Vita:Román nyelv
A Wikipédiából, a szabad lexikonból.
A táblázatokat nem akarom átformázni, ha valakit zavar így, tegye meg! - Gaja 2004. augusztus 24., 15:29 (CEST)
I noticed that some words are given an incorrect pronunciation:
- ştiinţa is [ʃti-'in-ʦa] - no [ji] diphtong here. [ji] doesn't occur in Romanian.
- creai is [kre-'aj] - two syllables, no [eaj] triphtong. Replaced with better example.
- vioară is [vi-'oa-rʌ], again no [ioa] triphtong. To the best of my knowledge there's no such triphtong in romanian. Beware of words like cioară; it seems to contain ioa in one syllable, but is actually transcribed as [tʃoa-rʌ].
- Ion: this is a bit tricky, some pronounce it in one syllable, some in two; like [i-on]. I replaced the example with a better one.
- continuu: again a tricky one, [uu] can be pronounced both as a diphtong and in hiatus: u-u. Can't find a better example so leaving it as is.
sorry for the english, but i don't speak hungarian :) IulianU (also on ro:); 2004. augusztus 24., 23:05 (CEST)
Thanks for this article about the Romanian language! Köszönöm szépen!
[szerkesztés] apró hiba
'befojásolt' van a szövegben, én 'befolyásolt' alakban használnám. (Aláíratlan hozzászólás, szerzője (vita • közreműködései) )
- Wikipédia:Bátran szerkeszd a lapokat! Te is nyugodtan javíthattad volna. -nagytibi üzen, ? 2006. december 6., 13:41 (CET)