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[edit] Description - Beschreibung
English: Animated sequence of a horse galloping. Photos taken by Eadweard Muybridge (died 1904), first published in 1887 at Philadelphia (Animal Locomotion).
The sequence is set to motion using frames of Human and Animal Locomotion, plate 624, "Daisy" galloping.
Deutsch: Bildfolge eines Pferdes im Gallopp. Serienfotografie von Eadweard Muybridge (gestorben 1904), erstmals veröffentlicht 1887 in Philadelphia unter dem Titel Animal Locomotion.
Die Animation besteht aus Einzelbildern aus "Human and Animal Locomotion" (Bewegung von Mensch und Tier), Platte 624, "Daisy" im Galopp.
This is another version of Image:Muybridge_horse_gallop_animated.gif (black margins removed by Waugsberg).
[edit] Licensing
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