Saving Bank Employees' Union
- Botswana Telecommunication Employees' Union
- Botswana Vaccine Institute Staff Union
- Botswana Wholesale, Furniture & Retail Workers' Union
- National Amalgamated Central, Local & Parastatal Manual Workers' Union
- Rural Industry Promotions Company Workers' Union
- University of Botswana Non-Academic Staff Union
[edit] Brazil
- Central Autônoma de Trabalhadores (
- Central Única dos Trabalhadores (
- Confederação Brasileira de Trabalhadores Cristâos
- Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores (
- Coordenação Nacional de Lutas (
- Força Sindical (
[edit] Bulgaria
- Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria
- Confederation of Labour Podkrepa
- National Trade Union Promyana
[edit] Burkina Faso
- National Confederation of Workers of Burkina
- National Organisations of Free Trade Unions
- Trade Union Confederation of Burkina
[edit] Burundi
[edit] Cambodia
[edit] Cameroon
- Confederation of Cameroon Trade Unions
- General Confederation of Free Workers of Cameroon
- Union of Free Trade Unions of Cameroon
[edit] Canada
Many United States unions (typically those with "international" in their name, plus the NHL Players Association) also include Canada. See below.
- Directory of Labour Unions in Canada (Gov of Canada)
- Canadian Labour Congress CLC
- BC Carpenters Union (
- Canadian Auto Workers Union (
- Canadian Union of Public Employees (
- Canadian Union of Postal Workers (
- Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (
- International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (
- International Longshore and Warehouse Union (
- Public Service Alliance of Canada (
- Service Employees International Union (
- Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (House of Democratic Unions)
- Centrale des syndicats du Québec (Quebec House of Unions,
- Confédération des syndicats nationaux (National Unions Confederation,
- Fédération des travailleurs du Québec (Quebec Workers Federation,
- Manitoba Teachers' Society, The ([7])
- Ontario Public Service Employees Union (
- British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (
- National Union of Public and General Employees (
- Hospital Employees' Union (
- Telecommunications Workers Union (
- Seafarers International Union of Canada
[edit] Cape Verde
[edit] Caribbean
[edit] Central African Republic
- Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs de Centrafrique
- National Confederation of Central African Workers
- Union of Central African Workers
[edit] Chad
[edit] Chile
[edit] People's Republic of China
- All-China Federation of Trade Unions
- All-China Federation of Railway Workers' Unions
- National Committee of the Chinese Agricultural, Forestry and Water Conservancy Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Aviation Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Banking Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Defense Industry, Postal and Telecommunications Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Medical and Sports Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Energy and Chemical Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Financial, Commercial, Light Industry, Textile and Tobacco Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Machinery, Metallurgical and Building Material Workers' Union
- National Committee of the Chinese Seamen and Construction Workers' Union
[edit] Colombia
- Central Union of Workers
- Confederation of Workers of Colombia
- General Confederation of Democratic Workers
[edit] Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Confédération Générale du Travail du Congo
- Democratic Confederation of Labour (DRC)
- National Union of Congolese Workers
[edit] Republic of the Congo
- Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Congo
- Confédération Syndicale du Congo
- Confédération des Syndicats Libres Autonomes du Congo
- Congolese Trade Union Confederation
[edit] Costa Rica
- Central de Trabajadores de Costa Rica
- Central del Movimiento de Trabajadores Costarricenses
- Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores (Costa Rica)
- Confederación du Trabajadores de Costa Rica
- Costa Rican Confederation of Workers
[edit] Croatia
- Association of Croatian Public Sector Unions
- Croatian Trade Union Association
- Independent Trade Unions of Croatia
- Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia
- Workers' Trade Union Association of Croatia
[edit] Cuba
[edit] Cyprus
- Cyprus Turkish Unions Federation
- Cyprus Union of Bank Employees
- Cyprus Workers' Confederation
- Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus
- Pancyprian Federation of Labour
- Pancyprian Public Servants' Trade Union
- Revolutionary Trade Unions Federation
[edit] Czech Republic
- Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions – Českomoravská konfederace odborových svazů, ČMKOS,
- Association of Autonomous Trade Unions – Asociace samostatných odborů, ASO,
- Confederation of Art and Culture – Konfederace umění a kultury, KUK,
- Christian Labour Confederation – Křesťanská odborová koalice, KOK
- Trade Union Federation of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia – Odborové sdružení Čech, Moravy a Slezska, OSČMS,
- Trade Union Federation Equality – Odborový svaz Rovnost, OSR,
[edit] Côte d'Ivoire
- Centrale des Syndicats Libres de Côte d'Ivoire
- Federation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Côte d'Ivoire
- General Workers Union in Côte d'Ivoire
[edit] Denmark
- Danish Confederation of Professional Associations
- Danish Confederation of Trade Unions
- Salaried Employees' and Civil Servants' Confederation
[edit] Djibouti
[edit] Dominica
- Dominica Amalgamated Workers' Union
- Dominica Public Service Union
- National Workers' Union (Dominica)
