Liste de psychologues sociaux
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Article annexe rattaché à « Psychologie sociale ».
[modifier] Psychologues sociaux célèbres
- Gordon Allport
- Michael Argyle
- Elliot Aronson
- Solomon Asch
- Alex Bavelas
- Jean-Léon Beauvois
- Howard Becker
- Gustave Le Bon
- Hadley Cantril
- Susan Fiske
- Carl Hovland
- Kurt Lewin
- Leon Festinger
- Erving Goffman
- Fritz Heider
- Irving Janis
- Abraham Kaplan
- Jacques-Philippe Leyens
- G. H. Mead
- Stanley Milgram
- Serge Moscovici
- Richard Nisbett
- Stanley Schachter
- Muzafer Sherif
- Gabriel Tarde
- Robert Zajonc
- Alvin Zander
- Philip Zimbardo
[modifier] Psychologues sociaux contemporains
- Henk Aarts (Utrecht University)
- Marina Abalakina (New Mexico State University)
- Christopher L. Aberson (Humboldt State University)
- Linda Acitelli (University of Houston)
- Scott Acton (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Virgil Adams (University of Kansas)
- Jeff Adams (High Point University)
- Christopher R. Agnew (Purdue University)
- Jack Aiello (Rutgers University)
- Icek Aizen (Ajzen) (University of Massachusetts--Amherst)
- Salah S. Al-Rashed (Al-Rashed Center)
- Alain, Michel (Université du Québec, Trois-Rivières)
- Dolores Albarracin (University of Florida)
- Sheldon Alexander (Wayne State University)
- Michele G. Alexander (University of Maine)
- Mark D. Alicke (Ohio University)
- Bem Allen (Western Illinois University)
- Michael Allen (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Scott T. Allison (University of Richmond)
- Julie Allison (Pittsburg State University)
- Ahmed A. Alnajjar (United Arab Emirates University)
- Irwin Altman (University of Utah)
- Daniel Ames (Columbia Business School, Columbia University)
- Susan Andersen (New York University)
- Craig Anderson (Iowa State University)
- Christopher J. Anderson (Temple University)
- Charles Antaki (Loughborough University)
- Robert Arkin (Ohio State University)
- Art Aron (State University of New York--Stony Brook)
- Joel Aronoff (Michigan State University)
- Elliot Aronson (Stanford University)
- joshua aronson (New York University)
- Ximena B. Arriaga (Purdue University)
- Arrow, Holly (University of Oregon)
- Lisa G. Aspinwall (University of Utah)
- Maria Augustinova (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- James Averill (University of Massachusetts)
- Danny Axsom (Virginia Tech)
- Mark Baldwin (McGill University)
- Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University)
- John A. Bargh (New York University)
- Kathleen Barker (The City University of New York: Medgar Evers College)
- Robert Baron (University of Iowa)
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (Boston College)
- Kim Bartholomew (Simon Fraser University)
- Bruce D. Bartholow (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- John Bassili (University of Toronto at Scarborough)
- Dan Batson (University of Kansas)
- Andy Baum (University of Pittsburgh)
- Roy Baumeister (Case Western Reserve University)
- Max Bazerman (Harvard University)
- Shawn M. Bediako (University of Cincinnati)
- Denise Beike (University of Arkansas)
- Kathy Bell (University of North Carolina--Greensboro)
- Paul Bell (Colorado State University)
- Daryl Bem (Cornell University)
- Sandra Bem (Cornell University)
- Victor Benassi (University of New Hampshire)
- Arlin J. Benjamin, Jr. (Oklahoma Panhandle State University)
- Joel Bennett (Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems)
- Tim Berard (Kent State University)
- Manfred Max Bergman (University of Cambridge & SIDOS, Switzerland)
- Len Berkowitz (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Norman Berkowitz (Boston College)
- John Berman (University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
- Frank Bernieri (University of Toledo)
- Diane Berry (Southern Methodist University)
- Ellen Berscheid (University of Minnesota--Twin Cities)
- David Bersoff (University of Pennsylvania)
- Gayle Bessenoff (University of Connecticut)
- Avi Besser, Ph.D. (Department of Behavioral Sciences, Sapir Academic College)
- Ann Bettencourt (University of Missouri, Columbia)
- Sylvia Beyer (University of Wisconsin--Parkside)
- Monica Biernat (University of Kansas)
- Mick Billig (Loughborough University)
- George Bizer (Eastern Illinois University)
- Bruce Blaine (Hofstra University)
- Irene V. Blair (University of Colorado)
- Hart Blanton (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Jim Blascovich (University of California--Santa Barbara)
- Joe Boden (University of Southern Queensland)
- Galen Bodenhausen (Northwestern University)
- C. George Boeree (Shippensburg University)
- Laura M. Bogart (Kent State University)
- Cheryl A. Boglarsky (Human Synergistics International)
- Niall Bolger (New York University)
- Martin Bolt (Calvin College)
- Charles Bond (Texas Christian University)
- Michael Harris Bond (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Kurt Boniecki (University of Central Arkansas)
- Victor M. H. Borden (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis)
- Eugene Borgida (University of Minnesota--Twin Cities)
- Gary Bornstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Bos, Arne van den (University of Groningen)
- Arjan E. R. Bos (Open University)
- Bette Bottoms (University of Illinois--Chicago)
- Martin Bourgeois (University of Wyoming)
- Leaf Van Boven (University of Coloradoo)
- Nyla Branscombe (University of Kansas)
- Markus Brauer (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Jack Brehm (University of Kansas)
- Lyle Brenner (University of Florida)
- Marilynn Brewer (Ohio State University)
- Jack Brigham (Florida State University)
