From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone who's bored can remove the links on here to existing article (not just redirect pages). I only want the reds and redirects.
- abrikosov lattice
- acceleration operator
- acoustic fluidization
- acoustic radiation
- acoustooptical tunable fi...
- action and reaction
- action integral
- action-angle variables
- Adams-Williamson equation | adams-williamson equation
- adiabatic bulk modulus
- adiabatic lapse
- admiralty knot
- advanced time
- advective derivative
- aharonov-bohm effect
- airy disk
- airy pattern
- alc loop
- alpha decay
- alpha effect
- alpha radiation
- alpha ray
- amagat
- amplitude closure relatio...
- analytic signal
- angle of attack
- angle of incidence
- angle of reflection
- angle of refraction
- angular acceleration
- angular dispersion
- angular distance
- angular magnification
- angular momentum commutat...
- angular momentum density
- angular momentum operators
- angular momentum
- angular resolution
- angular size
- angular velocity
- annihilation operator
- anomalous dispersion
- anomalous magnetic moment
- anomalous Zeeman effect | anomalous zeeman effect
- antenna efficiency
- antenna gain
- antenna power pattern
- antenna temperature
- antenna voltage pattern
- antibaryon
- antiferrimagnetism
- antilepton
- antimeson
- anti-Stokes bands | anti-stokes bands
- apdram
- aperture efficiency
- aperture factor
- aperture stop
- apgrain
- apodization
- apothecaries' system of w...
- apounce
- apparent horizon
- appound
- apscruple
- archimedean screw
- archimedes' number
- argument of latitude
- argument of pericenter
- arpent area
- arpent length
- ascending node
- asymmetry parameter
- athermalization
- atmospheric diffusion
- atmospheric layers
- atomic decay
- atomic force microscopy
- atomic mass number
- atomic mass unit
- atomic pile
- atomic polarizibility
- atomic spectra
- atomic spring constant
- attached eddies
- attack angle
- auditory range
- automatic level control l...
- avogadro's hypothesis
- avogadro's principle
- avoirdupois system of uni...
- azimuthal quantum number
- babinet compensator
- babinet's paradox
- bagnold friction law
- bagnold number
- balmer formula
- balmer lines
- bandwidth pattern
- bandwidth smearing
- bandwidth synthesis
- bardeen potential
- Bardeen-Petterson effect | bardeen-petterson effect
- barkhausen effect
- barnett effect
- barometric law
- barotropic equation
- barrel distortion
- barrier penetration
- barrier
- baryon number
- baseband signal
- batterman's effect
- bbgky hierarchy
- bcs theory
- beam area
- beam convolution
- beam pattern
- beam solid angle
- beam width
- beam--clamped at both ends
- beam--freely supported at...
- beam--one end clamped, on...
- beam--one end clamped, on...
- beat frequency
- beer's law
- Bekenstein-Hawking formula | bekenstein-hawking formula
- bell's inequalities
- bénard configuration
- bending moment
- benedick effect
- bennett's relation
- Ben-Reuven lineshape | ben-reuven lineshape
- bernoulli effect
- bernoulli principle
- bernoulli's equation
- bernstein mode
- berry phase
- Bertotti-Robinson solution | bertotti-robinson solution
- bertrand's method
- beta radiation
- beta ray
- Bethe-Peierls-Weiss approximation | bethe-peierls-weiss approximation
- Bezold-Brücke effect | bezold-brücke effect
- bgk waves
- bhabha scattering
- binary diffusion coefficient
- binding fraction
- binet's equation
- bingham number
- bingham plastic model
- biot number
- biot
- Birch-Murnaghan equation | birch-murnaghan equation
- birch's law
- birkhoff's theorem
- bispectrum analysis
- bjorken scaling function
- bkl singularity
- black hole no hair theorem | no hair theorem
- black light
- blackbody function
- blackbody radiation
- blackbody spectrum
- blackbody temperature
- Blandford-Znajek process | blandford-znajek process
- blasius profile
- blast wave
- blazed grating
- bloch theorem
- Bloch-Grüneisen resistivity | bloch-grüneisen resistivity
- blumentritt equation
- bob pendulum
- body wave
- bohm diffusion
- Bohm-Aharonov effect | bohm-aharonov effect | Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Bohm-Gross dispersion relations | bohm-gross dispersion relations
- bohr energy
- bohr magneton
- bohr quantum hypothesis
- bohr radius
- boltzmann distribution
- boltzmann equation
- boltzmann factor
- Boltzmann H-theorem | Boltzmann's H-theorem | Boltzmann h-theorem | Boltzmann's h-theorem | H-theorem
- bond albedo
- bondi mass
- Bondi-Gold steady-state cosmology | bondi-gold steady-state cosmology
- bondi's radiating metric
- bonnet's theorem
- boom of logs
- born postulate
- Born-Oppenheimer approximation | born-oppenheimer approximation
- bose distribution
- Bose-Einstein condensation | bose-einstein condensation
- Bose-Einstein distribution | bose-einstein distribution
- Bose-Einstein statistics | bose-einstein statistics
- bouguer gravity
- bouguer's law of extinction
- bound charge
- bound current density
- bound electrons
- bound object
- bound surface charge density
- bound surface current
- boundary conditions
- boundary layer separation
- bound-bound transitions
- bound-free transitions
- boussinesq equations
- boussinesq number
- box standing waves
- Boyer-Lindquist coordinat... | boyer-lindquist coordinat...
- brace notation
- brachistochrone problem
- bragg cell
- bragg raft
- bragg relation
- bragg's law
- branching ratio
- brayton cycle
- breeder reactor
- breit's equation
- Breit-Wigner resonance | breit-wigner resonance
- Breit-Wigner formula | breit-wigner formula
- bremsstrahlung effect
- brewster's angle
- bridgman effect
- brightness temperature
- brightness wave
- brillouin function
- brillouin scattering
- brouwer theory
- brown noise
- bruns' theorem
- Brunt-Väisälä frequency | brunt-väisälä frequency
- bubble chamber
- Buckingham's Pi theorem | buckingham's pi theorem
- buckling length
- bulk modulus
- bulk viscosity
- bullen parameter
- buoyancy force
- buoyancy oscillation
- buoyancy pressure
- Buys-Ballot's laws | buys-ballot's laws
- cabibo angle
- cabibo mixing
- Callan-Gross relation | callan-gross relation
- caloric theory
- canonical distributions
- canonical ensemble
- canonical field theory
- canonical invariant
- canonical momentum
- canonical transformation
- capillary tube
- capillary wave
- carcinotron
- cardioid orbit
- carnot engine
- casimir force
- casimir trick
- Casimir-Polder force | casimir-polder force
- casimir's function
- cassini laws
- cassini states
- castigliano's theorem
- cauchy's formula
- causality problem
- cavendish balance
- cavity radiation
- celestial to equatorial c...