- Waterfront and Allied Workers' Union
[edit] Dominican Republic
[edit] East Timor
[edit] Ecuador
- Confederación Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Clasistas Unitarias de Trabajadores
- Confederación de Trabajadores del Ecuador
- Ecuador Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations
- Frente Unitario de los Trabajadores
[edit] Egypt
[edit] El Salvador
- Central Autónoma de Trabajadores Salvadoreños
- Central de Trabajadores Democráticos
- Federación Nacional Sindical de Trabajadores Salvadoreños
[edit] Equatorial Guinea
[edit] Eritrea
[edit] Estonia
[edit] Ethiopia
[edit] Fiji
- Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions
- Fiji Trades Union Congress
- Federation of Cane Growers (Fiji)
- Indian Cane Growers Association (Fiji)
- Kisan Sangh
- Labasa Kisan Sangh
- Maha Sangh
- National Farmers Union (Fiji)
- Rewa Planters Union
- Vishal Sangh
[edit] Finland
The three major confederations:
- Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK (
- Finnish Confederation of Salaried Employees STTK (
- Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland AKAVA (
Individual trade unions (The confederational affiliation shown in brackets. Unions in AKAVA are in decreasing order of size):
- Affiliated Unions of the Joint Organisation of State Employees (SAK,
- Chemical Workers' Union (SAK,
- Coastguard Union (SAK,
- Construction Trade Union (SAK,
- Finnish Aviation Union (SAK,
- Finnish Cabin Crew Union (SAK,
- Finnish Customs Officers' Union (SAK,
- Finnish Electrical Workers' Union (SAK,
- Finnish Foodstuff Workers' Union (SAK,
- Finnish Locomotivemen's Union (SAK,
- Finnish Media Union (SAK,
- Finnish Musicians' Union (SAK,
- Finnish Post and Logistics Union (SAK,
- Finnish Prison Officers' Union (SAK,
- Finnish Railwaymen's Union (SAK,
- Finnish Seamen's Union (SAK,
- Finnish Social Democratic Journalists' Union (SAK, Official homepage)
- Finnish Transport Workers' Union (SAK,
- General Union of Journalists (SAK,
- Metalworkers' Union (SAK,
- Paperworkers' Union (SAK,
- Postal Workers' Union (SAK, merged with Union of Post-office Employees on 1 June, 2005 to form Finnish Post and Logistics Union)
- Railway Salaried Staff's Union (SAK,
- Service Union United (SAK,
- Finnish National Union of State Employees and Special Services (SAK,
- Wood and Allied Workers' Union (SAK,
- Trade Union for Municipal Sector (SAK,
- Union of Foremen in Commerce (SAK,
- Union of Post-office Employees (SAK, merged with Postal Workers' Union on 1 June, 2005 to form Finnish Post and Logistics Union)
- Union of Salaried Employees TU (STTK,
- Union of Health and Social Care Services (STTK,
- Finnish Union of Practical Nurses SuPer (STTK,
- Finnish Engineers´ Association SKL (STTK
- Federation of Technical Employees in the Dairy Industry MVL (STTK
- Federation of Public and Private Sector Employees Jyty,(STTK,
- Confederation of Municipal Employees in Technical Professions (STTK, [
- National Union of Public Health Nurses STHL (STTK,
- Finnish Fire-Fighters Union (STTK)
- Pardia - Confederation of State Employees´ Unions (STTK,
- Trade Union SUORA (STTK,
- Federation of Special Service and Clerical Employees (STTK,
- Union of Insurance Employees (STTK) 10 500 (STTK,
- Sales and Marketing Professionals (STTK) (STTK,
- Union of Finnish Foresters (STTK,
- Union of Officials and Employees in Parishes (STTK) (STTK,
- Mediaunion (STTK,
- Finnish Ships´ Officers´ Association (STTK,
- Technical Employees in Stevedoring and Forwarding Branch (STTK,
- Finnish Federation of Technicians in Special Branches (STTK,
- Officials of Construction Industry (STTK) (STTK,
- Commercial college graduates´ union (STTK) (STTK,
- Agrologien Liitto – "Union of Agrologists" (STTK,
- Trade Union of Education in Finland (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers (AKAVA,
- Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Graduates in Economics and Business Administration (AKAVA,
- Finnish Medical Association (AKAVA,
- Central Union of Special Branches within AKAVA (AKAVA,
- Finnish Business Polytechnic Graduates Association (AKAVA,
- Union of Professional Social Workers (AKAVA,
- Association of Finnish Lawyers (AKAVA,
- Finnish Pharmacists' Association (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Political Scientists (AKAVA,
- Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (AKAVA,
- Finnish Dental Association (AKAVA,
- Finnish Union of Experts in Science (AKAVA,
- YTY & Coach (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Academic Agronomists (AKAVA,
- Officers Union (AKAVA) (AKAVA,
- Finnish Psychological Association (AKAVA,
- Union of Finnish Clergy (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Architects (AKAVA,
- Finnish Union of Environmental Professionals (AKAVA,
- Union of Swedish-speaking Engineers in Finland (AKAVA,
- Society of Finnish Professional Foresters (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AKAVA,
- Union of Finnish University Professors (AKAVA,
- Union of Diaconal Workers in Finland (AKAVA,
- Finnish Veterinary Association (AKAVA,
- Finnish Association of Church Organists (AKAVA, Official homepage)
- Union of Finnish Speech Therapists (AKAVA,
- AKAVA's General Group (AKAVA,
- Health Science Academic Leaders and Experts (AKAVA,
- Association of Employees in Government Educational Administration (AKAVA,
Related topics:
[edit] France
- the 5 large confederations
- 3 importants unions
- Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques (SUD)
- Fédération Syndicale Unitaire (FSU)
- Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes (UNSA)
- other unions:
- Confédération Nationale du Travail ( (anarcho-syndicalists)
- Confédération Autonome du Travail ([8]) Autonomous Confederation of Labour, founded in 1953.