- Robert Bringle (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
- Thomas W. Britt (Clemson University)
- Timothy Brock (Ohio State University)
- Donald Brown (University of Michigan)
- Jonathon Brown (University of Washington)
- Lisa M. Brown (University of Florida/CSEA)
- Fred Bryant (Loyola University of Chicago)
- Justin Buckingham (Towson University)
- Daphne Bugental (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Heather Bullock (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Barbara Bunker (State University of New York, Buffalo)
- Marina Burakova-Lorgnier (Bordeaux Business School)
- Jerry Burger (Santa Clara University)
- Peter J. Burke (University of California, Riverside)
- Eugene Burnstein (University of Michigan)
- Christopher T. Burris (St. Jerome's University)
- Brad J. Bushman, Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
- David Buss (University of Texas--Austin)
- Donn Byrne (University at Albany, State University of New York)
- Verónica Benet-Martínez (University of California at Riverside)
- Jennifer K. Bosson (The University of Oklahoma)
- John T. Cacioppo (The University of Chicago)
- Cleopatra Caldwell (University of Michigan)
- David E. Campbell (Humboldt State University)
- Jennifer Campbell (University of British Columbia)
- Arnie Cann (University of North Carolina--Charlotte)
- Nathan Caplan (University of Michigan)
- Gustavo Carlo (University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
- Don Carlston (Purdue University)
- Katherine Carnelley (University of Southampton)
- Peter Carnevale (New York University)
- Bruce Carter (Syracuse University)
- Charles Carver (University of Miami)
- Don Carveth (York University)
- Julio Cesar Casales F. (Faculty of Psychology at University of Havana)
- Arthur Cassidy (Belfast Institute of Further & Higher Education Northern Ireland)
- Heather Cecil (Penn State University, Capital College)
- Dan Cervone (University of Illinois--Chicago)
- Shelly Chaiken (New York University)
- Tanya L. Chartrand (Duke University)
- Michel Chambon (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Martin Chemers (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Serena Chen (University of California, Berkeley)
- Jerry Chertkoff (Indiana University)
- Bob Cialdini (Arizona State University)
- Marco Cinnirella (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Margaret Clark (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Sheldon Cohen (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D. (Teachers College, Columbia University)
- Ellen Cohn (University of New Hampshire)
- Steven Cole (Texas Christian University)
- Lerita Coleman (University of Colorado)
- Barry Collins (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Nancy Collins (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Andrew Colman (University of Leicester)
- Terry Colton (Worldwide Lifestyle Planners Ltd.)
- C. Randall Colvin (Northeastern University)
- Jane Connor (State University of New York at Binghamton)
- Carlos C. Contreras (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa)
- Colin Cooper PhD (The Queen's University of Belfast)
- Harris Cooper (University of Missouri--Columbia)
- Lynne Cooper (University of Missouri--Columbia)
- Diana Cordova (Yale University)
- Olivier Corneille (Catholic University of Louvain)
- Laurie Couch (Morehead State University)
- Phebe Cramer (Williams College)
- Chris Crandall (University of Kansas)
- William D. Crano (Claremont Graduate School)
- Matthew T. Crawford (University of Bristol (UK))
- Jennifer Crocker (University of Michigan)
- Faye Crosby (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Susan E. Cross (Iowa State University)
- Robert T. Croyle (National Cancer Institute)
- Gerald Cupchik (University of Toronto)
- Brian Cutler (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
- Carolyn Cutrona (Iowa State University)
- George Cvetkovich (Western Washington University)
- andrea camperio ciani (dept of general Psychology, Univ. of Padova, Italy)
- Alexandra F. Corning, PhD (University of Notre Dame)
- James Dabbs (Georgia State University)
- Michael Dambrun (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Benjamin Dattner (Adjunct professor- New York University)
- Clive Davis (Syracuse University)
- Keith E. Davis (University of South Carolina)
- Ken DeBono (Union College)
- John DeLamater (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Bella DePaulo (University of Virginia)
- Michel Desert (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- M. Catherine DeSoto (University of Northern Iowa)
- David DeSteno (Northeastern University)
- Trish Devine (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Robin DiMatteo (University of California--Riverside)
- Shari Diamond (University of Illinois--Chicago)
- Lisa M. Diamond (University of Utah)
- Amanda Diekman (Miami University)
- Ed Diener (University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana)
- Richard Dienstbier (University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
- Beth Dietz-Uhler (Miami University)
- Wilco W. van Dijk (Free University)
- Ap Dijksterhuis (University of Amsterdam)
- Ronald C. Dillehay (University of Nevada--Reno)
- Karen Dion (University of Toronto)
- Kenneth L. Dion (University of Toronto (Canada))
- Peter H. Ditto (University of California, Irvine)
- Willem Doise (University of Geneva)
- Ngaire Donaghue (Murdoch University)
- Michael J. Donahue (Azusa Pacific University)
- Karen Douglas (Keele University, United Kingdom)
- Jack Dovidio (Colgate University)
- Les Downing (State University of New York--Oneonta)
- Carsten K.W. De Dreu (University of Amsterdam)