- celestial to equatorial c...
- center of curvature
- central force
- central orbit
- centrifugal acceleration
- centrifugal force inversi...
- centrifugal force
- centrifugal potential
- centripetal acceleration
- cerenkov radiation
- chandrasekhar limit
- chandrasekhar mass limit
- chandrasekhar mean opacity
- charge density
- charge four-vector
- charged particle
- charles's theorem
- chemical potential
- cherenkov radiation
- Chern-Simmons angle | chern-simmons angle
- chi1+chi2 effect
- chief ray
- Child-Langmuir law | child-langmuir law
- chladni figure
- christiansen frequency
- chromatic aberration
- chromoelectric field
- chronology protection conjecture
- circular orbit
- circular pipe
- circular polarization
- cl circuit
- clairaut's equation
- clapeyron's equation
- clarke orbit
- classical electron radius
- classical physics
- clausius theorem
- Clausius-Mossetti relation | clausius-mossetti relation
- clean algorithm
- clean beam
- clean map
- Clebsch-Gordan coefficient | clebsch-gordan coefficient
- closed orbit
- closure amplitude relatio...
- closure phase relations
- cloud chamber
- clr circuit
- cluster expansion
- coaxial cables
- coefficient of finesse
- coefficient of restitution
- coherence function
- coherence length
- coherence time
- coherent backscattering
- coherent scattering
- collision coefficient
- collision integral
- color force
- colossal magnetoresistance
- column density
- column mass density
- column number density
- combined law of thermodyn...
- compacton
- complete set of commuting...
- complex correlator
- complex gain
- complex impedance
- compressible fluid
- compressional wave
- compton radius
- compton scattering
- compton shift
- compton tube
- compton wavelength
- conducting rotating sphere
- conical refraction
- connected element interfe...
- conoscope
- conservation of angular m...
- conservation of baryon nu...
- conservation of charge
- conservation of mass
- conservation of momentum
- conservation of parity
- conservation of symmetry
- conservative system
- constant deviation prism
- contact transformation
- continuity equation
- convective mixing time
- cooling force
- cooper electron pair
- coorbital satellites
- copenhagen problem
- coriolis acceleration
- coriolis frequency
- coriolis parameter
- correlation interferometer
- cosmic background radiati...
- cosmic censorship hypothe...
- cosmic microwave backgrou...
- cosmological density
- cosmological distance
- cosmological equations
- cosmological optical depth
- cotes' spiral orbit
- Cotton-Mouton effect | cotton-mouton effect
- couette flow
- coulomb energy
- coulomb force
- coulomb gauge
- coulomb potential
- coulomb's constant
- coupled pendula
- cowling's theorem
- CP-symmetry | cp-symmetry
- CPT theorem | cpt theorem
- CR circuit | cr circuit | LCR circuit
- creation operator
- critical angle
- critical density
- critical phenomenon
- critical point opalescence
- critical Rayleigh number | critical rayleigh number
- critical size
- cross correlator
- cube gravitational force
- curie temperature
- Curie-Weiss law | curie-weiss law
- current density four-vect...
- current density
- current ring
- current sheet
- curvature of the universe
- cyclic coordinates
- cyclotron formula
- cyclotron frequency
- cyclotron radiation
- cylinder drag
- cylinder gravitational po...
- cylinder heat diffusion
- cylindrical wave
- d'Alembert's paradox | d'alembert's paradox
- d'Alembert's principle | d'alembert's principle
- dalton's atomic hypothesis
- dalton's law
- damped simple harmonic mo...
- Daniel Bernoulli's princi... | daniel bernoulli's princi...
- Darwin-Radau equation | darwin-radau equation
- data mile
- de Broglie wavelength | de broglie wavelength
- de Broglie wavenumber | de Broglie wavenumber
- de Haas-van Alphen effect | de haas-van alphen effect
- de Sitter cosmological model | de sitter cosmological model | de Sitter universe
- de Sitter effect | de sitter effect
- debye frequency
- debye length
- debye model
- debye temperature
- debye theory
- Debye-Falkenhagen effect | debye-falkenhagen effect
- deceleration parameter
- decibel scale | decibel
- deflection angle
- deformable body
- degeneracy pressure
- degree of freedom
- delay beam
- delay pattern
- delay tracking
- density scale height
- density weighting function
- depolarization factor
- descending node
- destructive interference
- detailed balance
- diatomic ideal gas
- dicke paradox
- dielectric constant
- dielectric reflection
- diesel cycle
- differential thermal anal...
- diffraction grating
- diffraction limit
- diffraction pattern
- diffraction-limited optics
- diffuse reflection
- diffusion coefficient
- diffusion equation
- dimensional analysis
- dimensionless logarithmic...
- dipole antenna
- dipole approximation
- dipole moment
- dirac matrices
- dirty beam
- dirty map
- disintegration process
- disk dynamo
- dispersion relation
- displacement current
- displacement electric fie...
- disturbing function
- disturbing potential
- diurnal libration
- dobson unit
- doppler broadening
- doppler lineshape
- double beta decay
- double pendulum
- double prism
- double refraction
- double slit interference
- double-sideband receiver
- downward continuation
- drag coefficient
- drag force
- drag power
- duality principle
- Dulong-Petit law | dulong-petit law
- dynamic pressure
- dynamic range
- dynamic viscosity
- dynamical ellipticity
- dynamo equation
- eccentric anomaly
- eccentricity perturbations
- eddies
- eddington luminosity
- Eddington-Lemaître cosmological model | Eddington-Lemaître cosmology | eddington-lemaître cosmological model | eddington-lemaître cosmology
- Eddington-Robertson metric | eddington-robertson metric
- eddy diffusion coefficient
- eddy diffusion
- eddy viscosity
- edge effects
- ehrenfest principle
- ehrenfest theorem
- eikonal
- eikonal approximation
- einstein coefficients
- einstein cosmological mod...
