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[edit] Summary
Spectrum analysis of the uncompressed source for 10 seconds of brown noise file— play in browser. Note the logarithmic frequency scale.
The analysis was done using Audacity, and plotting with gnuplot. Transparency was touched up in GIMP to make the graph background pure white.
[edit] Instructions
Obtain the frequency analysis from Audacity, set the maximum number of windows, and use a Hamming window. The following script was used to generate the image:
set terminal png transparent font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf" size 800,600 enhanced
set output "brown_noise_spectrum.png"
# this seems to fix the trailers on the TTF font for the x-label
set bmargin 4
# enable grid
set grid
set grid mxtics
# set up x-axis
set logscale x 10
set xrange [100:22000]
set xlabel "Frequency (Hz)"
set xtics border nomirror
# set up y-axis
set yrange [-40:0]
set ylabel "Intensity (dB)"
set ytics border nomirror
# again to deal with bad bboxes on the TTF...
set key height 1 box
# plot the output from Audacity
plot "brown_noise.txt" title "Brown Noise" with filledcurves x1 3
[edit] Licensing
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