Rhodes (surname)
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Rhodes is a surname, with other spellings Rhoades, Rhoads, Roads and Roades. It is also linked to the variant spelling Rohde, and the origins are thought to come from a town or village in Germany, near the city of Lubeck. This was not an unusual social situation - surnames were adopted as a popular concept. When surnames were first becoming popular in a community many chose the same name - and of course, the majority were illiterate hence the variations. This surname may refer to:
- Alex Rhodes
- Alexandre de Rhodes
- Alexis Rhodes
- Alicia Rhodes
- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
- Andy Rhodes
- Anthony Rhodes, journalist and author of The Vatican in the Age of the Dictators
- Arthur Rhodes, a player in Major League Baseball
- Atticus Rhodes, fictional character
- Augustus Rhodes
- Bernie Rhodes
- Cecil Rhodes, British businessman for whom Rhodesia was named
- Cynthia Rhodes
- Damian Rhodes
- Dan Rhodes
- David Rhodes
- Dominic Rhodes, a player in the National Football League
- Donnelly Rhodes, Canadian television actor
- Doralee Rhodes, fictional character
- Doug Rhodes
- Dusty Rhodes, common nickname combination:
- Dusty Rhodes (baseball player)
- Dusty Rhodes, wrestling stage name of Virgil Runnels, Jr.
- Edgar Nelson Rhodes
- Elisha Hunt Rhodes
- Elvi Rhodes, British author
- Emitt Rhodes
- Erik Rhodes
- Francis William Rhodes, better known as Frank, brother of Cecil, 19th Century British Army Colonel in Africa
- Frank H. T. Rhodes
- Gary Rhodes, celebrity chef for the BBC
- Happy Rhodes
- Hari Rhodes
- Harold Rhodes
- Harold Rhodes (cricketer)
- Heidi Rhodes
- Hervey Rhodes
- Ida Rhodes
- Izora Rhodes, Izora Armstead
- James Ford Rhodes
- Jay B. Rhodes, inventor
- Jennifer Rhodes
- Jewell Parker Rhodes
- Jim Rhodes, four-term governor of Ohio
- John Rhodes;
- Jonty Rhodes, South African cricketer
- Kerry Rhodes
- Kim Rhodes
- Leah Rhodes
- Lou Rhodes
- Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty
- Margaret Rhodes
- Mark Rhodes
- Michelle Rhodes
- Nick Rhodes
- Orville Rhodes, pedal steel guitar player
- Pam Rhodes
- Paul Rhodes
- Peter Rhodes
- Philip Rhodes, prolific boat designer who designed the 1962 America's Cup winner, Weatherly
- Phillip Rhodes, drummer for the Gin Blossoms
- Randi Rhodes, talk radio host
- Ray Rhodes
- Richard Rhodes, author, notably of "Deadly Feasts" about prion diseases, and of "The Making of the Atomic Bomb"
- Roxci Rhodes
- Rufus N. Rhodes, founder of the Birmingham News, and Vice-President of the Associated Press
- Rufus R. Rhodes, Chief Clerk of the Confederate Patent Office, 1861-1865
- Sammie Rhodes, an adult film actress.
- Stephen Rhodes
- Steve Rhodes
- Thomas L. Dusty Rhodes
- Trevor Rhodes
- Tuffy Rhodes
- William Rhodes
- William Barnes Rhodes
- William Henry Rhodes
- William R. Rhodes
- William Barnard Rhodes-Moorhouse
- Wilfred Rhodes
- Zandra Rhodes
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