- Steve Drigotas (Johns Hopkins University)
- Denise Driscoll (Purdue University)
- John Drury (University of Sussex)
- Chris Dunkel Schetter (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Dana S. Dunn (Moravian College)
- David Dunning (Cornell University)
- Dr Gerard Duveen (University of Cambridge)
- Carol Dweck (Columbia University)
- Alice Eagly (Northwestern University)
- Leslie G. Eaton (State University of New York College at Cortland)
- Ebbe Ebbesen (University of California--San Diego)
- Derek Edwards (Loughborough University)
- John D. Edwards (Loyola University of Chicago)
- John A. Edwards (Oregon State University)
- Per Eisele (Malmö University, Sport Science Division)
- Nancy Eisenberg (Arizona State University)
- Bob Eisenberger (University of Delaware)
- Phoebe Ellsworth (University of Michigan)
- Steve L. Ellyson (Youngstown State University)
- Nicholas Epley (Harvard University)
- Hans-Peter Erb (University of Jena)
- Ralph Erber (DePaul University)
- Len Eron (University of Michigan)
- Victoria Esses (University of Western Ontario)
- Richard I. Evans (University of Houston)
- Martin G. Evans (University of Toronto)
- Fabien Girandola (Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon)
- Tom Farsides (University of Sussex)
- Russell H Fazio (Ohio State University)
- Christopher M. Federico (University of Minnesota)
- Steven Fein (Williams College)
- Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Fennis, B.M. (Dept of Communication, Twente University)
- Bernardo M. Ferdman (Alliant International University)
- Frank Fincham (University at Buffalo, The State University of New York,)
- Bernhard Fink (Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology)
- Ira Firestone (Wayne State University)
- William Fisher (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
- Jeffrey D. Fisher, Ph.D. (University of Connecticut, Department of Psychology)
- Susan Fiske (Princeton University)
- Monique Fleming (University of Michigan)
- Garth Fletcher (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- Kory Floyd (Arizona State University)
- Robert Folger (A. B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University)
- Geoffrey T. Fong (University of Waterloo)
- Joe Forgas (University of New South Wales)
- Donelson R. Forsyth (Virginia Commonwealth University)
- John Forward (University of Colorado)
- Mindi Foster (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Dennis Fox (University of Illinois--Springfield)
- R. Chris Fraley (University of Illinois, Chicago)
- Linda E. Francis (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Renae Franiuk (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point)
- Melissa Franks (Wayne State University)
- Patricia Frazier (University of Minnesota--Twin Cities)
- Barbara Fredrickson (University of Michigan)
- Arthur M. Freedman, Ph.D. (AU/NTL and HRM Master's Degree Programs, American University)
- Armindo Freitas-Magalhães (ISCE - Felgueiras)
- Alan J. Fridlund (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Howard Friedman (University of California--Riverside)
- Ronald Friend (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Irene Frieze (University of Pittsburgh)
- Ann Fuehrer (Miami University)
- Solomon M. Fulero (Sinclair College)
- David Funder (University of California--Riverside)
- Michael Furr (Appalachian State University)
- Susan R. Fussell (HCII, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Robert Gable (Claremont Graduate School)
- Shelly Gable (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Sam Gaertner (University of Delaware)
- Lowell Gaertner (University of Tennessee)
- Stanley O. Gaines, Jr. (Brunel University)
- Adam Galinsky (Northwestern Universtiy)
- Wendi Gardner (Northwestern University)
- Karen Gasper (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Bertram Gawronski (Northwestern University)
- Andrew Geers (University of Toledo)
- Glenn Geher (State University of New York at New Paltz)
- Kathleen Gerbasi (Niagara County Community College)
- Ken Gergen (Swarthmore College)
- Mary Gergen (Pennsylvania State University--Delaware County)
- Meg Gerrard (Iowa State University)
- Ted Gessner (George Mason University)
- Hussein AL-Ghamdi (Dept. of Psychology, Umm AL-Qura University, Saudi Arabia)
- Ken Ghee (University of Cincinnati)
- Rick Gibbons (Iowa State University)
- Bryan Gibson (Central Michigan University)
- Robert Gifford (University of Victoria)
- Daniel Gilbert (Harvard University)
- DR. Barry Gillen (Old Dominion University)
- Tom Gilovich (Cornell University)
- Magali Ginet (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Bryan E. Gingrich (Nextel Communications)
- Jerry Ginsburg (University of Nevada--Reno)
- Linda Ginzel (University of Chicago)
- Traci Giuliano (Southwestern University)
- Jack Glaser (Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley)
- Peter Glick (Lawrence University)
- Dr. Maurice Godwin (Methodist College)
- George Goethals (Williams College)
- Joel Gold (University of Maine)
- Martin Gold (University of Michigan)
- Jeffrey H. Goldstein (University of Utrecht)
- Marti Gonzales (University of Minnesota--Twin Cities)
- Rich Gonzalez (University of Michigan)
- Stephanie Goodwin (Purdue University)
- Ernestine Gordijn (University of Groningen)
- Randall A. Gordon (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
- Sam Gosling (Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Valdiney V. Gouveia (Federal University of Paraiba)
- Sandra Graham (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Jon E. Grahe (Monmouth College)
- Richard H. Gramzow (Northeastern University)
- J. Peter Graves (DecisionPoint, Inc.)
