Talk:The Crims
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As you can probably tell this is my first attempt at a Wikipedia article. I wanted to use a screenshot provided under the press section of The Crims' website, but I am unfamiliar with the nuances of picture uploading. <- I think that picture is a good representation of gameplay, though its a tad outdated it is under the press section. --Ahmed Stephens 14:01, 25 May 2006 (UTC)
This article is for educational purposes only. It does not exist as an extension of The Crims site, nor is it in any way the sole intellectual property of the administration exclusively. As such, it is not appropriate for a member of The Crims administration to attempt to use this article as a piece of propaganda for promotional purposes. If a member of Wiki wishes to add to the article for educational purposes that do not meet the Wiki definition of vandalism, it is not for a member of The Crims administration to themselves act as a vandal and sabotage the contribution simply because it casts the administration in an unflattering light. If I see my works vandalised again in the form of unwarranted deletions I will be forced to report the responsible parties to the police crew here at Wiki. --SubXerox 14:36, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
I have already made myself clear that this page is not a promotional advertisement for the Crims official website. Members of the Crims crew would do well to cease and desist from deleting my contributions to the article and instead focus on deleting the nonsensical ramblings added by anonymous editors (or not so anonymous as we know that it is being done by Vova and his friends.) There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for deleting the cheating section altogether instead of at least making an effort to clean it up first. As well, the article as a whole is incredibly poorly written, which leads me to think that the efforts of the censor happy Crims crew could spend their time in a more productive manner. Perhaps Crew members from the United Kingdom well versed in the English language could take steps towards making the more elementary segments more comprehensible; at least enough so that it would seem the article was not written by a child with a learning disability. If you see an addition about mutagen's imaginary forum police, the SWAT team (or whatever these spammers call themselves), by all means delete the nonsense. However, deleting an entire segment without at first attempting to clean it up is not standard procedure for Wiki and is very much unappreciated. SubXerox 19:47, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
Another thought of mine is that we move to lock this page against unregistered or newly registered users in the interest of preventing vandals from writing asinine things such as "N3ssuno is the best player ever" in the middle of a section. Regardless of whether this was even true or not, it has precious little to do with educating the reader on the game and could be prevented by limiting the privileges of editing. SubXerox 20:10, 25 January 2007 (UTC)