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[edit] Questions
Zemirot are sung psalms or hymns; the article appears to contain an example in transliterated Hebrew, but no contextualizing information.
I'm deleting this stuff and writing some brief content in English, because I am linking to this from the nigunim page. For now this will be a stub, but at least it will be intellgible. I'll try to come back later and do a decent page. user:rooster613.
Also, this is NOT Hebrew -- I don't know what language it is, if indeed it is a language... Taking a second look, I note that it does contain the word Messias (messiah?) and the phrase Kristus, Raja segala Raja which looks suspiciously like "Christ, King of Kings" -- I seem to recall that Raja is "king" in Sanskrit (?) My opinion is that this was some sort of vandalism and/or an attempt to proselytize Jews. User:Rooster613
==Zemirot vs, zemer
Not a usual Wikipedia contributor, but isn't zemirot irregular, so the singular is zemer not zemira? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).