- einstein field equations
- einstein formula
- einstein relation
- einstein temperature
- Einstein-de Haas effect | einstein-de haas effect
- Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model | Einstein-de Sitter cosmology | einstein-de sitter cosmological model | Einstein-de Sitter cosmology | Einstein-de Sitter universe
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox | einstein-podolsky-rosen paradox | EPR paradox | epr paradox | EPR experiment | epr experiment
- ekman layer
- ekman number
- elastic collision
- elastic deformation
- elastic energy
- elastic limit
- elastic modulus
- elastic plate
- elastic p-wave
- elastic ratio
- elastic rod
- elastic s-wave
- elastic wave
- electric dipole moment
- electric dipole radiation
- electric force
- electric monopole
- electric multipole expans...
- electric permittivity
- electric polarizibility
- electric potential energy
- electric potential
- electric quadrupole moment
- electric quadrupole radia...
- electric quadrupole
- electric scalar potential
- electric susceptibility
- electric torque
- electrical conductance
- electrical conduction
- electrical conductivity
- electromagnetic field ten...
- electromagnetic field
- electromagnetic force
- electromagnetic radiation
- electromagnetic spectrum
- electromagnetic wave
- electromotive force
- electron angular momentum
- electron antineutrino
- electron aufbau
- electron capture
- electron charge
- electron degeneracy press...
- electron magnetic moment
- electron magnetic resonan...
- electron mass
- electron microscope
- electron neutrino
- electron orbital
- electron pair production
- electron paramagnetic res...
- electron quantum numbers
- electron radius
- electron spectra
- electron spin resonance
- electrooptical effect
- electrophoric effect
- electrorheological fluid
- electrostatic force
- electrostatic unit
- electrostatic wave
- electroweak force
- electroweak theory
- ellipsoid gravitational f...
- ellipsometric parameters
- elliptic polarization
- elliptical orbit
- emissivity coefficient
- emissivity density
- energy density
- energy flux
- energy function
- energy usage
- entrance pupil
- ephah
- equation of center
- equation of state
- equatorial to celestial c...
- equilibrium postulate
- equinoctial precession
- equivalence principle of...
- equivalence principle of...
- equivalent thickness
- erfle eyepiece
- étalon
- eternal black hole
- ether drag
- eulerian coordinates
- euler's equation of invis...
- euler's equations of moti...
- euler's two-point orbit d...
- evanescent wave
- evolution operator
- Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem | ewald-oseen extinction theorem
- exchange coupling
- exit pupil
- exitance
- exotic material
- expansion of the universe
- expansion parameter
- expansion postulate
- expansion rate
- expectation value postula...
- extensive variable
- external force
- extinction coefficient
- extinction cross section
- extraordinary ray
- f- and g-functions
- f- and g-series
- Fabry-Perot étalon | fabry-perot étalon
- Fabry-Perot interferometer | fabry-perot interferometer
- far infrared
- faraday rotation
- faraday's constant
- faraday's induction law
- Faster-Than-Light | FTL | faster-than-light | faster than light
- fermi distribution
- fermi energy
- fermi momentum
- fermi temperature
- fermi velocity
- Fermi-Dirac distribution | fermi-dirac distribution
- Fermi-Dirac statistics | fermi-dirac statistics
- fermion degeneracy pressure
- Fermi-Pasta-Ulam experiment | fermi-pasta-ulam experiment
- ferrielectricity
- feynman diagram
- fictitious force
- field curvature
- field emission microscope
- field emission
- field of view
- field quantization
- fifth force
- fine structure constant
- fine structure formula
- fine structure
- finesse coefficient
- finite parallel planes
- finite rotations
- finite square potential w...
- first law of thermodynami...
- fizeau fringes
- fizeau wheel
- flexural rigidity
- flexural wave
- flicker noise
- fluctuations
- fluidounce
- fluorescent lamp
- flux density
- f-number
- focal length
- focal plane
- foot pound
- force density
- forced convection
- force-free magnetic field
- foucault pendulum
- foucault test
- fountain effect
- fourier transform spectroscopy
- fourier's law
- frame dragging
- fraunhofer diffraction
- fraunhofer diffraction--c...
- fraunhofer diffraction--d...
- fraunhofer diffraction--e...
- fraunhofer diffraction--r...
- fraunhofer diffraction--s...
- fraunhofer limit
- free charge
- free convection
- free current density
- free expansion
- free fall
- free particle
- free precession
- free-free transitions
- free-streaming photons
- frenkel exciton
- fresnel diffraction
- fresnel diffraction--circ...
- fresnel equations
- fresnel lens
- fresnel number
- fresnel reflection coefficient
- fresnel rhomb
- fresnel transmission coefficient
- Fresnel-Arago laws | fresnel-arago laws
- Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction | fresnel-kirchhoff diffraction
- fresnel's biprism
- fresnel's double mirror
- fresnel's double prism
- frictional force
- fried length
- Friedmann-Lemaître cosmological model | Friedmann-Lemaître cosmology | Friedmann-Lemaître universe | friedmann-lemaître cosmological model | friedmann-lemaître cosmology | friedmann-lemaître universe
- friedmann's equation
- fringe frequency
- fringe pattern
- fringe period
- fringe rotation
- fringe stopping
- fringe tracking
- fringe visibility
- fringes of equal inclinat...
- froude number
- frozen flux approximation
- frustrated total internal...
- f-stop
- fundamental constants
- fundamental forces
- fundamental mode
- fundamental particle
- fusion bomb
- galilean transformation
- galilei invariant
- gamma radiation
- gas constant
- gauge pressure
- gauge transformation
- gaunt factor
- Gauss-Encke-Merton method | gauss-encke-merton method
- gaussian gravitational co...
- gaussian lens formula
- gaussian optics
- gaussian units
- gaussian vectors
- gauss's method
- gauss's principle of leas...
- geiger counter
- geiger-nuttall law
- gell-mann/nishima law
- general theory of relativity
- generalized coordinate
- generalized force
- generalized momentum
- generalized work
- generating function
- geoid anomalies
- geometric albedo
- geometric optics
- geostationary orbit
- geostationary transfer or...
