Discuter:Règlement international pour prévenir les abordages en mer
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
[modifier] copyright
Demande de renseignements faite auprès de l'OMI, les différents règlements sont sous copyright. Par contre le texte entier se trouve sur le site du gouvernement français ? j'ai donc inséré le lien en bas de page. (on peut noter qu'il se trouve aussi en français chez les Canadiens, Belges et Suisses.
Klipper 8 décembre 2005 à 17:10 (CET)
- Tant que j'y suis j'ajoute le texte de réponse de l'IMO:
"I refer to your copyright query re translation of Colreg. Thank > you for supplying information on your free online library > services (Wikisource) so that I understand your activities > better. As you may not know, the International Martime > Oganization (IMO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations > dealing with all matters relating to shipping such as maritime > safety and training of seafarers. Many of IMO publications are > translated into the official languages of the United Nations > which are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. > English, French and Spanish are the working languages of the > organization and COLREG 1972 has already been translated by IMO > and is sold by IMO Publishing. Income gained from the sale of IMO > publications is used by the Organization in its technical > co-operation activities. The title in question is under strick copyright and, on this basis, you cannot add it to your website. > I think you can undestand that income gained from IMO > publications serves a very important purpose in making our oceans > cleaner, securer and safer and appreciate therefore that it does > not fit into your mould of a free content. > Publishing Officer > Sales & Marketing > IMO Publishing Service > London, United Kingdom Klipper 21 juin 2006 à 08:39 (CEST)