- Action Police CFTC
- Sud-PTT
- Syndicat de la Magistrature
Historic unions:
[edit] Gabon
[edit] The Gambia
[edit] Georgia
[edit] Germany
- Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) German Confederation of Trade Unions [9]
- IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (construction, agriculture, environment) -
- IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (mining, chemicals, energy) -
- Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (education and science) -
- IG Metall (metal workers) -
- Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (food, beverages, catering) -
- Trade Union of the Police -
- TRANSNET Gewerkschaft (railway workers) -
- ver.di (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft) (United Services Union) -
- Deutscher Beamtenbund (dbb) German Civil Service Federation -
- komba gewerkschaft (local administration workers) -
- Deutsche Steuergewerkschaft (DSTG) (tax inspectors) -
- Christlicher Gewerkschaftsbund (CGB) *German Christian Workers' Federation -
- Other free Trade Unions
- Deutscher Bundeswehrverband (dbwv) (armed forces) -
- Marburger Bund (medical clinic doctors) -
- Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (detective inspectors) -
- Free Workers' Union of Germany (1919-1933)
- Free Workers' Union - (1977 - )
- Deutsche Angestellten Gewerkschaft (DAG) German Salaried Employees' Union until 2001
[edit] Ghana
[edit] Gibraltar
[edit] Historical Unions
- Gibraltar Apprentices and Ex-Apprentices Union
- Gibraltar Confederation of Labour
- Gibraltar Labour Trades Union
[edit] Greece
[edit] Grenada
[edit] Guatemala
- Central General de Trabajadores de Guatemala
- Confederación de Unidad Sindical de Guatemala
- Unión Sindical de Trabajadores de Guatemala
[edit] Guinea
- General Union of the Workers of Guinea
- National Confederation of Guinean Workers
- National Organization of Free Unions of Guinea
- United Trade Union of Guinean Workers
[edit] Guinea-Bissau
[edit] Guyana
- Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union
- Guyana Trades Union Congress
- National Workers' Union (Guyana)
[edit] Haiti
- Confederation des Travailleurs Haïtiens
- Coordination Syndicale HaVtienne (CSH)
- Haitian Trade Union Coordination
- May 1st - Workers' Fight Federation
[edit] Honduras
- Central General de Trabajadores (Honduras)
- Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras
- Federación Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras
- Honduras Workers' Confederation
[edit] Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) - pro-CPC
- Hong Kong and Kowloon Federation of Labour Unions (HKFLU}
- Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) - pro-democracy
- Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades Union Council (HKKTUC) - pro-Kuomintang
- Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU) - pro-democracy
- Joint Organization of Unions - Hong Kong
[edit] Hungary
- Autonomous Trade Union Confederation
- Democratic Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- Forum for the Cooperation of Trade Unions
[edit] Iceland
[edit] India
see Indian Trade Unions, List of trade unions in the Singareni coal fields.
- All India Central Council of Trade Unions
- All India Trade Union Congress
- A.P. Mica Mine Workers Union
- Andhra Pradesh Auto Rickshaw Drivers and Workers Federation
- Calcutta Hawkers' Men Union
- Federation of Chatkal Mazdoor Unions
- Nikhila Orissa Beedi Shramika Federation
- Patiala Aviation Club Workers Union
- Pondicherry Textile Labour Union
- Powerloom Workers Union
- Punjab Breweries Workers Union
- Vegetable Market Workers Union
- Visakha Steel Workers Union
- Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh
- Centre of Indian Trade Unions
- Andhra Pradesh Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Union
- Andhra Pradesh Auto and Trolley Drivers Union
- Bengal Chatkal Mazdoor Union
- Calcutta Tramways Workers' and Employees' Union
- Cochin City Motor Thozhilali Union
- Darjeeling District Newspaper Sellers' Union
- Forward Seamens Union of India
- Maharashtra Sugarcane Cutting and Transport Workers Union
- Otis Elevators Employees Union
- Siliguri Dokan Sramik Karmachari Union
- Steel Plant Employees Union
- Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat
- Hind Mazdoor Sabha
- Indian Federation of Trade Unions
- Indian National Trade Union Congress
- Labour Progressive Federation
- Trade Union Coordination Committee
- Andhra Pradesh Federation of Trade Unions
- Association of Motion Pictures & TV Programme Producer of India
- Federation of Western India Cine Employees
- Indian National Trade Union Congress
- Kerala Gazetted Officers' Federation
- Kerala State Transport Employees Front
- Maharashtra General Kamgar Union
- Mazdoor Mukti Morcha
- Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh
- Socialist Trade Union Centre
- Trade Union Centre of India
- United Trade Union Centre-Lenin Sarani
- All India Defence Employees Federation
- Telangana Boggu Ghani Karimka Sangham
- Bengal Jute Mill Workers' Union
- Bengal Provincial Chatkal Mazdoor Union
[edit] Indonesia
- Confederation of All Indonesian Workers' Union
- Confederation of Indonesia Prosperous Trade Union
- Indonesian Trade Union Confederation
[edit] Iran
[edit] Iraq
- Federation of Workers’ Councils and Unions in Iraq
- General Federation of Trade Unions
- Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions
- Union of the Unemployed in Iraq
- Federation of Oil Unions in Iraq
[edit] Ireland
- Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) ( Note: ICTU is the umbrella organisation for unions operating in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. British unions operate in Northern Ireland, as do some all-Ireland unions, and some Northern Ireland-only unions.