- geostrophic equation
- geostrophic flow
- g-function
- giant magnetoresistance
- gibbs ensemble
- gibbs free energy
- gibbs' paradox
- gibbs' phase rule
- Gibbs-Thomson law | gibbs-thomson law
- Glan-Foucault prism | glan-foucault prism
- Glan-Thompson prism | glan-thompson prism
- Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory | glashow-weinberg-salam theory
- global methods
- global positional satellites
- global positioning system
- golay cell
- Gold-Humphreys skin tempe... | gold-humphreys skin tempe...
- Goldreich-Schuler theorem | goldreich-schuler theorem
- goldschmidt's mineralogic...
- golitsyn number
- Goos-Hähnchen effect | goos-hähnchen effect
- Gould-Trivelpiece waves | gould-trivelpiece waves
- graham's law of effusion
- grand canonical ensemble
- granular material
- grating equation
- gravitational acceleration
- gravitational boost
- gravitational constant
- gravitational energy
- gravitational field
- gravitational force
- gravitational lensing
- gravitational mass
- gravitational moment
- gravitational multipole e...
- gravitational potential e...
- gravitational potential
- gravitational quadrupole...
- gravitational radiation
- gravitational redshift
- gravitational scattering
- gravitational wave
- gravity assist
- gravity wave
- gross lineshape
- group velocity
- grüneisen equation of sta...
- grüneisen parameters
- gunn oscillator
- gyromagnetic moment
- gyromagnetic ratio
- gyroscopic precession
- Hagen-Poiseuille flow | hagen-poiseuille flow
- half-infinite screen diff...
- half-infinite square pote...
- hall coefficient
- hall voltage
- hamiltonian coordinates
- hamiltonian mechanics
- hamiltonian operator
- hamiltonian optics
- Hamilton-Jacobi equation | hamilton-jacobi equation
- hamilton's characteristic...
- hamilton's equations
- hamilton's principal func...
- hamilton's principle
- hamilton's theorem
- hanson theory
- harmonic law
- harmonic number
- harmonic oscillator
- harmonic waves
- hartmann constants
- hartmann dispersion formu...
- hartmann test
- hasenöhrl effect
- hawking effect
- h-bar
- hearing range
- heat capacity ratio
- heat capacity
- heat conduction equation-...
- heat conduction equation-...
- heat conduction equation-...
- heat conduction equation
- heat conduction
- heat conductivity
- heat conductor
- heat death
- heat diffusion equation
- heat diffusion
- heat engine
- heat index
- heat release
- heat reservoir
- heat transport
- Heaviside-Lorentz system | heaviside-lorentz system
- heavy hydrogen
- heisenberg picture
- heisenberg uncertainty principle | heisenberg's uncertainty principle | uncertainty principle
- helium nucleus
- helmholtz equation
- helmholtz free energy
- helmholtz resonator
- Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integ... | helmholtz-kirchhoff integ...
- herget's method
- heron's problem
- Herrick and Liu method | herrick and liu method
- hertz effect
- Herzberg-Teller effect | herzberg-teller effect
- heterodyne conversion
- Heyney-Greenstein phase f... | heyney-greenstein phase f...
- h-function
- hidden variables
- high spin
- hohmann transfer orbit
- holonomic constraints
- hoop conjecture
- Hoyle-Narlikar cosmologic... | hoyle-narlikar cosmologic...
- H-Theorem | h-theorem
- hubble age
- hund's rule
- huygens' principle
- Huygens-Fresnel principle | huygens-fresnel principle
- hybrid mapping
- hydrogen atom
- hydrogen lines
- hydrogen maser frequency...
- hydrogen molecule ion
- hydrogen molecule
- hydrogen ortho-para states
- hydrogen spin-flip transi...
- hydromagnetic equation
- hydrostatic equation
- hydrostatic equilibrium
- hydrostatic law
- hyperbolic orbit
- hyperdeformed nucleus
- hyperfine splitting
- hysteresis coefficient
- hysteresis effect
- ideal gas
- image rejection mixer
- impact parameter
- improper time
- inch of mercury
- inclined plane
- incoherent scattering
- incompressible fluid
- index of refraction
- indistinguishable particl...
- induced radioactivity
- induction coil
- induction electric field
- inelastic collision
- inelastic neutron scatter...
- inertia ellipsoid
- inertial force
- inertial mass
- inertial reference frame
- infinite parallel planes
- infinite plane
- infinite square potential...
- infrared detector
- infrared reflectance spec...
- infrared spectroscopy
- instaton
- integrated density
- intensity interferometer
- intensive variable
- interaction energy
- interference pattern
- interferogram
- intermediate frequency
- intermediate vector boson
- intermittency factor
- intermittency
- internal energy
- internal froude number
- internal peltier effect
- internal wave
- international system of u...
- intersystem crossing
- inverse beta decay
- inverse centimeter
- inverse compton effect
- inverse photoelectric eff...
- inverse richardson effect
- inverse square law
- ionization fraction
- irreversible process
- isomer shift
- isoplanicity assumption
- isostacy
- isothermal bulk modulus
- isothermal compressibilit...
- isotope effect
- isotopomer
- jacobi integral
- jeans escape
- jeans instability
- jeans length
- j-number
- johnson noise
- jones matrix
- jones vector
- josephson junction
- joukovski theorem
- joule cycle
- joule heating
- Joule-Thomson coefficient | joule-thomson coefficient
- Joule-Thomson effect | joule-thomson effect
- Joule-Thomson process | joule-thomson process
- jump rope
- kamiltonian
- kármán constant
- kármán trail
- kármán vortex street
- kármán vortex trail
- kármán-howarth equation
- kaye effect
- kellner eyepiece
- kelvin circulation theorem
- kelvin jet effect
- kelvin wave
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instability | kelvin-helmholtz instability
- kepler problem
- kepler's first law
- kepler's second law
- kepler's third law
- kerr black hole
- kerr cell
- kerr effect
- kerr metric
- Kerr-Newman black hole | kerr-newman black hole
- kinematic viscosity
- kinetic energy operator
- kinetic friction
- kinetic lineshape
- kinetic theory
- kirchhoff diffraction the...