- Graziano, William G (Department of Child Development & Family Studies, Purdue University)
- Melanie C. Green (University of Pennsylvania)
- Raymond J. Green (Texas A&M University-Commerce)
- Jeff Greenberg (University of Arizona)
- Martin Greenberg (University of Pittsburgh)
- Tony Greenwald (University of Washington)
- Aiden P. Gregg (University of Southampton)
- Larry Gregory (New Mexico State University)
- Deb Gruenfeld (Northwestern University)
- Serge Guimond (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Stan Gully (Rutgers University)
- Patricia Gurin (University of Michigan)
- Regan A. R. Gurung (University of Wisconsin--Green Bay)
- Mathias Gustafsson (Göteborg University)
- Lorraine Gutierrez (University of Michigan)
- Max Gwynn (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Richard Hackman (Harvard University)
- Geoff Haddock (Cardiff University)
- Jonathan Haidt (University of Virginia)
- Dr. Jamin Halberstadt (University of Otago)
- Judith Hall (Northeastern University)
- Dave Hamilton (University of California--Santa Barbara)
- Ian M. Handley (University of Florida)
- Craig Haney (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Eric M. Hansen (Mälardalen University)
- Donald A. Hantula (Temple University)
- Judy Harackiewicz (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Kent D. Harber (Rutgers University at Newark)
- Stephen Harkins (Northeastern University)
- Eddie Harmon-Jones (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Monica Harris (University of Kentucky)
- Richard Harris (University of New Mexico and American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT))
- Jason W. Hart (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
- John Harvey (University of Iowa)
- Martie Haselton (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Alex Haslam (University of Exeter)
- Reid Hastie (University of Colorado)
- Elaine C. Hatfield (University of Hawaii)
- Curt Haugtvedt (Ohio State University)
- Linda Heath (Loyola University of Chicago)
- Todd Heatherton (Dartmouth College)
- Mikki Hebl (Rice University)
- Marvin A. Hecht (Oracle Corporation)
- Martin Heesacker (University of Florida)
- Kathi L. Heffner (Ohio University)
- Madeline Heilman (New York University)
- Steve Heine (University of British Columbia)
- Vicki Helgeson (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Bob Helmreich (University of Texas--Austin)
- Janet Helms (University of Maryland--College Park)
- Marie Helweg-Larsen (Dickinson College)
- Scott H Hemenover (Kansas State University)
- Clyde Hendrick (Texas Tech University)
- Susan Hendrick (Texas Tech University)
- Nancy Henley (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Ronald Henss (University of Saarbrucken)
- Gregory M. Herek (University of California, Davis)
- Dr. Guido Hertel (University of Kiel, Dep. of Psychology)
- Anna Herzog (University of Michigan)
- Dick Heslin (Purdue University)
- Ursula Hess (Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Tory Higgins (Columbia University)
- N.C. Higgins (St. Thomas University)
- Chuck Hill (Whittier College)
- James Hilton (University of Michigan)
- Ed Hirt (Indiana University)
- Sara Hodges (University of Oregon)
- Matthew Hogben (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Michael Hogg (University of Queensland)
- Rob Holland (University of Nijmegen)
- Andrea Hollingshead (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- John Holmes (University of Waterloo)
- Bob Holt (George Mason University)
- Tom Holtgraves (Ball State University)
- Vera Hoorens (Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven / Leuven University)
- Rick Hoyle (Duke University)
- Christopher K. Hsee (University of Chicago Graduate School of Business)
- Rowell Huesmann (University of Michigan)
- Chuck Huff (St. Olaf College)
- Yuen Huo (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Aida Hurtado (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- William Ickes (University of Texas at Arlington)
- Eric Raymond Igou (New York University)
- Michael Inzlicht (New York University)
- Alice M. Isen (Cornell University)
- Tiffany Ito (University of Colorado--Boulder)
- James Jaccard (State University of New York, Albany)
- James Jackson (University of Michigan)
- Jay W. Jackson (Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne)
- Linda Jackson (Michigan State University)
- Jill A. Jacobson (Queen's University)
- Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Blair Jarvis (Empirisoft Corporation)
- Jerry Jellison (University of Southern California)
- Lauri Jensen-Campbell (University of Texas at Arlington)
- Richard Jessor (University of Colorado)
- Craig A. Johnson (Hofstra University)
- John A. Johnson (Penn State DuBois)
- Blair T. Johnson (University of Connecticut)
- Lucy Johnston (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- Jeff Joireman (Washington State University)
- Clara B. Jones (Livingstone College)
- James M Jones (University of Delaware)
- Kip Jones (De Montfort University)
- Daniel D. Jordan (Ventura County Public Health)
- Mike Jordan (Francis Marion University)
- Robert A. Josephs (University of Texas at Austin)
- John T. Jost, Ph.D. (New York University)
- Chick Judd (University of Colorado)
- Deana Julka (University of Portland)
- Lee Jussim (Rutgers University)
- Arnie Kahn (James Madison University)
- Cheryl R. Kaiser (Michigan State University)
- Seth C. Kalichman (University of Connecticut)
- Kalman Kaplan (Wayne State University)
- Arvid Kappas (en:International University Bremen)
- Steve Karau (Southern Illinois University--Carbondale)
- Nancy J. Karlin (University of Northern Colorado)
- Benjamin R. Karney (University of Florida)
- Jerzy J. Karylowski (University of North Florida)
- Saul Kassin (Williams College)
- Caroline Keating (Colgate University)
- Jaishankar Karuppannan (Manonmaniam Sundaranar University)
- Jan Keenan (University of Denver)
- Janice Kelly (Purdue University)
- Herbert C. Kelman (Harvard University)
- Markus Kemmelmeier (University of Nevada)
- David A. Kenny (University of Connecticut)