[edit] Current Unions
- Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union (T&G) (
- Amicus (
- Association of Higher Civil & Public Servants (AHCPS) (
- Association of Irish Traditional Musicians (AITM) (no website known)
- Association of University Teachers (AUT) (
- Bakers, Food & Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) (
- Bakery and Foodworkers Amalgamated Union (BFAU) (no website known)
- British Actors Equity Association (
- Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) (
- Building and Allied Trades Unions (BATU) (
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) (
- Civil and Public Services Union (CPSU) (
- Civil Service Alliance (CSA) (no website known)
- Communications Workers' Union (Ireland) (CWU) (
- Communications Workers' Union (UK) (CWU) (
- Electricity Supply Board's Officer's Association (ESBOA) (no website known)
- FDA (senior civil servants; formerly Association of First Division Civil Servants or First Division Association) (
- Federated Union of Government Employees (FUGE) (no website known)
- Fire Brigades Union (FBU) (
- GMB (
- Graphical Paper and Media Union (GPMU) (
- Guinness Staff Union (GSU) (no website known)
- Independent Workers Union (IWU) (
- Irish Bank Officials' Association (IBOA) (
- Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) (
- Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) (
- Irish Municipal, Public and Civil Trade Union (IMPACT) (
- Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) (
- Irish Nurses' Organisation (INO) (
- National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO) (
- National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE) (
- National League of the Blind (NLB) (no website known)
- National Union of Journalists (NUJ) (no website known)
- National Union of Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel Trades (KFAT) (
- National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) (
- National Union of Sheet Metal Workers of Ireland (NUSMWI) (no website known)
- Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA) (
- Operative Plasterers and Allied Trades Society of Ireland (OPATSI) (no website known)
- Prison Officers' Association (POA) (no website known)
- Prospect (
- Professional Footballers Association of Ireland
- Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) (
- Public Service Executive Union (PSEU) (
- Sales, Marketing and Administrative Union of Ireland (SMAUI) (no website known)
- Seaman's Union of Ireland (SUI) (no website known)
- Services, Industrial, Professional & Technical Union (SIPTU) (
- Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI) (
- Technical Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU) (
- Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA) (
- Ulster Teachers' Union (UTU) (
- Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT) (
- Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) (
- Veterinary Ireland (VI) (
- Veterinary Officers Association (VOA) (
[edit] Historical Unions
- Electricity Supply Staff Association (Dublin)
- Irish Mental Hospital Workers' Union
- Irish Transport and General Workers' Union ITGWU - now part of SIPTU
- Irish Union of Hairdressers and Allied Workers
- Power Loom Tenters' Trade Union of Ireland
- Workers' Union of Ireland
[edit] Israel
[edit] Italy
- Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL)
- Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions (CISL)
- Italian Labour Union (UIL)
- Italian Confederation of Free Workers' Unions (CISAL)
- CONFSAL (Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Autonomi Lavoratori)
- Confederazione del Comitati di Base (COBAS)
- CUB (Confederazione Unitaria di Base)
- General Labour Union (Italy) (UGL)
- SIN.PA. (Sindacato Padano)
- DIRFOR (Sindacato Nazionale dei Dirigenti, dei Direttivi del Corpo Forestale dello Stato)
- Unione Sindacale Italiana
[edit] Jamaica
- Bustamante Industrial Trade Union
- Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers
- Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions
[edit] Japan
[edit] Jordan
[edit] Kazakhstan
[edit] Kenya
[edit] Kiribati
[edit] Korea
- See North Korea and South Korea
[edit] Kuwait
[edit] Kyrgyzstan
[edit] Laos
[edit] Latvia
[edit] Lebanon
[edit] Lesotho
[edit] Liberia
[edit] Libya
[edit] Liechtenstein
[edit] Lithuania
- Lithuanian Labour Federation
- Lithuanian Trade Union - Solidarity
- Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation
[edit] Republic of Macedonia
[edit] Madagascar
- Christian Confederation of Malagasy Trade Unions
- Confederation of Malagasy Workers
- United Autonomous Unions of Madagascar
[edit] Malawi
[edit] Malaysia
- Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services
- Malaysian Trades Union Congress
- National Council of Unions of the Industrial and Lower Income Group of Government Workers
[edit] Mali
[edit] Malta
[edit] Mauritania
- Free Confederation of Mauritanian Workers
- General Confederation of Mauritanian Workers
- Union of Mauritanian Workers
[edit] Mauritius
- Federation of Civil Service Unions
- Federation of Progressive Unions
- Mauritius Labour Congress
- Mauritius Trade Union Congress
- National Trade Unions Confederation
- Organization of Artisans' Unity
[edit] Mexico
- Confederation of Mexican Workers - CTM
- General Confederation of Workers (Mexico) (Confederación General de Trabajadores) - CGT
- Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers (Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana) - CROM
- Sindicato ünico de Trabajadores Electricistas de la República Mexicana - SUTERM
- National Union of Mine and Metal Workers of the Mexican Republic (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros, Metalúrgicos y Similares de la República Mexicana) - SNTMMSRM
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Petroleros de la República Mexicana - SNTPRM
- National Social Security Workers Union (Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Seguro Social) - SNTSS
- Sindicato de Trabajadores Ferrocarrileros de la República Mexicana - STFRM
- Federación de Sindicatos de Trabajadores al Servicio del Estado - FSTSE
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación - SNTE
- Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Química y Petroquímica, Carboquímica, Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana - SNTPCCRM
- Union of Cinema Production Workers (Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Producción Cinematográfica)
- Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - STUNAM
- Asociación Sindical de Pilotos Aviadores de México - ASPA
- Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación de México - ASSA
- Confederación Nacional Campesina - CNC
- Central Campesina Independiente - CCI
- Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos - CROC
- Congreso del Trabajo
- Federación de Sindicatos de Bienes y Servicios - FESEBES
- Federación de Sindicatos Unidos del Valle de México
- Federación de Trabajadores del D.F.
- Authentic Labor Front (Frente Auténtico del Trabajo) - FAT
- Sindicato de Telefonistas de la República Mexicana - STRM
- Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Radiodifusión, la Televisión, Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana
- Sindicato de Trabajadores del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo METRO
- Sindicato de Trabajadores Ferrocarrileros de la República Mexicana
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Aviación y Similares - SNTAS
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Secretaría de Hacienda y del Servicio de Administración Tributaria
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales - SNTSEMARNAT
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Secretaría de Salud - SNTSS
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Autotransporte y Comunicaciones, Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Desarrollo Integral de la Familia - SNTDIF
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado - SNTISSSTE
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social - SNTSS
- Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Servicio Postal Mexicano SNTSEPOMEX