- kirchhoff integral
- kirchhoff junction rule
- kirchhoff loop rule
- kirchhoff's law
- kirchhoff's rules
- Klein-Gordon equation | klein-gordon equation
- Klein-Nishima formula | klein-nishima formula
- knife-edge diffraction
- Knox-Thompson interferometer | knox-thompson interferometer
- Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix | kobayashi-maskawa matrix
- kolmogorov spectrum
- kondo effect
- Korteweg-de Vries equation | korteweg-de vries equation
- kovalevskaya top
- Kronig-Kramers relations | kronig-kramers relations
- Kronig-Penney model | kronig-penney model
- kruskal coordinates
- Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates | kruskal-szekeres coordinates
- Kutta-Zhukovski theorem | kutta-zhukovski theorem
- ladder operator
- lagrange fundamental brac...
- lagrange invariant
- lagrange's equations
- lagrange's planetary equa...
- lagrangian coordinates
- lagrangian turbulence
- lamb shift
- lamb wave
- lambda transition
- lambert surface
- lambert's law
- lambert's theorem
- lamé constants
- lamé factor
- laminar flow
- Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert... | landau-lifschitz-gilbert...
- Lane-Emden equation | lane-emden equation
- langevin formula
- langevin function
- langmuir waves
- Langmuir-Blodgett film | langmuir-blodgett film
- laplace length
- laplace plane
- laplace resonance
- laplace series
- Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector | laplace-runge-lenz vector
- laplace's equation
- laplace's law
- laplace's method
- Laplace-Young law | laplace-young law
- larmor power
- laser cooling
- laser trapping
- latent heat of fusion
- latent heat of vaporizati...
- lattice displacement
- lattice quantum chromodyn...
- law of atmospheres
- law of combining volumes
- law of inertia
- law of reflection
- law of refraction
- law of the lever
- Le Châtelier's principle | le châtelier's principle
- least action principle
- least curvature principle
- least time principle
- lemaître cosmological mod...
- lens aberrations
- lens formula
- lens maker's formula
- lepton number
- lever rule
- libration in latitude
- libration in longitude
- Liénard-Jones potential | liénard-jones potential
- Liénard-Wiechert potential | liénard-wiechert potential
- lift coefficient
- lift force
- light cone
- light wave
- line broadening
- line charge
- line of apsides
- line of nodes
- line profile
- linear magnification
- linear momentum
- linear polarization
- linear stability theory
- lineshape
- liouville's equation
- liquid drop model
- liquid metallic hydrogen
- liquid mirror
- lloyd's mirror
- local oscillator chain
- local thermodynamic equil...
- long hundredweight
- long ton
- longitude at epoch
- longitude of pericenter
- longitude of perihelion
- longitude of the ascendin...
- longitudinal wave
- loop gain
- lorentz contraction
- lorentz force
- lorentz invariant
- lorentzian lineshape
- lorentz's conjecture
- lorenz gauge
- lorenz relation
- loschmidt number
- loss tangent
- love number
- love wave
- loveluck black hole
- low spin
- low temperature
- lower sideband
- lr circuit
- luminiferous ether
- luminosity distance
- luminous flux
- luminous intensity
- lunisolar precession
- maccullagh's formula
- mach number
- Mach-Zehnder interferometer | mach-zehnder interferometer
- magic angle
- magic number
- magnetic diffusivity
- magnetic dipole moment
- magnetic domain
- magnetic exciton
- magnetic field energy density
- magnetic flux density
- magnetic flux
- magnetic force microscopy
- magnetic force
- magnetic permeability
- magnetic polarization
- magnetic potential energy
- magnetic quantum number
- magnetic scalar potential
- magnetic susceptibility
- magnetic torque
- magnetic vector potential
- magnetizability
- magnetization
- magnetized sphere magneti...
- magnetohydrodynamic fluid
- magnetooptical effect
- magnetooptical rotation
- magnetorheological fluid
- magnus effect
- malmquist effect
- Malus and Dupin theorem | malus and dupin theorem
- malus's law
- mandelstam coordinates
- many-body problem
- marangoni effect
- mariotte law
- Martin-Puplett interferometer | martin-puplett interferometer
- mason number
- mass increase
- matrix element
- matrix mechanics
- maxwell displacement curr...
- maxwell distribution
- maxwell electromagnetic f...
- maxwell equations
- maxwell equations--dielec...
- maxwell equations--steady...
- maxwell helix rotation ef...
- maxwell relation--index o...
- maxwell relations
- maxwell strain rate model
- maxwell stress tensor
- maxwell time
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution | maxwell-boltzmann distribution
- Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics | maxwell-boltzmann statistics
- mcconnell effect
- mean anomaly
- mean free path
- mean lifetime
- mean longitude at epoch
- mean longitude
- mean motion
- mean speed theorem
- measurement of observables
- mechanical birefringence
- mechanical equilibrium
- mechanical equivalent of...
- meissner effect
- mersenne's laws
- method of point charges--...
- method of point charges--...
- method of point charges--...
- method of point charges--...
- method of point charges--...
- method of point charges
- metric pound
- michelson fringe visibili...
- michelson interferometer
- michelson stellar interferometer
- Michelson-Morley experiment | michelson-morley experiment
- microcanonical ensemble
- microwave spectroscopy
- mid-ocean ridge
- mie scattering
- Mie-Grüneisen potential | mie-grüneisen potential
- millikan oil drop experiment | millikan's oil drop experiment
- millimeter of mercury
- mill's cross
- milne equation
- milne relations
- minkowski metric
- mirror formula
- mirror tests
- mixing length theory
- mixing length
- moisture tension
- molecular dynamics
- molecular spectra
- møller scattering
- Mollwo-Ivey law | mollwo-ivey law
- molniya orbit
- moment of inertia ratio
- moment of inertia tensor
- moment of inertia
- moment of inertia--cone
- moment of inertia--cylinder
- moment of inertia--earth
- moment of inertia--ellipsoid
- moment of inertia--ellipse
- moment of inertia--ellipt...
- moment of inertia--hoop
- moment of inertia--oblate...
- moment of inertia--prolat...
- moment of inertia--rectan...
- moment of inertia--rectan...
- moment of inertia--ring
- moment of inertia--rod
- moment of inertia--sphere
- moment of inertia--spheri...
- moment of inertia--torus
- momentum commutator
- momentum density
- momentum four-vector
- momentum operator
- momentum space
- monatomic ideal gas
- Monin-Obukhov length | monin-obukhov length
- mooney rhomb
- mössbauer effect
- mössbauer spectroscopy
- Moulton-Väisälä method | moulton-väisälä method
- mu meson | muon
- mueller matrix
- multi-frequency synthesis
- multiple reflection inter...