- Doug Kenrick (Arizona State University)
- Michael Kernis (University of Georgia)
- Norb Kerr (Michigan State University)
- Saera Khan (University of San Francisco)
- Sara Kiesler (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Heejung Kim (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Sung Hee Kim (University of Kentucky)
- Charles E. Kimble (University of Dayton)
- Don Kinder (University of Michigan)
- Laura A. King (University of Missouri)
- Leslie D. Kirby (Vanderbilt University)
- Mary Kite (Ball State University)
- Marc T. Kiviniemi (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Karl Christoph Klauer (University of Bonn)
- Robert Kleck (Dartmouth College)
- Katherine Klein (North Carolina State University)
- Bill Klein (University of Pittsburgh)
- Stan Klein (University of California--Santa Barbara)
- Laura Klem (University of Michigan)
- Eric Klinger (University of Minnesota, Morris)
- Eva Klohnen (University of Iowa)
- Esther S. Kluwer (Utrecht University)
- C. Raymond Knee (Chip) (University of Houston)
- Eric S. Knowles (University of Arkansas)
- Erika J. Koch (McDaniel College)
- Vladimir J. Konecni (University of California, San Diego)
- Margaret Bull Kovera (Florida International University)
- Bob Krauss (Columbia Univerisity)
- Robert Kraut (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Laura Kray (University of California)
- Jon Krosnick (Ohio State University)
- Joachim Krueger (Brown University)
- Arie Kruglanski (University of Maryland--College Park)
- Mike Kuhlman (University of Delaware)
- James Kulik (University of California--San Diego)
- Ziva Kunda (University of Waterloo)
- Dogan Kökdemir (Baskent University)
- Kevin L. Ladd (Indiana University South Bend)
- Jim Laird (Clark University)
- Alan Lambert (Washington University)
- Joris Lammers (University of Groningen)
- Dan Landis (University of Mississippi)
- Ellen Langer (Harvard University)
- Judith Langlois (University of Texas--Austin)
- Dan Langmeyer (University of Cincinnati)
- Kevin Lanning (Honors College, Florida Atlantic University)
- Rick Larrick (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University)
- Jeff T. Larsen (Texas Tech University)
- James R. Larson, Jr. (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- G. Daniel Lassiter (Ohio University)
- Bibb Latané (Center for Human Science)
- Brett Laursen (Florida Atlantic University)
- Aryeh Lazar (College of Judea and Samaria, Ariel, Israël)
- Benjamin Le (Haverford College)
- Colin Wayne Leach (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Campbell Leaper (University of California at Santa Cruz)
- Mark Leary (Wake Forest University)
- Darrin R. Lehman (University of British Columbia)
- Patrick J. Leman (University of London)
- Alison Lenton (University of Cambridge)
- Stephen J. Lepore (Teachers College, Columbia U.)
- Mark Lepper (Stanford University)
- Jennifer Lerner (Carnegie Mellon University)
- John Levine (University of Pittsburgh)
- George Levinger (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
- Sheldon Levy (Wayne State University)
- Sheri Levy (SUNY Stony Brook)
- Pawel Lewicki (University of Tulsa)
- Megan Lewis (University of Colorado)
- Norman Li (University of Texas at Austin)
- Nira Liberman (Tel Aviv University)
- Brian Lickel (University of Southern California)
- Matthew Lieberman (University of California at Los Angeles)
- Arnaud Liégeois (Catholic University of Louvain)
- Ramsay Liem (Boston College)
- Allan Lind (Duke University)
- Darwyn E. Linder (Arizona State University)
- Patty Linville (Duke University)
- Dr. Jack P. Lipton (Pepperdine University)
- Robert W. Livingston (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- David James Llewellyn (Leeds Metropolitan University)
- Marci Lobel (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Kenneth D. Locke (University of Idaho)
- Elizabeth Loftus (University of Washington)
- Chris R. Logan (Southern Methodist University)
- Gretchen Lopez (Syracuse University)
- Charles Lord (Texas Christian University)
- Marilyn Denise Lovett (Prairie View A & M University)
- James Luginbuhl (North Carolina State University)
- David Lundgren (University of Cincinnati)
- Neil Lutsky (Carleton College)
- John Lydon (McGill University)
- Michael Lynn (School of Hotel Admin., Cornell University)
- Sonja Lyubomirsky (University of California, Riverside)
- Geoff MacDonald (University of Queensland)
- David MacKinnon (Arizona State University)
- M. Kimberly MacLin (University of Northern Iowa)
- Patrick Macartney (University of Leeds)
- Diane Mackie (University of California--Santa Barbara)
- Keith Maddox (Tufts University)
- Stephanie Madon (Iowa State University)
- Laura Madson (New Mexico State University)
- Brenda Major (University of California--Santa Barbara)
- Bertram Malle (University of Oregon)
- Patrick S. Malone (Duke University)
- Roy S. Malpass (University of Texas at El Paso)
- David R. Mandel (University of Victoria)
- Melvin Manis (University of Michigan)
- Tony Manstead (University of Cambridge)
- Christine A. Marco (Worcester State College)
- Pacori Marco (CID-CNV (Center for Dynamic Hypnosis and Nonverbal Communication))
- William D. Marelich (Cal State Fullerton)
- Keith Markman (Ohio University)
- Hazel Rose Markus (Stanford University)
- Kerry L. Marsh (University of Connecticut (Tri-Campus, Hartford))
- Leslie R. Martin (La Sierra University)
- Leonard Martin (University of Georgia)
- Shadd Maruna (University of Cambridge (UK))
- David M. Marx (University of Groningen)
- Debra Mashek (George Mason University)
- Jaume Masip (University of Salamanca)
- Christina Maslach (University of California--Berkeley)
- Francis T. McAndrew (Knox College)
- Gary McClelland (University of Colorado)
- John McClure (Victoria University of Wellintgon)
- Allen McConnell (Miami University)
- Don McCreary (Defence R&D Canada - Toronto)
- Todd McElroy (Wake Forest University)
- Craig McGarty (Australian National University)
- Richard P. McGlynn (Texas Tech University)
- Daniel McIntosh (University of Denver)
- Jack McKillip (Southern Illinois University)