- Sindicato Nacional Revolucionario de Trabajadores de la Compañía Hulera Euzkadi
- Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de Autotransportes Urbanos de Pasajeros, Ruta 100
- Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Industria Nuclear - SUTIN
- Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Música del D.F. - SUTM
- Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores del Banco de México
- Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
- Sindicato Unico Nacional de Trabajadores de Telecomunicaciones de México (TELECOMM)
- National Association of Actors (Asociación Nacional de Actores) - ANDA
- Asociación Nacional de Interpretes - ANDI
[edit] Moldova
- Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova
- Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Moldova
[edit] Monaco
[edit] Mongolia
[edit] Morocco
- Democratic Confederation of Labour (Morocco)
- Democratic Federation of Labour
- General Union of Moroccan Workers
- Moroccan Workers' Union
- National Labour Union of Morocco
[edit] Mozambique
[edit] Myanmar
[edit] Namibia
[edit] Nepal
- All Nepal Trade Union Congress
- All Nepal Trade Union Federation (Revolutionary)
- Democratic Confederation of Nepalese Trade Unions
- General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions
- Independent Transport Workers Association of Nepal
- Nepal Independent Hotel Workers Union
- Nepal Independent Workers Union
- Nepal Progressive Trade Union Federation
- Nepal Trade Union Congress
- Trekking Workers Association of Nepal
[edit] The Netherlands
- Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging - FNV (
- Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond - CNV (http:://
- CNV Public
- Federation of Managerial and Professional Staff Unions
- Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen
[edit] Netherlands Antilles
- Bonaire Federation of Labour
- Central General di Trahadonan di Corsow
- Trade Union Centre of Curaçao
- Windward Islands Federation of Labour
[edit] New Zealand
- New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) (
- New Zealand Air Line Pilots' Association (APA) (
- Alloy Yachts Employees Federation
- Amalgamated Workers Union of New Zealand (AWUNZ) (
- Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) (
- Association of Staff in Tertiary Education Te Hau Takatini o Aotearoa (ASTE) (
- Association of University Staff of New Zealand (AUS) (
- Auckland Society of International Flight Planners
- Aviation & Marine Engineers Association (AMEA) (
- Bakers & Pastrycooks Union
- Chemical Workers Union
- Clothing, Laundry and Allied Workers Union of Aotearoa
- Corrections Association of New Zealand (CANZ) (
- Customs Officers' Association of New Zealand
- New Zealand Dairy Workers Union (DWU) (
- Finance and Information Workers Union (Finsec) (
- Firestone Employees Society
- Flight Attendants and Related Services Association (FARSA)
- Furniture, Manufacturing & Associated Workers Union
- Independent School Teachers Association (ISTANZ) (
- Manufacturing & Construction Workers Union (M&C Union)
- Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) (
- Meat Union Aotearoa (Meat & Related Trades Workers Union of Aotearoa) (
- Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
- Medical Laboratories Workers Union
- National Distribution Union (NDU) (
- New Zealand Building Trades Union (NZBTU) (
- New Zealand Educational Institute Te Riu Roa (NZEI) (
- New Zealand Police Association (
- Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU) (
- New Zealand Meat & Related Trades Workers Union (
- NZ Merchant Service Guild Industrial Union of Workers (MSG) (
- New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) (
- New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union
- New Zealand Writers Guild (
- Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) (
- Postal Workers Association (PWA)
- Postal Workers Union (PWU)
- New Zealand Public Service Association (PSA) (
- Rail & Maritime Transport Union (R&MTU) (
- Service & Food Workers Union of Aotearoa (SFWU)
- Southern Local Government Officers Union (
- Stores and Warehouse Employees Union
- Tertiary Institutes Allied Staff Association (TIASA)
- Tramways Employees Union
- Unite Union (
[edit] Nicaragua
[edit] Niger
- Democratic Confederation of Workers of Niger
- General Union of Workers of Niger
- Nigerien Confederation of Labour
- Union of Workers' Trade Unions of Niger
[edit] Nigeria
[edit] North Korea
[edit] Norway
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
- EL & IT Forbundet
- Norwegain Union of Chemical Industry Workers
- Norwegian Civil Service Union
- Norwegian Post and Communications Union
- Norwegian Union of Food, Beverage and Allied Workers
- Norwegian Union of General Workers
- Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
- Union of Employees in Commerce and Offices
- United Federation of Trade Unions
- Confederation of Unions for Professionals, Norway
- Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations
[edit] Oman
Trade unions are illegal in Oman, but the World Federation of Trade Unions recognizes one exile organization -- the National Committee of Omani Workers.
[edit] Pakistan
- All Pakistan Federation of Labour
- All Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions
- All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions
- All Pakistan Trade Union Congress
- All Pakistan Trade Union Federation
- Pakistan National Federation of Trade Unions
- Pakistan Workers' Federation
[edit] Palestine
[edit] Panama
- Central National de Trabajadores de Panama
- Confederation of Workers of the Republic of Panama
- Convergencia Sindical
- General Confederation of Workers of Panama
[edit] Papua New Guinea
[edit] Paraguay
- Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (Paraguay)
- Confederación Paraguaya de Trabajadores
- National Workers' Central (Paraguay)
[edit] Peru
- Central Autónoma de Trabajadores del Perú
- Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú
- Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores del Perú
- Confederación de Trabajadores del Perú
[edit] Philippines
[edit] Poland
- All-Polish Agreement of Trade Unions
- August80 (WZZ "Sierpień80")
- Free Trade Unions of the Coast
- Solidarity Independent Self-Governing Trade Union (NSZZ Solidarność)
- Trade Unions Forum
[edit] Portugal
- General Confederation of Labour (Portugal)
- General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers
- General Union of Workers (Portugal)
- Union of Independent Trade Unions (Portugal)
[edit] Puerto Rico
[edit] Romania
- Democratic Trade Union Confederation of Romania
- National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania - Brotherhood
- National Trade Union Bloc
- National Trade Union Confederation (Romania)
- National Trade Union Confederation - Meridian
[edit] Russia
- All-Russian Confederation of Labour
- Confederation of Labour of Russia
- Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia
[edit] Rwanda
- Trade Union Centre of Workers of Rwanda
- Union of Workers in Industry, Garages, Construction Firms, Mines and Printers
[edit] Saint Kitts and Nevis
[edit] Saint Lucia
[edit] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Commercial, Technical and Allied Workers' Union
- National Workers' Movement (St. Vincent)
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines Public Service Union
[edit] Samoa
[edit] San Marino
[edit] São Tomé and Príncipe
- General Union of the Workers of São Tomé and Príncipe
- National Organization of the Workers of São Tomé and Príncipe - Central Union
[edit] Senegal
- Dakar Dem Dikk Workers Democratic Union
- Democratic Union of Senegalese Workers
- National Confederation of Senegalese Workers
- National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Senegal
[edit] Serbia
- Trade Union of Health and Social Care Workers "Nezavisnost" Serbia (GSZSZ Nezavisnost) (
[edit] Seychelles
[edit] Sierra Leone
[edit] Singapore
[edit] Slovakia
[edit] Slovenia
- Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia
- Confederation of New Trade Unions of Slovenia
- Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia - Pergam
- Trade Union Confederation 90 of Slovenia
