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El pintalabios es un producto cosmético contiene pigmentos, aceites, ceras, y emolientes que dan color y textura a los labios.
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[editar] Historia
Se sabe que se viene usando alrededor de 5.000 años en la antigua Mesopotamia, cuando joyas semi-preciosas eran trituradas y aplicadas a los labios y ocasionalmente alrededor de los ojos. Las mujeres en el antiguo Valle del Indo aplicaban el pintalabios a sus labios para decorar su cara.[1] Los Antiguos egipcios extrajeron tinte rojo-amoratado de fucus-algin, 0.01% yodo, y algo de bromo mannite, que rsulto en serias enfermedades. Cleopatra tuvo su pintalabios hecho de escarabajos carmín triturados, que tenian un pigmento rojo profundo, y hormigas para la base. Los pintalabios con efectos brillosos fueron hechos inicialmente usando una sustancia encontrada en las escamas de peces llamada escencia de perlas.[2]
Los pintalabios empezaron a ganar popularidad en el siglo XVI, durante el reinado de la Reina Elizabeth I, quien hizowho made blood-red lips and stark white faces a fashion statement. By that time, lipstick was made from a blend of beeswax and red stains from plants.
During the Second World War, lipstick gained popularity as a result of its use in the movie industry, and it became commonplace for women to apply makeup, or "put their face on".
As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. It is usually not worn until a female reaches adolescence or adulthood.
A lip-duo is a combination of lipstick and lip liner.
Another form of lip color, a wax-free semi-permanent liquid formula, was invented in the 1990s by the Lip-Ink International company. Other companies imitated the idea, putting out their own versions of long-lasting "lip stain" or "liquid lip color", but were not allowed to infringe on the patented wax-free formula.[3]
[editar] See also
- Maquillaje
- lipstick lesbian
- lip gloss
[editar] Referencias
- ↑ Yona Williams. Ancient Indus Valley: Food, Clothing & Transportation.
- ↑ Chemical and Engineering News: What's That Stuff? -- Lipstick
- ↑ Lip-Ink International