- Matthew N. McMullen (Montana State University-Billings)
- Victoria Medvec (Northwestern University)
- Albert Mehrabian, Ph.D. (UCLA)
- Nicole L. Meise (Oxford University)
- Marilyn Mendolia (University of Mississippi)
- Lawrence Messé (Michigan State University)
- David Messick (Northwestern University)
- Kristin Mickelson (Kent State University)
- Mario Mikulincer (Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University)
- Mike Milburn (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
- Claude Miller (University of Oklahoma)
- Dale Miller (Stanford University)
- Eric D. Miller (Kent State University)
- Art Miller (Miami University)
- Norman Miller (University of Southern California)
- Judson Mills (University of Maryland--College Park)
- Cynthia D. Mohr (Portland State University)
- Thomas Monson (Florida Atlantic University)
- Margo Monteith (University of Kentucky)
- Don Moore (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Dr Simon Moore (University of North London)
- Jill Morawski (Wesleyan University)
- Dick Moreland (University of Pittsburgh)
- Alain Morin (Mt Royal College)
- Beth Morling (University of Delaware)
- Michael W. Morris (Columbia University--Business School and (by courtesy) Psychology)
- Ezequiel Morsella (Yale University)
- Gordon Moskowitz (Lehigh University)
- Gabriel Mugny (University of Geneva)
- Brian Mullen (Syracuse University)
- Mark Muraven (University at Albany)
- Nora A. Murphy (University of Florida)
- Carolyn Murray (University of California--Riverside)
- Sandra Murray (State University of New York--Buffalo)
- Jochen Musch (Psychological Institute, University of Bonn)
- Thomas Mussweiler (Universität Würzburg)
- David Myers (Hope College)
- Rupert Nacoste (North Carolina State University)
- Janice Nadler (Northwestern University)
- Todd Nelson (California State University, Stanislaus)
- Charlan Jeanne Nemeth (University of California, Berkeley)
- Efrat Neter (Ruppin College)
- Steven Neuberg (Arizona State University)
- Matt Newman (The University of Texas at Austin)
- Len Newman (University of Illinois--Chicago)
- Darren Newtson (University of Virginia)
- John B. Nezlek (College of William & Mary)
- Steve Nida (The Citadel)
- Jason A. Nier (Connecticut College)
- Richard E. Nisbett (University of Michigan)
- Ara Norenzayan (University of British Columbia)
- Brian Nosek (University of Virginia)
- Maureen E. O'Brien (Louisiana State University-Alexandria)
- Kerth O'Brien (Portland State University)
- Ed O'Neal (Tulane University)
- Stephen D. O'Rourke (The College of New Rochelle)
- Kathryn Oleson (Reed College)
- Jim Olson (University of Western Ontario)
- Allen M. Omoto (Claremont Graduate University)
- Stuart Oskamp (Claremont Graduate School)
- Victor Ottati (Loyola University of Chicago)
- Sabine Otten (University of Groningen, Dept. of Social & Organizational Psychology)
- Jennifer R. Overbeck (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
- Frank Van Overwalle (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
- Timothy J. Owens (Purdue University)
- Michael J Owren (Cornell University)
- Daphna Oyserman (The University of Michigan)
- Daniel Ozer (University of California--Riverside)
- Monte Page (University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
- Bernadette Park (University of Colorado)
- Craig Parks (Washington State University)
- Heather Patrick (Baylor College of Medicine)
- Camille R. Patterson (Tarrant Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse)
- Del Paulhus (University of British Columbia)
- Paul Paulus (University of Texas at Arlington)
- George Paulus (Michigan State University)
- Andrew J. Pavlos, Ph.D, (Self Employed)
- Brett Pelham (State University of New York, Buffalo)
- James Pennebaker (University of Texas--Austin)
- Louis A. Penner (University of South Florida)
- Steve Penrod (John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
- Anne Peplau (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Dan Perlman (University of British Columbia)
- Randall S. Peterson (Cornell University)
- Terry F. Pettijohn II (Mercyhurst College)
- Richard E. Petty (Ohio State University)
- Cynthia L. Pickett (University of Chicago)
- Paula Pietromonaco (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Elizabeth C. Pinel (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Michael J. Platow (La Trobe University)
- Scott Plous (Wesleyan University)
- Eva Pomerantz (University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana)
- Judit Pont Boix (Social Psychology European Research Institute, School of Human Sciences, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH)
- Beth A. Pontari (Furman University)
- P. Marijn Poortvliet (Univeristy of Groningen)
- Tom Postmes (University of Exeter, University of Amsterdam)
- Jonathan Potter (Loughborough University)
- Richard Potts (Oklahoma State University)
- Jack L. Powell (University of Hartford)
- Anthony Pratkanis (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Felicia Pratto (University of Connecticut)
- Steven Prentice-Dunn (Department of Psychology, University of Alabama)
- radmila prislin (san diego state univerity)
- Dean G. Pruitt (University at Buffalo: State University of New York)
- Brian M. Quigley (Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo, SUNY)
- Diane Quinn (University of Connecticut)
- Eshkol Rafaeli (Barnard College, Columbia University)
- Carl Ratner (None)
- Bertram H. Raven (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Stephen Read (University of Southern California)
- Richard Reardon (University of Idaho)
- Rolf Reber (Department of Psychology, University of Bergen)
- Sandrinne Redersdorff (University of Clermont-Ferrand)
- Glenn D. Reeder (Illinois State University)
- Dennis Regan (Cornell University)
- Darcy A. Reich (Texas Tech University)
- Alan Reifman (Texas Tech University)
- Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Harry Reis (University of Rochester)
- Eun Rhee (University of Delaware)
- Nancy Rhodes (Institute for Communication Research, University of Alabama)