- multiple scattering
- multiple slit interference
- multiplex advantage
- multipole expansion
- multipole radiation
- muon neutrino
- murnaghan equation
- mutual coherence function
- mutual inductance
- mutual intensity
- naked singularity
- Navier-Stokes equations--...
- Navier-Stokes equations | navier-stokes equations
- n-body problem
- near infrared
- néel temperature
- negative charge
- nernst effect
- nernst equation
- neutrino oscillation
- neutron star
- newtonian cosmology
- newtonian fluid
- newtonian shear
- newton's first law
- newton's law for fluids
- newton's law of cooling
- newton's laws
- newton's rings
- nicol prism
- nielsen's form
- no slip condition
- nodal line
- noise power
- noise temperature
- nonlinear optics
- nonsynchronous rotation
- nontracking interferomete...
- n-operator
- nordtvedt coefficient
- nordtvedt effect
- normal dispersion
- normal force
- normal incidence
- normal mode
- normal mode--sphere
- nuclear bomb
- nuclear disintegration
- nuclear magnetic resonanc...
- nuclear magneton
- nuclear mass defect
- nuclear radiation
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear shell model
- nucleation center
- number density
- nusselt number
- oblate spheroid gravitati...
- oblateness constant
- obliquity-induced precess...
- octahedron gravitational...
- ohm's phase law
- oil drop experiment
- okorokov effect
- opalescence
- optical aberrations
- optical activity
- optical depth
- optical interferometry
- optical path length
- optical path
- optical rotation
- optical sign
- optical sine theorem
- optics sign conventions
- orbit determination
- orbital angular momentum
- orbital coordinate transf...
- orbital coordinates
- orbital elements
- orbital mechanics
- orbital perturbation
- orbital precession
- orbital reference system
- orbital resonance
- orbital stability
- ordinary ray
- organized self-criticality
- ortho-para hydrogen
- orthoscopic eyepiece
- oscillator strength
- osculating orbital elemen...
- osmotic pressure
- overhauser effect
- overtone number
- packing fraction
- painlevé problem
- pair production
- parabolic orbit
- parallel axis theorem
- parallel plate capacitor
- parallel wires
- parallelepiped gravitatio...
- paraxial approximation
- paraxial refraction
- partial pressure
- particle annihilation
- particle decay
- particle detector
- particle in a box
- particle physics
- partition function
- Paschen-Back effect | paschen-back effect
- pattern function
- pauli matrices
- péclet number
- Pellin-Broca prism | pellin-broca prism
- pendulum gravity determination
- pendulum small oscillation
- penning effect
- penning trap
- penrose singularity theor...
- perfect cosmological prin...
- permeability of free space
- permittivity of free space
- perturbation theory--orbi...
- perturbation theory--quan...
- petzval condition
- petzval field curvature
- phase angle
- phase closure relations
- phase function
- phase integral
- phase reference center
- phase referencing
- phase rule
- phase shift
- phase space trajectory
- phase switching
- phase transformation
- phase velocity
- phased-array radar
- photodissociation
- photoelastic effect
- photorefraction
- photorefractive effect
- physical libration
- physical optics
- physical pendulum
- pi meson
- pinch effect
- pincushion distortion
- pink noise
- planar orbit
- planck area
- planck energy
- planck flux density
- planck function
- planck intensity density
- planck law
- planck mass
- planck occupancy
- planck postulate
- planck spectrum
- planck time
- planck wavelength
- planck's radiation equati...
- Planck-Wheeler area | planck-wheeler area
- plane wave
- planetary aberration
- planetary precession
- plasma frequency
- plasma opacity
- plastic deformation
- plate thermal equilibrium
- plössl eyepiece
- plum pudding model
- Pochhammer-Chree wave | pochhammer-chree wave
- pockels effect
- pohl interferometer
- poincaré elements
- poincaré integral invaria...
- poincaré's problem
- poincaré's theorem
- poinsot construction
- point charge
- point mass
- poiseuille flow
- poisson bracket
- poisson ratio
- poisson spot
- poisson's equation
- polar orbit
- polarimetry
- polarization interferomet...
- polarization ratio
- polarizer
- polarizing processes
- pole height
- polyhedron gravitational...
- polytropic profile
- pomega
- pomeranchuk cooling
- position commutators
- position operator
- position space
- positive charge
- positron emission
- post-Newtonian approximation | post-newtonian approximation
- potential difference
- potential four-vector
- potential step
- potential temperature
- potential well
- potts model
- pound-force
- pound-mass
- pound-volume
- power pattern
- power--lens
- power--refractive surface
- poynting flux
- poynting theorem
- poynting vector
- Poynting-Robertson effect | poynting-robertson effect
- prandtl number
- precession of perihelion
- precession of the equinox...
- precessional constant
- precessional torque
- precipitable micron
- pressure profile
- pressure scale height
- pressure wave
- price's theorem
- primary beam
- principal moments of inertia
- principal quantum number
- principle of special relativity
- probability density current
- probability density flux
- probability density
- prolate spheroid gravitat...
- propagation constant
- propagation vector
- proper area
- proper circumference
- proper distance
- proper radius
- proper size
- proper time
- proper velocity
- proton mass
- proximity effect
- prussian hat
- pseudorapidity
- purkinje effect
- p-wave
- pyroelectric effect
- pythagoras's law
- q star
- quadrature network
- quadrupole moment
- quantum computing
- quantum gravitation
- quantum group
- quantum interference
- quantum mechanical tunnel...
- quantum mirage
- quantum numbers
- quantum reflection
- quantum smarandache paradoxes
- quark color
- radiancy
- radiant intensity
- radiation constant
- radiation density
- radiation field
- radiation pressure
- radiation resistance
- radiation zone
- radiative cooling
- radiative equilibrium
- radiative time constant
- radiative transfer equati...
- radiative transfer equati...
- radiative transfer
- radio absorption coeffici...