[edit] Solomon Islands
[edit] South Africa
- Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
- Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers' Union
- Communication Workers Union (South Africa)
- Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa
- Food and Allied Workers Union
- Musicians Union of South Africa
- National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union
- National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
- National Union of Mineworkers (South Africa)
- Performing Arts Workers' Equity
- Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union
- SASBO - The Finance Union
- South African Agricultural Plantation and Allied Workers Union
- South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union
- South African Democratic Nurses' Union
- South African Democratic Teachers Union
- South African Football Players Union
- South African Medical Association
- South African Municipal Workers' Union
- South African State and Allied Workers' Union
- South African Transport and Allied Workers Union
- Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union
- Confederation of South African Workers' Unions
- Federation of Unions of South Africa
- National Council of Trade Unions
[edit] South Korea
- Federation of Korean Trade Unions
- Korean Confederation of Trade Unions
- Korean Teachers & Education Workers' Union
[edit] Spain
- Workers' Commissions (Comisiones Obreras) (CCOO) (
- Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) (
- Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) (
- Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) (
- Agrarian Trade Union Federation
- Basque Workers' Solidarity
- Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna
- Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak
- Spanish Trade Union Organisation
- Typographic Workers Trade Union
- Workers Collectives
- Workers in Struggle Collectives
[edit] Sri Lanka
- All Ceylon United Motor Workers' Union
- Ceylon Federation of Labour
- Ceylon Mercantile Union
- GCSU Sri Lanka
- United Corporations and Mercantile Union
[edit] Sudan
[edit] Suriname
- Federation of Civil Service Organizations
- General Alliance of Labour Unions in Suriname
- Organization of Cooperating Autonomous Trade Unions
- Progressive Labour Federation 47
[edit] Swaziland
[edit] Sweden
- Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees
- Financial Sector Union of Sweden
- Swedish Association of Health Professionals
- Swedish Police Union
- Swedish Teachers' Union
- Swedish Union of Civil Servants
- Swedish Union of Clerical and Technical Employees in Industry
- Swedish Union of Commercial Salaried Employees
- Swedish Union of Insurance Employees
- Swedish Union of Journalists
- Swedish Union of Local Government Officers
- Swedish Trade Union Confederation(
- IF Metall
- Swedish Building Maintenance Workers' Union
- Swedish Building Workers' Union
- Swedish Commercial Employees' Union
- Swedish Electricians' Union
- Swedish Food Workers' Union
- Swedish Forest and Wood Workers' Union
- Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Union
- Swedish Industrial Union
- Swedish Metalworkers' Union
- Swedish Municipal Workers' Union
- Swedish Musicians' Union
- Swedish Painters' Union
- Swedish Paper Workers' Union
- Swedish Transport Workers' Union
- Swedish Union for Service and Communications Employees
- Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden
- National Socialist Industrial Workers Union
- Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations
[edit] Switzerland
- Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftbund)(SGB) (
- syndikat - Die Online Gewerkschaft (
- Travail.Suisse
[edit] Syria
[edit] Taiwan
[edit] Tajikistan
[edit] Tanzania
[edit] Thailand
[edit] Togo
- National Confederation of Togolese Workers
- National Union of Independent Trade Unions of Togo
- Trade Union Confederation of Togolese Workers
[edit] Tonga
[edit] Trinidad and Tobago
[edit] Current Unions
- All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers' Trade Union
- Amalgamated Workers Union
- Aviation, Communication and Allied Workers Union
- Banking, Insurance and General Workers Union
- Federation of Independent Trade Unions and Non-Governmental Organisations
- Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (
- National Trade Union Centre of Trinidad and Tobago
- National Union of Government and Federated Workers (
- National Workers' Union (
- Public Services Association
- Transport and Industrial Workers Union (
[edit] Historical Unions
- All Trinidad Sugar Estates and Factory Workers Union
- Amalgamated Engineering and General Workers' Trade Union
- Bank and General Workers Union
- Bank Employees Union
- British Colonial Taxpayers and All Workers Union
- Civil Service Association
- Communication Services and General Workers Trade Union
- Federated Workers Trade Union
- Government Farm and Nursery Workers Trade Union
- Industrial and Railway Employees Trade Union
- National Union of Government Employees
- Public Works and Public Service Workers Trade Union
- Staff Association of Barclays Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
- Works and Hydraulics Industrial Workers Union
[edit] Tunisia
[edit] Turkey
- Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey
- Confederation of Public Workers' Unions
- Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions
- Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions
[edit] Turkmenistan
[edit] Tuvalu
[edit] Uganda
[edit] Ukraine
- Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine
- Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine
- National Confederation of the Trade-Union Organizations of Ukraine
[edit] United Kingdom
- General Federation of Trade Unions (UK)
- Trades Union Congress (TUC)
- Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)
[edit] Current Unions
- Amicus (Manufacturing, Technical & Skilled Workers) (
- Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen ASLEF (
- Association of Teachers and Lecturers ATL (
- Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union BFAWU (
- British Air Line Pilots Association BALPA (
- Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union BECTU (
- Ceramic and Allied Trades Union CATU (
- Communication Workers Union CWU (
- Community (trade union)
- Community and Youth Workers' Union
- Connect - formerly the Society of Telecommunications Executives (STE)
- Educational Institute of Scotland EIS (
- EQUITY (actors) (
- First Division Association (FDA; senior civil servants; formerly Association of First Division Civil Servants) (
- Fire Brigades Union FBU (
- GMB (General workers' union) (
- Graphical, Paper and Media Union GPMU (
- Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association HCSA (
- Industrial Workers of the World IWW (
- International Union of Sex Workers (
- Musicians Union MU (
- National Association of Probation Officers NAPO (
- National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers NASUWT (
- National Union of Journalists NUJ (
- National Union of Marine, Aviation and Shipping Transport Officers NUMAST (
- National Union of Mineworkers NUM
- National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers RMT (
- Offshore Industry Liaison Committee OILC
- National Union of Teachers NUT (
- Professional Association of Teachers PAT (
- Prison Officers Association POA (
- Professional Footballers Association PFA (
- Prospect (engineering, scientific, management and professional staff) (
- Public and Commercial Services Union PCS (
- Royal College of Nursing RCN (legally a professional society rather than a trade union)
- Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists SCP (
- Society of Radiographers SoR (
- Transport & General Workers' Union T&G / TGWU (
- Transport Salaried Staffs' Association TSSA (
- Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (National Union of Teachers of Wales) UCAC (
- UNIFI (Financial services) (
- Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians UCATT (
- Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers USDAW (
- UNISON (Public services) (
- University and College Union (, amalgam of the AUT and NATFHE.