- Fred Rhodewalt (University of Utah)
- Deborah South Richardson (Augusta State University)
- Robert Ridge (Brigham Young University)
- Stephanie Riger (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Michael Riketta (University of Tuebingen, Germany)
- Kenneth L. Robey (Matheny Institute for Research in Dev. Disabilities)
- Dawn T. Robinson (University of Iowa)
- Michael E. Rock, Ed.D. (Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology)
- Matthew J Rockloff (Central Queensland University)
- Monica Rodriguez (State University of New York, Albany)
- Neal Roese (University of Illinois)
- Paul Rose (Union College)
- Suzanna M. Rose (Florida International University)
- Ralph L. Rosnow (Emeritus, Temple University)
- Mike Ross (University of Waterloo)
- Mick Rothbart (University of Oregon)
- Alex Rothman (University of Minnesota--Twin Cities)
- Wade C. Rowatt, Ph.D. (Baylor University)
- Angela Rowe (University of Bristol)
- Paul Rozin (University of Pennsylvania)
- Diane Ruble (New York University)
- Laurie A. Rudman (Rutgers University)
- Floyd Webster Rudmin (University of Tromsø)
- Rob Ruiter (Maastricht University)
- Caryl Rusbult (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Janet B. Ruscher (Tulane University)
- Ladonna Lewis (formerly Ladonna Rush) (Mesa Community College)
- Daniel Russell (Iowa State University)
- Curtis Russell (University of Detroit Mercy)
- Nancy Felipe Russo (Arizona State University)
- Adam Rutland (Université du Kent)
- Carey S. Ryan (University of Nebraska at Omaha)
- John Sabini (University of Pennsylvania)
- Stan Sadava (Brock University)
- Delia Saenz (Arizona State University)
- Lynda M. Sagrestano (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
- Moises F. Salinas (Central Connecticut State University)
- Peter Salovey (Yale University)
- Steven M. Samuels (US Air Force Academy)
- David Sanbonmatsu (University of Utah)
- Catherine A. Sanderson (Amherst College)
- Fabio Sani (University of Dundee)
- Larry Sanna (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Carol Sansone (University of Utah)
- Michael Sargent (Bates College)
- Kai Sassenberg (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
- David N. Sattler (Western Washington University)
- Kenneth Savitsky (Williams College)
- Angela Scarpa (Virginia Tech)
- Earl S. Schaefer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- David Shaffer (University of Georgia)
- Mark Schaller (University of British Columbia)
- Daan Scheepers (Leiden University)
- Karl Scheibe (Wesleyan University)
- Michael Scheier (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Klaus R. Scherer (University of Geneva)
- Barry Schlenker (University of Florida)
- Toni Schmader (University of Arizona)
- Michael T. Schmitt (Purdue University)
- David P. Schmitt (Bradley University)
- Andreas Schneider (Texas Tech University)
- David Schneider (Rice University)
- Michael F. Schober (New School for Social Research)
- Janet Schofield (University of Pittsburgh)
- Jonathan Schroeder (Royal Institute of Technology)
- Dave Schroeder (University of Arkansas)
- Norbert Schwarz (University of Michigan)
- Vann B. Scott, Jr. (Armstrong Atlantic State University)
- David Sears (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Steve Seidel (Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi)
- Denise Sekaquaptewa (University of Michigan)
- Clive Seligman (University of Western Ontario)
- Semin, Gün R. (Free University Amsterdam)
- Larry Severy (University of Florida)
- Todd K. Shackelford (Florida Atlantic University)
- William G. Shadel (University of Pittsburgh)
- Jim Shah (University of Wisconsin--Madison)
- Dr. Uma Shanker (Centre for Advancement of Management Sciences)
- Phillip R. Shaver, Ph.D. (University of California, Davis)
- Jerry Shaw (California State University--Northridge)
- Eugene Sheehan (University of Northern Colorado)
- Ken Sheldon (University of Missouri--Columbia)
- James Shepperd (University of Florida)
- David Sherman (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Jeff Sherman (Northwestern University)
- Jim Sherman (Indiana University)
- Richard Sherman (Miami University)
- Yuichi Shoda (University of Washington)
- Robert R. Short (Arizona State University)
- Carolin Showers (University of Oklahoma)
- James Sidanius (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Harold Sigall (University of Maryland--College Park)
- Roxane Cohen Silver (University of California, Irvine)
- Paul Silvia (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
- Jeffry A. Simpson (Texas A&M University)
- Robert C Sinclair (Laurentian University)
- Stacey Sinclair (University of Virginia)
- J. A. Skelton (Dickinson College)
- Linda J. Skitka (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Paul Skolnick (California State University--Northridge)
- John Skowronski (Northern Illinois University)
- Ben R. Slugoski (James Cook University)
- Christine Smith (Antioch College)
- Eliot Smith (Indiana University)
- John Smith (Sunderland University)
- Richard Smith (University of Kentucky)
- Craig A. Smith (Vanderbilt University)
- Steve Smith (North Georgia College and State University)
- Michael Smithson (Australian National University)
- Bill Snell (SE Missouri State University)
- Janet A. Sniezek (University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana)
- Mark Snyder (University of Minnesota)
- Joanna Sokolowska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology)
- Bob Sommer (University of California--Davis)
- Robert Sommer (University of California)
- Samuel Sommers (Tufts University)
- Richard Sorrentino (University of Western Ontario)
- Russell Spears (Cardiff University)
- Steven Spencer (University of Waterloo)
- Charles Stangor (University of Maryland--College Park)
- Jeffrey M. Stanton (Syracuse University)
- Diederik Stapel (University of Groningen)
- Gary Stasser (Miami University)
- Mark Stasson (Metropolitan State University)
- Claude Steele (Stanford University)
- Melanie Caroline Steffens (FB I-Psychologie, Universitaet Trier)
- Walter Stephan (New Mexico State University)