- radio absorption length
- radio spectrum
- radio wave
- radioactive decay
- radioactive decay
- radiometer equation
- radius of gyration
- ram pressure
- raman cooling
- raman spectroscopy
- Ramsauer-Townsend effect | ramsauer-townsend effect
- rankine cycle
- rapidity
- Rarita-Schwinger equation | rarita-schwinger equation
- rate coefficient
- ray parameter
- rayleigh criterion
- rayleigh number
- rayleigh phase function
- rayleigh water test
- Rayleigh-Benard convection | rayleigh-benard convection
- Rayleigh-Jeans law | rayleigh-jeans law
- Rayleigh-Jeans limit | rayleigh-jeans limit
- Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum | rayleigh-jeans spectrum
- Rayleigh-Lamb wave | rayleigh-lamb wave
- razin effect
- reaction wheel
- reciprocity theorem
- recirculator
- reduced mass
- redundancy calibration
- redundancy factor
- reech number
- reference plane
- reflecting prism
- reflection coefficient
- reflection grating
- reflection polarization
- refractive index
- refractivity
- regge calculus
- regge pole
- Reissner-Nordström black... | reissner-nordström black...
- relative permeability
- relative permittivity
- relative wind
- relativistic beta
- relativistic gamma
- relativistic momentum
- relativistic precession
- relativistic redshift
- relativistic two-body pro...
- relaxation field effect
- Renner-Teller effect | renner-teller effect
- resolving power
- resonant cavity
- rest mass
- restoring force
- restricted three-body pro...
- retardance
- retarded acceleration
- retarded time
- retrograde orbit
- reuss mineral mixing theo...
- reversible process
- reynolds number
- reynolds stress
- rhe
- rhenomorous constraints
- rhomb
- richards' equation
- richardson effect
- richardson number
- rigid body
- rijke tube resonator
- ring interferometer
- ring lobes
- robertson metric
- Robertson-Walker line element robertson-walker line element
- robins effect
- roche lobe
- rocket equation
- ronchi test
- root-mean-square current
- root-mean-square voltage
- rosenbluth equation
- rossby number
- rossby wave
- rosseland mean opacity
- rotary power
- rotating axes
- rotating fluid
- rotation spectra
- rotational distortion
- rotational potential
- rotational quantum number
- rotational stability
- routh's rule
- Russell-Saunders states | russell-saunders states
- rutherford scattering
- rutherford's model
- rydberg constant
- rydberg frequency
- sagnac interferometer
- saha equation
- Saint-Venant's theorem | saint-venant's theorem
- satellite resonances
- saturation adiabatic lapse
- scalar diffraction theory
- scalar potential
- scale height
- scattering coefficient
- scattering matrix
- scattering polarization
- schmidt number
- schottky diode
- schottky effect
- schrödinger equation | schroedinger equation
- schrödinger picture | schroedinger picture
- Schubnikow-de Haas effect | schubnikow-de haas effect
- schwarzschild black hole-...
- schwarzschild black hole-...
- schwarzschild black hole-...
- schwarzschild black hole-...
- schwarzschild black hole-...
- schwarzschild black hole
- schwarzschild criterion
- schwarzschild distributio...
- schwarzschild metric
- schwarzschild radius
- schwarzschild solution
- Schwarzschild-Milne integ... | schwarzschild-milne integ...
- Schwinger-Lüders-Pauli th... | schwinger-lüders-pauli th...
- scleronomous constraints
- scoptic Stiles-Crawford e... | scoptic stiles-crawford e...
- scott effect
- second law of thermodynamics
- second viscosity coefficient
- sedov equation
- seismic energy
- seismic equation
- seismic moment
- seismic parameter
- seismic strain
- seismic stress
- selection rules
- self calibration
- self inductance
- self-gravitating sphere
- self-organized criticality
- semilatus rectum
- sensitivity factor
- shalimar treaty
- shear stress
- shear viscosity
- shear wave
- shock front
- shock wave
- short hundredweight
- short ton
- SI units | si units
- sidelobe
- simple albedo
- simple harmonic oscillato...
- simple harmonic oscillator
- simple pendulum
- single scattering albedo
- single scattering
- single-sideband receiver
- singular perturbation the...
- singularity theorem
- sis receiver
- size factor
- skin depth
- skin temperature
- skipping rope
- sky frequency
- slater determinant
- slingshot effect
- small divisors problem
- small oscillations
- smoothing function
- snu
- solar neutrino unit
- soleil compensator
- solid state physics
- solid state theory
- solidification
- solutal convection
- sommerfeld model
- Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization | Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization
- sonic boom
- sound wave
- spacetime four-vector
- spacetime interval
- spark chamber
- spatial coherence function
- spatial coherence scale
- spatial frequency
- special theory of relativ...
- specific angular momentum
- specific heat capacity
- specific heat
- specific intensity
- specific rotary power
- speckle interferometry
- spectral line broadening
- spectral resolution
- spectral sensitivity func...
- spectroscopic state
- specular reflection
- sphere capacitance
- sphere electric field
- sphere gravitational force
- sphere gravitational pote...
- sphere radiative cooling
- sphere size
- sphere thermal equilibrium
- spherical aberration
- spherical bowl
- spherical mirror
- spherical potential well
- spherical shell gravitati...
- spherical shell magnetic...
- spherical surface refract...
- spherical wave
- spheroid gravitational po...
- spin angular momentum
- spin glass
- spin magnetic dipole mome...
- spin quantum number
- spin-down time
- spinning sidebands
- spontaneous Jahn-Teller e...
- spontaneous magnetization
- spontaneous raman effect
- spread spectrum
- spring constant
- springs--three masses
- springs--three springs an...
- springs--two springs and...
- springs--two springs in p...
- springs--two springs in s...
- square potential well
- squire's theorem
- stagnation pressure
- standard temperature and...
- standing wave
- starting friction
- state variable
- static electricity
- static equilibrium
- static friction
- static isotropic metric
- static jahn-teller effect
- static pressure
- statistical equilibrium
- statute mile
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant | stefan-boltzmann constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann law | stefan-boltzmann law
- steinmetz's equation
- stellar aberration
- stellar interferometer
- stellar temperature
- Stern-Gerlach experiment | stern-gerlach experiment
- stimulated emission
- stimulated raman effect
- stirling cycle
- stokes bands
- stokes flow
- stokes flow--cylinder
- stokes flow--sphere
- stokes' inclination factor
- stokes' law
- stokes paradox
- stokes parameters
- stokes relations
- stokes shift
- stokes vector
- stokes velocity
- Stoner-Anderson equation... | stoner-anderson equation...
- straight edge diffraction
- strain rate
- strain tensor
- strain-stress relations
- stratification parameter
- stream function
- strehl ratio
- stress refringence
- stress tensor
- stress-strain relationshi...