- The Writers' Guild of Great Britain WGGB (
[edit] Historical Unions
- Altogether Builders' Labourers and Constructional Workers' Society
- Amalgamated Association of Carters and Motormen
- Amalgamated Carters, Lorrymen and Motormen's Union
- Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union (AEEU)
- Amalgamated Marine Workers' Union (AMWU)
- Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners (ASCJ)
- Amalgamated Society of Foremen Lightermen of River Thames
- Amalgamated Society of Watermen, Lightermen and Bargemen
- Associated Horsemen's Union
- Association of Coastwise Masters, Mates and Engineers
- Association of University Teachers AUT ( Now amalgamated into the University and College Union (, along with NATFHE.
- Belfast Breadservers' Association
- Belfast Journeymen Butchers' Association
- Belfast Operative Bakers' Union
- British Seafarers' Union (BSU)
- Burnley, Nelson, Rossendale and District Textile Workers' Union
- Cardiff, Penarth and Barry Coal Trimmers' Union
- Chemical Workers' Union
- Confederation of Health Service Employees (COHSE)
- Cumberland Enginemen, Boilermen and Electrical Workers' Union
- Dock, Wharf, Riverside and General Labourers' Union (DWRGLU)
- Dundee Pilots
- Electricity Supply Staff Association (Dublin)
- File Grinders' Society
- Gibraltar Apprentices and Ex-Apprentices Union
- Gibraltar Confederation of Labour
- Gibraltar Labour Trades Union
- Government Civil Employees' Association
- Grangemouth Pilots' Association
- Greenock Sugar Porters' Association
- Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessels Engineers' and Firemen's Union
- Halifax and District Carters' and Motormen's Association
- Humber Amalgamated Steam Trawlers' Engineers, and Firemen's Union
- Imperial War Graves Commission Staff Association
- Irish Union of Hairdressers and Allied Workers
- Irish Mental Hospital Workers' Union
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation (ITSC)
- Iron, Steel and Wood Barge Builders and Helpers Association
- Labour Protection League
- Leith and Granston Pilots
- Liverpool and District Carters' and Motormen's Union
- London Co-operative Mutuality Club Collectors' Association
- Lurgan Hemmers' Veiners' and General Workers' Union
- Manchester Ship Canal Pilots' Association
- Manufacturing Science and Finance (MSF)
- Methil Pilots
- National Amalgamated Coal Workers' Union
- National Amalgamated Labourers' Union
- National Association of Operative Plasterers
- National Amalgamated Stevedores' and Dockers' Society
- National Amalgamated Union of Enginemen, Firemen, Mechanics, Motormen and Electrical Workers
- National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education NATFHE ( Now amalgamated into the University and College Union (, along with the AUT
- National Association of Youth Hostel Wardens
- National Glass Bottle Makers' Society
- National Glass Workers' Trade Protection Association
- National Union of British Fishermen
- National Union of Co-operative Insurance Society Employees
- National Union of Dock Labourers (NUDL)
- National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers
- Miners' Federation of Great Britain
- National Association of Local Government Officers (NALGO)
- National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers
- National Union of Docks, Wharves and Shipping Staffs
- National Union of Knitwear, Footwear & Apparel Trades (KFAT)
- National Union of Public Employees (NUPE)
- National Union of Railwaymen (NUR)
- National Union of Seamen (NUS)
- National Union of Shale Miners and Oil Workers
- National Union of Ships' Clerks, Grain Weighers and Coalmeters
- National Union of Ship's Stewards (NUSSCBB)
- National Union of Vehicle Builders
- National Union of Vehicle Workers
- National Winding and General Engineers' Society
- North of England Engineers' and Firemen's Amalgamation
- North of England Trimmers' and Teemers Association
- North of Ireland Operative Butchers' and Allied Workers' Association
- North of Scotland Horse and Motormen's Association
- North Wales Craftsmen and General Workers' Union
- North Wales Quarrymen's Union
- Northern Carpet Trades Union
- Northern Ireland Textile Workers' Union
- Northern Textile and Allied Workers' Union
- Operative Bricklayers' Society (OBS)
- Port of Liverpool Staff Association
- Port of London Deal Porters' Union
- Portadown Textile Workers' Union
- Power Loom Tenters' Trade Union of Ireland
- Process and General Workers' Union
- Public Works and Constructional Operatives' Union
- Radcliffe and District Enginemen and Boilermen's Provident Society
- Scottish Busmen's Union
- Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union
- Scottish Farm Servants' Association
- Scottish Seafishers' Union
- Scottish Slaters, Tilers, Roofers and Cement Workers' Society
- Scottish Textile Workers' Union
- Scottish Transport and General Workers' Union (Docks)
- Scottish Union of Dock Labourers (SUDL)
- Sheffield Amalgamated Union of File Trades
- Staff Association for Royal Automobile Club Employees
- Union of Bookmakers Employees
- Union of Kodak Workers
- United Cut Nail Makers of Great Britain Protection Society
- United Fishermen's Union
- United Order of General Labourers
- United Vehicle Workers
- Watermen, Lightermen, Tugmen and Bargemen's Union
- Weaver Watermen's Association
- Workers' Union
[edit] United States
[edit] Current Unions
[edit] AFL-CIO
- (The American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations)
- Associated Actors and Artistes of America (4As)
- Actors' Equity Association AEA (
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists AFTRA (
- American Guild of Musical Artists AGMA (
- American Guild of Variety Artists AGVA
- Hebrew Actors' Union Inc HAU
- The Guild of Italian American Actors GIAA (
- Screen Actors Guild SAG (
- Air Line Pilots Association ALPA (
- Amalgamated Transit Union ATU (
- American Federation of Government Employees AFGE (
- American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada AFM (
- American Federation of School Administrators AFSA (
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees AFSCME (
- American Federation of Teachers AFT (
- American Postal Workers Union APWU (
- American Radio Association ARA (
- American Train Dispatchers Department ATDD (
- Atomic Trades and Labor Council ATLC (
- Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union BCTGM (
- Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen BRS (
- California School Employees Association CSEA (
- California Nurses Association CNA (
- Communications Workers of America CWA (
- Association of Flight Attendants-CWA AFA-CWA (
- International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (IUE-CWA)
- The Newspaper Guild (
- Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) (
- Federation of Professional Athletes
- Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union GMP (
- International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees IATSE (
- International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers IW (
