Vikipediisto:Rob Hooft
El Vikipedio
Hi all,
I am a Dutch visitor, and I do not understand or speak Esperanto. But I come here regularly to change interwiki links, so an account can't hurt.
I have written a robot that regularly walks over the Dutch wikipedia, and finds missing interwiki links. In the Dutch wikipedia these links are automatically inserted by the robot, but this is not desirable for other wikipedias. Therefore I will put up a list of links to eo: pages from nl: that are not accompanied by a corresponding eo: to nl: link on my discussion page, hoping for help to put these in place.
- Saluton Rob !
- Bonvenon en la esperanto-vikipedio! Mi opinias bonega ideo havi roboton por interligi diverslingvajn vikipediojn (en ĉiuj direktoj ne nur de la nederlanda al esperanto). Kial vi opinias nedezirebla ke la roboto aŭtomate enmetu la interlingvajn ligojn ? Eble nur necesas homa kontrolo : kiam la roboto trovis mankantan ligon, ĝi proponu liston da konstruotaj ligoj kaj la redaktanta nur jesu aŭ ne antaŭ la ligo estu vere konstruata.
- Traduko : I think it's a good idea to have a robot for linking different languages wikipedias (in all directions, not only from dutch to esperanto!). Why do you think undesirable the robot automatically put interlanguages links ? Maybe we only need human control : when the robot found missing link, it should propose list of links to build and the editor only answer yes or no before the link is truely built. -- Arno Lagrange 07:50, 19. Aŭg 2003 (UTC)
- There are two problems that accompany an automated robot. First, it must be accepted by the community, including its intricacies. The robot I wrote puts all interwiki links at the beginning of the text, in the en: wikipedia this is not done by everyone. There is a large resistance to robots there. People are afraid it makes mistakes (my experience is that it removes ten times more mistakes than it adds). Second issue is that it should be supervised by someone that is fluent in the language it is working on, but I´m not giving the code out to just anyone, because it could be abused by vandals. If you can have a discussion about the merits of robots in the eo:Vikipedio community and propose someone that could supervise the robot, I'd be prepared to share the code (but please note it is under heavy development, and will certainly need fixes to work well with the xx coding and the UTF-8 for the eo:Vikipedio!). Rob Hooft 08:05, 19. Aŭg 2003 (UTC)
- The bot runs on the nl: wikipedia, and is accepted there. If you give me a sign that the eo: users would accept that it ran here, I would be willing to either have it run here, or provide it to a trusted person from the Esperanto Wikipedia (second preferred). If you do want to allow it, as a group, please contact me (by email or on my nl: userpage, preferably) - Rob is temporarily away. Andre Engels 15:42, 23. Aŭg 2003 (UTC)
- Jen bonegaj ideoj kiuj dormas. Mi kontrolis : en la franca vikio la propono de Rob estis akceptita kaj en malpli ol unu horo ĉiuj ligoj estis konstruitaj (vidu diskutpaĝon de Rob en la fr-vikio). Kial ni tie penas mane konstrui la ligojn kaj ignoras la eblecojn provizitajn de roboto ? -- Arno Lagrange 15:37, 5. Sep 2003 (UTC)