- string wave
- strobe effect
- strong force
- strong law of action and...
- strouhal number
- stumpff function
- sub-Lorentzian lineshape | sub-lorentzian lineshape
- submillimeter
- substantive derivative
- sudokov effect
- sun-synchronous orbit
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect | sunyaev-zel'dovich effect
- superadiabatic lapse
- superconductor-insulator-...
- surface brightness
- surface charge density
- surface current
- surface physics
- surface roughness
- surface wave
- s-wave
- symmetric top
- symmetry transformations
- synchrotron radiation
- synoptic parameters
- synthesis imaging aliasing
- synthesis imaging antenna...
- synthesis imaging array
- synthesis imaging bandpas...
- synthesis imaging bandwid...
- synthesis imaging baselin...
- synthesis imaging beam pa...
- synthesis imaging calibra...
- synthesis imaging coordin...
- synthesis imaging coordin...
- synthesis imaging distrib...
- synthesis imaging errors
- synthesis imaging field o...
- synthesis imaging geometr...
- synthesis imaging gibbs p...
- synthesis imaging gridding
- synthesis imaging line su...
- synthesis imaging line su...
- synthesis imaging line su...
- synthesis imaging line su...
- synthesis imaging mapping
- synthesis imaging noise
- synthesis imaging primary...
- synthesis imaging signal-...
- synthesis imaging
- synthesized beam
- system temperature
- tangential force
- tapering
- tau neutrino
- tauon neutrino
- tautochrone problem
- taylor number
- Taylor-Proudman theorem | taylor-proudman theorem
- telegraphy equations
- temperature wave
- terebizh null test
- terminal distance
- terminal velocity
- terminal voltage
- test particle
- tetrahedron gravitational...
- theory of general relativ...
- theory of special relativ...
- thermal absorption coeffi...
- thermal boundary layer
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductor
- thermal convection
- thermal diffusion
- thermal diffusivity
- thermal equilibrium
- thermal expansion coeffic...
- thermal inertia
- thermal pressure
- thermal radiation
- thermal resistance coeffi...
- thermal wave
- thermal wind equation
- thermodynamic beta
- thermodynamic calorie
- thermodynamic cycle
- thermodynamic functions
- thermodynamic laws
- thermodynamic systems
- thermoelectric effect
- thermomagnetism
- thermomechanical effect
- thevenin equivalent circu...
- thick lens doublet
- thick lens formula
- thin film
- thin lens doublet
- thin lens formula
- third law of thermodynami...
- thomson cross section
- thomson model
- thought experiment
- three-body problem
- throttling process
- thrust coefficient
- tidal acceleration
- tidal heating
- tidal torque
- time dilation
- time of flight
- time of pericenter passage
- time-bandwidth product
- time's arrows
- timescale number
- tippe top
- tisserand parameter
- toda lattice
- Tollman-Schlichting wave | tollman-schlichting wave
- ton of tnt
- topsy-turvy top
- torsional constant
- torsional pendulum
- torsional rigidity
- torsional torque
- total angular momentum qu...
- total angular momentum
- total internal reflection
- transfer equation
- transfer function
- transmission line
- transverse wave
- traveling wave
- tree branch scaling
- triple point
- trirefringence
- troy ounce
- troy pound
- troy system of units
- true anomaly
- true longitude
- tunneling effect
- tunneling time
- turbulent convection
- turbulent diffusion
- two-body problem
- two-element interferometer
- two-stream approximation
- Twyman-Green interferometer | twyman-green interferometer
- ultraviolet catastrophe
- uniaxial indicatrix
- uniaxial
- United States system of liquid and dry measures | united states system of liquid and dry measures
- universal gas constant
- universal gravitational constant
- universal logarithmic wall law
- universal variables
- unpolarized
- upper sideband
- upward continuation
- vacuum diode
- vacuum fluctuations
- vacuum permeability
- vacuum permittivity
- vacuum polarization
- vacuum tube
- Valentine-Fischer number | valentine-fischer number
- van Cittert-Zernicke theo... | van Cittert-Zernicke theo...
- van der Waals gas | van der waals gas
- van Vleck relation | van vleck relation
- van Vleck-Weisskopf lines... | van vleck-weisskopf lines...
- variation of latitude
- vector diffraction theory
- vector potential
- velocity four-vector
- velocity potential
- venturi tube
- verdet constant
- vergence
- verlet method
- very long baseline interf...
- vibration spectra
- virial theorem
- virtual displacement
- virtual particle
- virtual photon
- virtual work
- viscous force
- visibility function
- visibility function--circ...
- visibility function--cosi...
- visibility function--disk
- visibility function--elli...
- visibility function--gaus...
- vis-viva equation
- vlasov equation
- voight mineral mixing the...
- voigt effect
- voigt lineshape
- volta effect
- voltaic pile
- volume charge
- volume current
- volume expansion coeffici...
- volume expansion
- vortex street
- vorticity equation
- wall attachment
- wall law
- wall turbulence
- water wave
- wave equation
- wave impedance
- wave mechanics
- wave plate
- wave superposition
- wave vector
- wave velocity
- wave-particle duality
- w-boson
- weak force
- weak interaction
- weak law of action and re...
- weber number
- weighting function (radia...
- weighting function (synth...
- weighting function
- weiss magneton
- weizsäcker's semi-empiric...
- white light fringe
- wien law
- wiener criterion
- wigner effect
- wigner force
- wigner function
- wimshurst machine
- wind chill factor
- winslow effect
- winston cone
- wire proportional counter
- wollaston prism
- work function
- w-particle
- x-ray absorption edge spectroscopy
- x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
- x-ray diffraction
- x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- x-ray line spectrum
- x-ray powder diffraction
- x-ray spectroscopy
- x-ray transmittance spectroscopy
- x-wave
- yagi antenna
- Yang-Mills equations | yang-mills equations
- Yang-Mills theory | yang-mills theory
- yarkovsky effect
- y-factor
- yield strength
- yield stress
- young's double slit experiment
- Yule-Nielsen effect | yule-nielsen effect
- z-boson
- zeeman splitting
- zero spacing flux
- zeroth law of thermodynamics
- Zhevakin-Naumov lineshape | zhevakin-naumov lineshape
- zone plate
- z-particle