- International Association of Fire Fighters IAFF (
- International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers (
- International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers IAM (
- International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers (
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW (
- International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades IBPAT ( [10])
- International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers IFPTE (
- International Longshore and Warehouse Union ILWU (
- International Longshoremen's Association ILA (
- International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America
- International Union of Allied Novelty and Production Workers
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers BAC (
- International Union of Elevator Constructors IUEC (
- International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers and Allied Trades IUJHAT
- International Union of Operating Engineers IUOE (
- International Union of Painters and Allied Trades IUPAT (
- International Union of Police Associations IUPA (
- Union Millwrights (
- National Federation of Independent Unions NFIU (
- National Postal Mail Handlers Union NPMHU (
- Marine Engineers Beneficial Association MEBA (
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association NATCA (
- National Association of Letter Carriers NALC (
- National Nurses Organizing Committee NNOC (
- Office and Professional Employees International Union OPEIU (
- Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association OPCMIA (
- Seafarers International Union of North America SIU (
- Sheet Metal Workers International Association SMWIA (
- Transport Workers Union of America TWU (
- Transportation Communications International Union TCU (
- United American Nurses UAN (
- United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, Pipefitting and Sprinkler Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada UA
- United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union UAW (
- United Mine Workers of America UMWA (
- United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union USW (
- United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers (
- Utility Workers Union of America UWUA (
- Writers Guild of America, East WGAE (
- Associated Actors and Artistes of America (4As)
[edit] Change to Win Federation
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters IBT (
- Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers BLE (
- Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees BMWE (
- Graphic Communications International Union GCIU (
- Laborers' International Union of North America LIUNA (
- Service Employees International Union SEIU (
- Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU CIR/SEIU (
- National Association of Government Employees NAGE (
- United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America UBC (
- United Farm Workers of America UFW (
- United Food and Commercial Workers UFCW (
- Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union RWDSU (
[edit] Independent
- Armco Employees Independent Federation AEIF
- Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association AMFA (
- Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers APDD (
- California Correctional Peace Officers Association CCPOA (
- California Nurses Association CNA (
- California Teachers Association CTA (
- Coalition of University Employees CUE (
- Directors Guild of America DGA (
- Independent Pilots Association IPA (
- Independent Steelworkers Union ISU (ISU Homepage)
- Industrial Workers of the World IWW ("Wobblies") (IWW Homepage)
- International Union Security * Police * Fire Professionals of America SPFPA (SPFPA Homepage)
- Major League Baseball Players Association MLBPA
- Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union (
- Massachusetts Nurses Association (
- National Education Association NEA (
- NHL Players Association NHLPA (
- National Rural Letter Carriers Association NRLCA (
- National Treasury Employees Union NTEU (
- National Weather Service Employees Organization NWSEO (
- Professional Lacrosse Players' Association PLPA (
- Progressive Organization for Workplace and Employee Rights POWER (
- Union Millwrights m/w (
- Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers AWPPW (
- United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America UE (
- UE Local 222 - Connecticut Independent Labor and Police Unions (
- United Transportation Union UTU (
- Writers Guild of America, west WGAw (
- National Emergency Medical Services Association (NEMSA) (
[edit] Historical Unions
- Amalgamated Meat Cutters see United Food and Commercial Workers above
- American Federation of Labor (see AFL-CIO above)
- Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions
- American Railway Union
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- Cigar Makers' International Union
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (see AFL-CIO above)
- Drug, Hospital, and Health Care Employees Union
- General Trades Union
- Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union see UNITE HERE above
- International Fur & Leather Workers Union
- Knights of Labor
- Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical & Energy Workers International Union (PACE) See United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union above
- Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)
- Retail Clerks International Union see United Food and Commercial Workers above
- Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees UNITE! see UNITE HERE above
- United Packinghouse Workers of America see United Food and Commercial Workers above
- Western Federation of Miners see United Steelworkers above
- International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers - important left-led union of the '30s
- Workingmen's Benevolent Association
[edit] Union Reform Groups
- Association for Union Democracy AUD (
- Labor Notes "Putting the Movement Back in the Labor Movement" (
- Members for Democracy MFD - Canadian union reform and worker empowerment group (
- Research, Educate, Advocacy, People REAP - UFCW reform group (
- Short Circuits IBEW local reformers (
- Teamsters for a Democratic Union TDU (
[edit] Other Union Organizations
- A. Philip Randolph Institute (
- Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (
- Change to Win Coalition (
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists CBTU (
- Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions CGEU (
- Coalition of Labor Union Women CLUW (
- Committees for Occupational Safety and Health COSHs
- Jewish Labor Committee (
- Jobs with Justice JwJ (
- Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (
- Pride At Work PAW (
- Working America (
[edit] Uruguay
[edit] Uzbekistan
[edit] USSR
[edit] Vanuatu
[edit] Vatican City
[edit] Venezuela
- Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela
- Movimiento Nacional de Trabajadores Para La Liberación
- Unión Nacional de Trabajadores