- Dennis D. Stewart (University of Minnesota, Morris)
- Robert A.C. Stewart, Ph.D. (Society for Personality Research)
- Joseph Stokes (University of Illinois--Chicago)
- Daniel Stokols (School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine)
- Jeff Stone (University of Arizona)
- Valerie Stone (University of Denver)
- William Stone (University of Maine)
- Fritz Strack (University of Würzburg)
- Alan Strathman (University of Missouri--Columbia)
- Michael Strube (Washington University)
- Art Stukas (La Trobe University)
- Eunkook Mark Suh (University of California, Irvine)
- Jerry Suls (University of Iowa)
- Nan Sussman (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
- Marcia Sutherland (State University of New York, Albany)
- Steve Sutton (University of Miami)
- D. Joye Swan (Woodbury University)
- Bill Swann (University of Texas--Austin)
- Janet Swim (Pennsylvania State University)
- Stephanie A. Shields (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Romin Tafarodi (University of Toronto)
- Giancarlo Tamanza (Catholic University, Milan)
- Santo Tarantino (Florida Atlantic University)
- Diane Taub (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale)
- Shelley E. Taylor (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Don Taylor (McGill University)
- Abraham Tesser (University of Georgia)
- Maria Testa (Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo)
- Phil Tetlock (Ohio State University)
- Thierry Meyer (Université Paris 10)
- Leigh Thompson (Northwestern University)
- Vaida Thompson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- R. Scott Tindale (Loyola University of Chicago)
- Josué Tinoco-Amador (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM))
- John Tivendell (Universite de Moncton)
- Joe Tomaka (University of Texas--El Paso)
- Alan Tomkins (University of Nebraska)
- Zakary Tormala (Indiana University)
- John Touhey (Florida Atlantic University)
- David Trafimow (New Mexico State University)
- Irina Trofimova (McMaster University, Collective Intelligence Laboratory)
- Yaacov Trope (New York University)
- Linda R. Tropp (Boston College)
- Michele M. Tugade (Boston College)
- Kandi Jo Turley-Ames (Idaho State University)
- John C. Turner (Australian National University)
- Jean M. Twenge (San Diego State University)
- Orit Tykocinski (Ben Gurion University)
- Tom Tyler (New York University)
- Warren Thorngate (psychology department, carleton university)
- Bert Uchino (University of Utah)
- James Uleman (New York University)
- Rhoda Unger (Brandeis University)
- John Updegraff (University of California, Irvine)
- Linda Vaden-Goad (Western Connecticut State University)
- Robin R. Vallacher (Florida Atlantic University)
- Robert J. Vallerand (Université du Québec a Montréal, Département de Psychologie)
- Ad van Knippenberg (University of Nijmegen)
- Joe Vandello (University of South Florida)
- Kees van den Bos (Utrecht University)
- Joop van der Pligt (University of Amsterdam)
- Eric Vanman (Georgia State University)
- Patrick T. Vargas (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- VERLHIAC JEAN-FRANCOIS (University of ParisX, Nanterre)
- Joe Veroff (University of Michigan)
- Bas Verplanken (University of Tromso)
- Theresa K. Vescio (Penn State University)
- Vivian L. Vignoles (University of Sussex)
- Penny S. Visser (University of Chicago)
- Bill von Hippel (University of New South Wales)
- Roos Vonk (University of Nijmegen)
- Mark Van Vugt (University of Southampton)
- Rolf van Dick (Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK)
- Wendy van Rijswijk (University of Nijmegen)
- Iain Walker (Murdoch University)
- Rebecca Warner (University of New Hampshire)
- Everett Waters (State University of New York--Stony Brook)
- Heidi A. Wayment (Northern Arizona University)
- Giff Weary (Ohio State University)
- Stephanie Wright Weeks (Methodist College)
- Ingo Wegener (University of Bonn)
- Duane Wegener (Purdue University)
- Dan Wegner (Harvard University)
- Bernard Weiner (University of California--Los Angeles)
- Glenn Weisfeld (Wayne State University)
- Gary L. Wells (Iowa State University)
- Carol Werner (University of Utah)
- Chris Wetzel (Rhodes College)
- Mark Whatley (Valdosta State University)
- Ladd Wheeler (Macquarie University)
- Jacquelyn White (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
- Paul White (University of Utah)
- Greg White (National University)
- Bernard Whitley (Ball State University)
- Allan W. Wicker (Claremont Graduate University)
- Lou Ann Wieand (Humboldt State University)
- Daniël Wigboldus (University of Amsterdam)
- Kip Williams (Macquarie University)
- Cynthia Willis-Esqueda (University of Nebraska--Lincoln)
- Tim Wilson (University of Virginia)
- Midge Wilson (DePaul University)
- Paul Windschitl (University of Iowa)
- Piotr Winkielman (University of California, San Diego)
- Harvey Winston (University of Pennsylvania)
- Gwen Wittenbaum (Michigan State University)
- Bernd Wittenbrink (University of Chicago)
- Wendy Wood (Duke University)
- Paul M. Wortman (State University of New York--Stony Brook)
- Camille Wortman (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
- Crystal Wright (Maryville College)
- Stephen Wright (University of California--Santa Cruz)
- Jack Wright (Brown University)
- Lawrence Wrightsman (University of Kansas)
- Oscar Ybarra (University of Michigan)
- Linda Yelland (University of Maine)
- John Yost (John Carroll University)
- Vincent Yzerbyt (Catholic University of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve)
- Stephen Zaccaro (George Mason University)
- William H. (Bill) Zachry (The University of Tennessee at Martin)
- Mark Zanna (University of Waterloo)
- Michael Zárate (University of Texas--El Paso)
- Leslie Zebrowitz (Brandeis University)
- Marcel Zeelenberg (Tilburg University)
- John Zelenski (Carleton University)
- Robert Ziller (University of Florida)
- Philip Zimbardo (Stanford University)
- Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster (University of Detroit Mercy)
- Richard E. Zinbarg (Northwestern University)